>President Trump: Year One youtu.be/gFXcLi85cQY

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump/AG Sessions @Public Safety Medal of Valor Ceremony 2/20/18
>DefDep STRATCOM Strategic Deterrence in 21st Century 2/20/18
>SoS T-Rex presser w/Egyptian FM Shoukry 2/20/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on the ME 2/20/18
>DepSoS Sullivan @CSA 2/20/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 2/20/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 2/20/18
>VP Pence @The Border 2/19/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania return to DC 2/19/18
>AG Sessions on Sun Morning Futures 2/18/18
>VP Pence @GOP Reagan Day dinner 2/17/18
>VP Pence @America 1st Policies event in TX 2/17/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis inflight presser 2/17/18
>NSA McMaster @Munich Security Conf 2/17/18
>DNI Coates on russian election meddling 2/17/18
>This Week @State 2/16/18
>Tiffany/Barron arrive in WPalmBeach 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Sheriff's Office 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Hospital 2/16/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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how many years before suicide?

It was Democratic gun control policies that turned America's schools into soft targets.
It was Democratic gun control policies that made it illegal for teachers to defend themselves or their students.
It was Democratic gun control policies that led to a rise in the frequency and severity of school shootings.
The simplest, quickest, most effective way to end the carnage is to allow the teachers to arm themselves.



The thing is most teachers are pussies.

Stop right now and watch this video.

William Binney explains how corrupt the FBI and NSA is.
Explains how 2 hops in the FISA warrent covers entire Trump campaign

Lefty host Jimmy Dore overdoses on redpills
Realises Trump was right about being spied on
Realises the media are CIA plants.
Blackpills when he realises Trump is his only hope

>Why do they need to rule Mexico for?
>You don't produce coke, you literal nigger, they finance them here so they do and ship it for you.
So, what's your fucking point then? I don't give a flying fuck about what the Communist fucks do to your country, is not our problem. My original question was why the fuck do you care if immigrants get deported or not, or if DACA gets repealed or not, then you shifted the conversation about Mexico being communist, I told you that is it isn't and now you're saying that our cartels are electing communist in your country. Are you basically saying that Mexicans rule Brazil?

I'm not.

Thanks for baking, OP

Remember to get plenty of sleep, anons!
Don't you want to be as healthy as you can for those that care about you?


Fake. And ghey.

Videos about the guest more than Jimmy

Thanks user.
I like to get 10 hours of sleep when I can.

Night homos

Could of just gone to Turkey and been alive but no. Had to go all the way to Finland to get deported and deaded. Oh the humanity.


Donald Trump will be remembered like Thatcher is in the UK

How do you tell someone about how being Trans and that whole mentality is not only a mental illness but that it leads to all sorts of negative behaviors

Fucking disgusting. WHERE ARE THE PARENTS?

I sleep 10~12 hours whenever I don't have anything to do. Which is most of the time.

Show them the /lgbt/ catalog

Republican President out of nowhere for no reason at all starts a gun control agenda during his term and moves left of Obama.

Did someone drug him?

>lets import the people who make iraq violent
can europe be saved at this point

Hello /ptg/

I want to give amnesty to DACA children

I want to slowly but surely dismantle the 2nd amendment

I was a candidate in the 2016 general election

What's my name?

Only Nixon could go to China

Til next time.


someone post the parasite one

Donald J Trump

Or Hillary Rodham Clinton


Literally in the video.

If you show that to a normie they'll drop you. You need something softer to start with

Trump is a moderate new yorker,

I downloaded it for tmr

Show them the image of them sticking jars into the gaping wound that now exists where their penis once was. I didn't save it because it was 2gros4me.


My comfy friend.

All body modification is degenerate. Tattoos and piercings are a fucking gateway to trannyism.

Shlomo D. Sandnigger?

Checked and nn McCain
Never gets old!


>be daughter of the fucking President
>dress like a slut

Have them meet actual trans people.

I've never met a tranny that left me feeling like they should have anything less than a reserved spot in a mental asylum.

Go camping and take pictures for us


>try to "solve" school shootings
>they just move on to some other public space where people are gathered

they should just hang a shooters entire family

Couldn't you find something [spoiler] fun [/spoiler] to do instead?

Sleeping seems like such a waste of time.

>be obummers daughter
>smoke weed in public

Americans are a fucking disgrace!

Tattoos and piercings are a human universal, tranny shit is a horrible fad in response to our cucked post modernist society

why is a teenage boy walking around like a crippled mother of five

I can't believe Trump kept this thing, what happened to following the abort or abandon rule for female offspring?

>smoking weed

There's such a thing as sleeping too much though. Be careful and do what works for you

What if theyre already fine with Gays and Drags?

Good video user. I didn't know about this "2 hops" thing so now it makes a whole more sense

> get FISA warrant on Carter Page
> Carter Pager makes a phone call to (let's say) Manafort. That's hop 1
> Manafort has a meeting with the campaign team, that's hop 2
Now the FBI can request NSA data on the whole Trump campaign, get new FISA warrants based on that, expand the scope.

NewsFinn: watch that video starting from 11 min. It will blow your mind

How is Finland so based?

Carley Shimkus hips are a good morning wake me up!

>TFW There was an earthquake two days ago (CDMX)
>TFW live literally not even a block away from a big constructon project
>TFW the motherfuckers always start their bullshit at midnight


>being a weedsmoking begging gypsy

>smoking weed
hahah lol bro enjoy being a queer like the hippies, who turned so gay from weed they made women start wearing pants to look like men

The same pussy teachers are propagating leftardation in your schools so you either fire them or let them get shot by lunatics or get used to leftardation, there's no other choice guys.

