they are destroying the things I love and im not strong enough to resist
Kino no Tabi
Kino is the best thing to happen to Sup Forums in a long while.
I don't know what you're talking about OP. Kino has always been pure sex beneath her jacket.
Just finished watching this, will the new anime cover new stories, remake the old ones or a mix of both?
A mix of both but we're certainly getting new content since Ti, Master, and Master's boytoy are going to be in it meaning we might get the Boat story. Also means less Kino though.
I wouldn't mind if they remade ones I liked, Land Of Prophecies for instance but not A Kind Land, that one hit like a truck at the end once you remembered all the little things.
If you were at a private beach alone with Kino and you saw pic related, how would you react?
[ ] Put it in
[ ] Genuflect
[ ] Save Illya.
Why does Kino look like a bulldyke now?
Probably mix of both.
Better a dyke than a potato.
>implying this haircut isn't one of the best a tomboy can have
Can you stop calling her a potato? Stop being rude.
But I like the potato.
Both are good
Would you prefer "The Pillsbury Doughgirl"?
No. That dyke look is fucking disgusting and will look worse with the anime's QUALITY. I want cute childish Kino back.
Kino is not a potato.
I'd prefer you to stop being rude and criticizing my waifu.
>childish Kino
This is your Kino now.
So is Kino a boy or a girl?
Does he/she get a gf or bf in the novels?
She's a cute potato though.
Kill yourself
Kino is female.
Kino is Kino.
Also lurk more and google it faggot
>So is Kino a boy or a girl?
Kino was a boy, then Kino became a girl.
>Does he/she get a gf or bf in the novels?
Yes. Here's Kino with her girlfriend (male), xxxxx. She is only 12-years old.
Both of those are Kino though
Kill yourself
Funny story, when I started watching the anime I thought that kino was a boy. Is this intentional on the part of the creator?
>I started watching
Did you not finish it either? It's literally explained why she dresses the way she does.
nope, i dropped it pretty soon after i realized how dark the show was going to be. to be honest I'm not even sure why i'm in this thread.
>It's literally explained why she dresses the way she does.
Pretty sure her clothes are just a gift from Master, but she stopped wearing dresses by the time she got them.
>after i realized how dark the show was going to be
The series is more of a sunrise/sunset kind of show than a new moon midnight or early, early morning kind of show. There's lighthearted stories mixed in with the more somber, violent or sad stories and not everything ends on a sobering self-reflective note. Case in point, here's a picture of Kino from one of the stories where she gets really excited over being able to cook food for a bunch of people.
I'd be very impressed that she carried those colossal ice cream stacks from wherever the ice cream store is without them falling over or even melting at all.
i remenber it
the new kino seems to be quit a bit older to me
Kino has been 1X-years old for the 17 years it has been around.
Why does she wear a helmet?
I know its just if you're comparing their body the new kino shes alot taller and more developed
>shes alot taller
She's not a dwarf like 2003 Kino.
>more developed
They're both really flat, user I have no idea how you see either one as having more physical development.
>this is your hermes in the current year
cut my life into pieces
I totally forgot they will surely make Hermes appear as CGI in a shitton of shots. Too bad.
By the way, here are character design sheets from the manga
I want to be this motorrad.
I only just realized Kino keeps her hat's earflaps up with her goggles. I always thought they were just part of the sides of her hat.
>draw a faggy light novel mc
>say it's a girl
I hate the new design.
Be glad Kino isn't an isekai protagonist and that she doesn't have a gaggle of men that stick around and want to fuck her.
They're tied up at the top, that's how you wear the hat if you're not in Russia and it's not the middle of winter.
SJWs have rewritten the Kino wiki page.
In the story Country of Adults -Natural Rights- (大人の国 -Natural Rights-), Kino recalls living as a girl in the Country of Adults before meeting Hermes and borrowing the name "Kino" from another traveler.[4]:166-198 However, in the present Kino does not seem to identify as female or male
Kino is Kino, I'd say they got that right.
Why should anyone care?
This. Though I guess "does not seem to identify as female or male" is a pretty political statement these days.
This show's seriously made me consider buying a Brough Superior, but haven't had the courage to pull the trigger. I'd have to sacrifice too much to afford the fucking thing.
>However, in the present Kino does not seem to identify as female or male
First off, fuck that wiki page. It included information from a fucking fanfic for years. Second, the people who edit that wiki don't even read the fucking LN. Kino knows she's a girl but prefers using "boku" because she likes how it sounds with the name and it's less of a hassle for her if she avoids falling in love, so if people mistake her for a boy it's less of a problem for her.
It's only political if you get angry about it.
>It included information from a fucking fanfic for years
What was it?
The old wiki page called a girl who referred to herself with male pronouns. The old page also used "her" while the new page is completely neutral and uses "they." That's not even grammatically correct.
Kino apparently falling in love with a boy named Kuro who also happened to have a talking motorcycle after being treating his wounds during his stay in Master's home.
It's a inofficial fan-made wiki page just ignore it. It doesn't matter anyway.
That does sound like a fanfiction.
