You know what to do.

Wait 7 years and see if he saves the white race. Then we'll talk. Until then, fuck off. This is like giving obama the (((nobel peace prize))) before did anything (and he never did)

I think he should be on the mountain before we get exterminated. So future subhumans know who our last Emperor was.

Although they would probably destroy it, but that's assuming they know how to operate explosives or machinery.

We shouldn't incentivize failure in america

>takes country out of economic nightmare imposed by black president and jews

>extermination of the white race and humanity with it

Am I the only one convinced Trump is engaged in a fight with the jews for our existence?

Yes, and whether he (us) wins or loses will determine whether he has his face on rushmore or not.

You're doing it wrong
>Start petition with the name "Replace slave owner Thomas Jefferson on Mount Rushmore"
>All the leftists and retards sign it en masse without reading anything except the title
>It says to replace Jefferson with Trump