My penis is this big

my penis is this big

>get on his smart phone
>make his dick bigger

Why wouldn't he just attach his smart phone to his crotch? Chicks love vibrating phalli.

this dude can just make his dick the size of a horse's if he wanted with his magic.

>get on his smartphone
>make girl's whole body erogenous and 100x times more sensitive
Dick problem solved

Is it really fun watching a man without flaws?
I mean, even death march or new gate look like a deep and meaningful experience compared to smartphone.
Weren't even japs offended by it?

>his cock doesn't vibrate normally

Would you just proud various parts of her body with your glans?

I want Satou Kazuma to kick this faggot's ass.

>can cure blindness, fatal wounds, poison, cancer
>can perform al types of element magic and neutral magic
>unlimited memory
>can make black holes to teleport himself and his bitches anywhere he wants
>harem of all sizes and colors
>royal family loves and trusts him
>engaged to the princess
>GOS on phone
>has god's number on his contact list
>rich as fuck, owns a mansion

still fun to watch somehow.

GPS on phone*

>has only a single contact in his phone
Fucking loser.

who else could he call?

Can't he import his contacts or something? I'm pretty sure he can. But the world he's originally from knows he's dead and it's not like this fantasy world is full of phones.

can't he multiply or create smartphones from scratch with his godly powers?

>that fucking white trenchcoat and Not-Kirito design
I can't stop laughing.

Question is it bad if it kinda vibrated a bit at random times?

MC is based

>2 inches

So normal jap size?

I think it's by design. Like the writer decided to see if he could peddle crap on harem alone. Every single story is a never ending co-incidence, but I guess you could make the argument that god is giving him such favorable outcomes where he lands next to someone willing to pay 10 gold for a school uniform which is enough to pay for a year and a half of room and board at an inn, where quests will earn you 20 days of said inn in income and then the king destroys all notions of logic with currency of means of survival by giving him so much money and a home that he should literally just stop being an adventurer and buy a town / army or whatever he can think of.

But he doesn't do anything interesting. It's just "I have a magical smartphone and 3 cute girls around me".

>3 cute girls
I don't think you're quite up-to-date anymore.

I lost interest. I don't know, maybe this anime is intended for a younger audience. I didn't find his sherlock holmes deduction skills especially deep, I thought the way the royal family acted was way too accommodating since royal families in fuedal periods are typically founded in beliefs of genetic purity and superiority and I was kind of hoping that it would try some world building, but I'm just not sure how interesting said world building will be when he's literally discovered some of the most OP abilities a person could possibly have in the few episodes from teleportation to being able to find any object in the world as well as teleport said object to his position.

He's approaching touhou level power.

It is bad. I'm not entirely sure why I am still watching it, but I think that the utter lack of any tension and the superficial nature of the conflicts are relaxing. Nothing will go wrong because nothing can go wrong. Also, the girls are cute.

Slip too OP, plz nerf.

I want Kuzuma to get shat on by someone who actually tasted true suffering and not comedic shenanigans with dumb cute girls.

They're simply characters based on the most popular heroic figure in history, Jesus
Jesus is flawless yet his story is still interesting what with the betrayals, and struggles against evil

But where are struggles and betrayals, Lebowski?

>get smartphone
>enchant: dick
problem solved

All A1 pictures characters look like that.

>insert into all waifu's omanko
It's just too much power