Meta Thread

A discussion for improving board wide content and using filters to help bump fresh content and cut down on the number of repetitive shill threads.

Some user addons that will help you filter meme flaggers and phone posters. Forums-x


Who cares

>improving Sup Forums
This board is a toilet.
It's basically the new Sup Forums.

how do i filter canada

thats because newfags dont know how to use filters user

He just showed you how

The canadian that posts powerful ironically is funny as shit, but he's not usually the OP

>going through this much effort on normie Sup Forums

Either Shill or Summernigger.

download Sup Forums X or App Chan or w/e and add the Canadian flag to your filters. I have done it in the past when i get sick of their stupidity and crying.


i wouldn't know i got sick of seeing it all of the time so just added it to filter.

>He just showed you how
no he didnt lmao its like you didnt even open the fucking image nigger.

You're the same group of guys that are upset over the twitter bannings aren't you? You like free speech in one arena, and despise it in the other?

>its real in my mind
Okay user.

I would change black panther to black* right away

Look again, find me one canadian post getting past that.


I don't bother with filters because I'm lazy. I just don't enter those stupid ass threads. I also like to report the nigger dick threads. Mods ban me if I report too many nigger dicks though, nigger dick loving faggots.

Newfag shitpost bot, emu fucker.
Only faggots give filters. How about you post your CC# and date of birth.
After I secured a house, by your name, I’d be glad to share my filters.

>phone poster

Debating just adding Women to the filter and being done with it nothing good ever comes from those used holes.

6/10 ign "needs more yellowstone"

We can have some fun with this. Lets look at everyones favourite porn board /gif/.

Ow wow
Oh no

filters dont work,shill bypass them really easily +mods ignore them if they dont post porn tier images

what * symbol does ?

expression modifier. It matches any character.
"black**" filters: black, blacks, blacked, etc..

thanks , any way to filter threads without subject ?

>Lets look at everyones favourite porn board /gif/
Everybody knows that /d/ is the best porn board.

SHIFT + LEFT CLICK in catalog view hides the thread your mouse pointer is hovering over.
Hide, hide, hide. Hide shill threads. Don't go in there an argue yourself blue in the face. Get in a good thread and bump it instead.

/gif/ has really gone downhill since they got taken over with nigger porn

thanks,very helpfull,any other tricks?

Thats the filter for an empty OP. I don't think you can specify subjects

If you filter out "no blacks" you almost get an equal amount of threads. There seems to be some movement

If you go to filters and click the quesiton mark in the top right you get more details

i always see a natsoc thread there which seems to trigger the cucks to no end.

doesnt work , post example how to type it

by no subject i mean faggot shills like pic related

NatSoc is better on wsg anyway. It stays up longer

I don't know. I don't use it myself. Here is the cheat sheet

Filtering meme flags is dumb. I use one because my VPN is not in my country of origin, and I enjoy how the Nazi flag constantly triggers redditors that try to shill our board.

Most of the JIDF shills use US flags, by the way. It's not like shills can't afford VPNs.

sorry user i dont know how try looking in this mega thread

i always thought 50% of leaf posters were proxy jidf

People still use it? I thought it died out when it became listed

Learn to use regular expressions, they're a hell of a lot more powerful than a wildcard. /wom(a|e)n/i for example, will filter both 'women' and 'woman' regardless of case. I use this one from time to time when the board gets a bit too thirsty and 1 in 3 threads are bitching about chicks rather than talking politics. /jew(s|ish)/i is another good one if the stormfront is getting a bit rediculous.
Dude /qa/ are 4chans fun police. They've always got a Sup Forums happenings thread where the monitor other boards and bitch to their lefty mods about threads they dont like until something is actioned. Theyre essentially Sup Forumss arch nemesis.


thanks ,is appchan x good? instalation asks for access to all personal data

tell it to fuck off then i just linked it because anons want to filter flags.

Oh I know that they are the fun police. The reported all the hwndu threads and Sup Forums raids. Why did it go public again?



ok this is the ultimate filter list, filters over 150 threads

i dont like blanket banning white

if you want to filter green text OP use this.

Is there anything left after all those filters?

no dickburgler, I'm cpu posting,

>filtering greentext