What should be done about western men?

What should be done about western men?

Ban jap cartoons.

Sleep with them.

Shame them into suicide.

Would fugg 2 and 3

REPOST TO KILL SHILLS! Here is the mission of Sup Forums– always has been – always will be — no one will change this, ever…… as long as we fight for it.

1. Get normies to take the FIRST redpill, the holohoax. There is NO other redpill before this. ZERO. You cannot escape the modern matrix without removing the basic foundations of its reality. Anyone who says otherwise is your enemy.

2. Studies in the Process of Demoralization and Cultural Marxism. This includes the entire system and how it has affected your personal life.

3. Deep studies on the origins of your existence, starting with the origins of the Universe, moving to around 30,000 BCE with the Cro-Magnon, and finalizing to the age of racial suicidal. This is where most of us split on naturalism/philosophy-science vs. religion/esoterics. But it's still important to re-establish a genetic, historical relationship to life itself and know why the fuck we are here (why you are here!). We must re-establish the meaning of the Aryan spirit!

4. Deep studies in self improvement to become, "the higher man" and, "herald the coming of the Overman". We all know the meaning of self improvement… The Overman is defined as a form of Futurism and Eugenics for whites, not controlled by Jews or the Communist dystopian BORG. It is important to plan for the future even if you're not physically apart of it because that's what life as a higher man/woman is all about.

5. Volk

>Financial nepotism

>War and Power


>Health and Nature


>Anonymous friendship that is not centralized


Anyone who takes you away from this set of goals is the enemy. PERIOD! No capitulation. No moderation. No fucking compromises. Just DAY OF THE FUCKING ROPE!!

I want a finnish sissy boi to cuddle and love

Getting ready for that bbc

Finn bashing thread?
Finn bashing thread.



giv finnish boipussy pls

breed them out of existence


what's with the tits?

kinda hot desu


hormone treatment

Huutikset tiedosto nimelle

100% the 2 on the left watch anime and is what influenced them to do this.

>lurk leddit
>they want genetically engineered catgirls

>philippines is talking about ladyboys
hmm interesting

Insert falukorv in boipussy


I wanna FUCK that

Nuke us please

Bora so cute www >_< queen of Finland




Go on

Stop being Christians


>on mother's day we visit macdonalds
>it's a luxury

100% all school shooters watch movies and is what influenced them to do that.

Finns belong to superior Sup Forums cock


Fuck them? Middle and right one don't look half bad, for faggots.

The zionist jew influence is strong in Finland. People do ridiculous things to themselves brainwashed by propaganda veiled under the guise of tolerance and equality to think it's cool, socially acceptable and encouraged to be weak-willed, morally bankrupt and degenerate.


Don't worry user, we're on the same path here also but with more immigrants

Norwegian "men".


Breaking: northern european males look girlish

Let's stay positive. Once the Guantanamo Bay starts filling up with the elite pedos, things should start slowly changing around the whole world. The healing process will be initiated.


All hail the awakening of the new Aryan race!

Post norwegian traps, comrade.

Oh no. This image, it hypnotized me.