So it's America's fault that they buy your drugs, and it's Latin America's fault that you finance the Communists that allow the drug production to continue, and Mexico dindu nothing?
That's clever of you.
>My original question was why the fuck do you care if immigrants get deported or not, or if DACA gets repealed or not
I love the United States of America and your spawn is destroying it, it's pretty simple.
Mexico don't even rule Mexico, your drug dealers do through their political organizations.
You're just so stuck up on your own ass that you failed to understand what happens, everybody over there is Mexico is way too happy as long as they can turn their heads the other way.
My point is that these people are destroying my country.

I assure you it is worth the long read too. Because once you read all of it you'll never forget it.

Then you are very much kidding yourself. Your country is run by literal narco terrorists or those that take their money.

over there in* Mexico

Then let the people in those places carry too.


>“They told me, ’If you don’t leave you are going to jail,’” Tesfagabr recalled. “It’s forced. They tell you to say you are going voluntarily, but it is not voluntary. They force you to deport yourself.”


I honestly have been thinking about going to the site where Rin and Nadeshiko met before it gets warmer and crowded, but I'm not sure I'm prepared for it.

My definition of fun is watching anime, playing games, and shitposting about Trump. Which is pretty much all I spend my waking hours doing.

Truly horrifying.

Like a hero and a villain at the same time.


>So it's America's fault that they buy your drugs
Supply and DEMAND.

How could they approve of this? How could his father let him do this?????????

>I read it months ago
>I forgot
>I immediately recognise it by thumbnail
Haha watching someone dissamble their life is horrifying.

Oh yeah, don't you see all the "AMERICAN cartels operating in Mexico"?
It's incredible.

The best treatment for gender dysphoria is to allow transition.

Save your breath he's already been beheaded

Eritrea has a higher life expectancy than Uganda or Rwanda kek. He's going to die within 10-20 years.

I share your sentiments but teacher unions keep these guys around forever and high profile school shootings don't occur often enough for these hacks to be replaced quick enough.
The most alpha teacher in my HS was a P.E teacher and a wrestling coach but he was a secretly a huge cuck because he refuses to touch guns.

>So it's America's fault that they buy your drugs, and it's Latin America's fault that you finance the Communists that allow the drug production to continue, and Mexico dindu nothing?
Yes, it is America's fault, they buy the drugs, they give the cartels the guns, it's their way to keep Mexico under their control, they've done that since a little later after we got independence.

>I love the United States of America and your spawn is destroying it, it's pretty simple.
And how does 'our spawn' affect you? Or how does that even affect the US?

>Mexico don't even rule Mexico, your drug dealers do through their political organizations.
What political organizations?

>My point is that these people are destroying my country.
How are we doing that?

You wish.

I expect it and I still find myself saying "every fucking time." It never ends.

Donald trumps entire life and career has been building to this crucial point in American history:

The bankruptcy of the United States and a rise from the ashes.

>he is using Jew paper money to build the infrastructure and military it would take to rid ourselves of the Jew banks.
>down goes China the largest holder of our debt
>the USA emerges debt free, stronger than ever.
>Trump the president like trump the business man doesn't worry about debt so long as he has a plan to shake it and come out on top anyway.

God bless DJT and God bless the USA

The man who pardons Clinton knows no ethics.

How much I fucking hate this faggot. Wow. Posting a fucking pic to promote his book.

>wew i heard people miss my photo tweets guise

You should, I started and finished watching the show yesterday and then went to wikipedia's "List of National Parks in Japan". It all looks so comfy, plus less chance of getting eaten by bears/wolves/mountain lions compared to here.

Living the dream.
How are you sustaining your NEET status, if I may ask?

Well, if that's what you love I guess.

kosher conservatives are sending me videos of about D Hogg and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I don’t know if the conditioning is breaking, but I’m a little less blackpilled than normal.

>>Trump the president like trump the business man doesn't worry about debt so long as he has a plan to shake it and come out on top anyway.
lmao that's why he's only worth like 3 billion and has a shit ton of bankrupted businesses.

I actually want Mexico to stop being a shithole so all the Mexicans go/stay there. I like you guys much more when you're 3k miles away.
so loud

That's your moral equivalency? "Addicts want drugs so we have to turn our country into a shithole to placate them."

Imagine being as vapid as you.

Guys Turkey is about to fight against Assad and Iran. USA literally made them fight each other by supporting the kurds.

Who is D hogg?

You buy the drugs and finance the production of their crops and the leftist politicians turning Latin America into another USSR, so you are for the Region what you claim America is for you.
>Or how does that even affect the US?
Crime, it's all yours or blacks, or muslims for that matter.
>What political organizations?
Foro de São Paulo, FARC, ELN, PCC, all with roots and finance depended on drug dealing.
>How are we doing that?
I've already said it before, everything or mostly is related to drug dealing, violent crime on most cases.
Selling drugs to the Middle-East or Africa, and then shipping it to Europe and Asia, as a consequence financing Muslim organizations and every single brand of Communist you can imagine.

> The day that Trump cucks on guns and becomes worse than Obama ever was, he is less blackpilled because of David Hogg being shared by a couple of boomers

Drumpf literally told us his plan over and over was to have mudslimes fight themselves. Pretty funny actually.

A sandnigger refugee trying to destroy Americans.

>USA literally made them fight each other by supporting the kurds.
No my friend, thank our not so Greatest Ally™


Comey told pretty much everything needed to prosecute Clinton for crimes like mishandling of classified information, perjury, private server, but the DOJ at the time didn't indict or charge her (and at some point Lynch even passed the buck of prosecutorial power to Comey).

It's not REALLY Comey's fault she wasn't charged. It is ultimately at the hands of the DOJs that keep ignoring Clinton. and current admin seems to be doing the same.