I would say it's pretty political because the person who wrote this is making an assumption. It would be like going into Homura's wiki page and writing "she seems to be a lesbian".
Using they/them as a pronoun for someone you don't know the gender of is grammatically correct. That special snowflakes hijacked it does not mean it's now wrong.
Traditionally speaking "she/he" would be the correct term for unknown gender instead of "they." But that was back when male and female were the only genders, not polyfluidotherkin.
Consider a scenario where you don't know a person and are a 100% unsure of this person's gender. It is correct to refer to this person as "them", as well as "he". "She" is exclusive for females.
Usually people just use and assume one gender or the other until that person corrects them.
As far as the Bakatsuki translations go, people usually seem to be able to identify Kino's gender pretty easily so they usually call her 'miss traveler' and the like.
Take the below text for example:
>The woman ignored her husband and handed a tiny paper bag to Kino.
>“Here. A souvenir from this country. Open it.”
>Kino looked inside. Carved on a tiny iron plate was a pair of water birds that resembled wild ducks nestled close together. She showed it to Hermes.
>“It’s a charm. I thought a big one would be a bother to take with you.”
>“Thank you very much. What kind of charm is this?” Kino asked, and the woman answered with a smile.
>“It’s for a happy marriage. These are called ‘Mandarins’. It is said that these birds live their whole life with the same partner. A long time ago, married couples with good relationships were called ‘Mandarin couples’. Someday, somewhere, I wish that you would find a wonderful partner, miss traveler.”
>“……. Thank you… very much.”
>With an indescribable expression on her face, Kino thanked the woman. And then, she pushed Hermes into the gates. She looked back once and saw the woman striking the man several times.
It may be wrong, but I wouldn't really say it's political. It's just some faggot making assumptions. They choose to see Kino as genderless, I think she's just a girl who looks like a boy and doesn't care to correct people when they mistake her for one. It is kinda subjective and unclear so putting it on wikipedia is probably a bad idea, but what can you do.
And Homu is gay as hell, for the record.
>miss traveler
So pretty much 旅人さん? さん is genderless, "miss" is localization. This is why you read stuff in Japanese.
I can't wait for the anime to come out so I can have my first experience with stupid sexy Kino.
Why didn't Kino get a real motorcycle?
I thought the same and didn't realize until the origin episode that those guys in ep 2 were trying to rape her. I thought they were just gonna mug him or something. Real obvious in hindsight.
Is it bad that this pic isn't lewd to me? I just want to help her get up and pull up her pants. Falling down on the mud is pretty bad,
Yes, you weirdo.
>Kino replaces Hermes with a Harley Davidson
>it always speaks in a really loud, angry yelling voice and can never fucking whisper
Kino's butt is small and firm, not round and sexy.
Shit I thought they were trying to capture her to sell her off when they get back to their country. Virgins go for a higher price, I don't care what slaver you talk to.
She's not a bulldyke (yet). Maybe wait until she hits 40 and gains 90 pounds.
>40-year old Kino
I need to see what an expired christmas cake Kino would look like. I doubt she's willing to regrow her hair unless she gets knocked up.
Rewatched the scene and you're right, my memory must have played tricks on me when I thought back on it later. They outright say their slave traders.
they're* fuck I hate messing that up.
That's not book-grammar. Using the combined "she/he" (as quoted, not one or the other) is the traditional correct use. "They" should be exclusively collective. As in: "But when he turned around, he/she was there."
It's awkward as fuck to use he/she though, so I'm with the SJWs on this one.
I was raised in a house full of editors so I'm a grammar Nazi when it comes to something published publicly like wikiniggers. I'm glad I'm not really autistic, so I've never been tempted to actually edit a wiki page.
>2008 Kino
You should. I began to edit Wikipedia and other related stuff a few years ago and now I get free trips to wherever they have their yearly convention. I was in Canada a week ago.
Any good looking women at those things?
I just saw a cute German girl this year. Most of the women aren't bad but aren't gorgeous either. Out of 80 or so women that attended I think only the 10% can be considered ugly because they have the SJW look on. Almost every woman is such a bitch though. Fuck them.
>"They" should be exclusively collective
It's been used by authors in the singular sense for hundreds of years. Just accept that it's a legitimate use.
This hurts me more than you realize. Hermes doesn't deserve to become a plastic CG piece of shit.
>makes claim
>doesn't give any kind of evidence
Gakuen Kino when?
I'll settle for some OVAs if I have to.
>violent, genki, energetic tomboy magical girl fighting aliens with a wide variety of firearms.
It'd probably work if the episodes were 12-15 minutes long, I think. She's really only Kino in name and appearance though (plus an ahoge).
Looks good to me
She's one.
>no scanlines
New Kino is automatically better.
Sorry autocorrect.
I assume you also think the first anime was infinitely better simply because Ryutaro Nakamura worked on it.
It's going to be hard for me to adapt to the new design, but as long as the story is as good as in the original anime it should be fine.
You rather her look as manly as snufkin?
2003 Kino was basically a female Snufkin as far as looks go. I want more Kino/Snufkin crossover images.
how often does Kino masturbate?