Devil nation

How do we stop this devil nation?
>trying to invade Syria
>trying to cause terror in western nation
>cause war in Yemen
>develope nuclear weapon to bomb US
>support North korea by giving nuclear technologies

Seriously, Isn't this nation evil and disgusting?

We need to invade that shity nation and should bring freedom and democracy as US did in Iraq.

There is no freedom in a shit nation. Fucking Shias beat themselves to a pulp they do not listen to reason. But US cant invade shit your boys can’t do shit Afghanistan, at least we liberated the iraní lovers in Yemen so why don’t u do your fucking job


So much jew in one post
>oy vey goyim lets kill these anti semites who hate israel because that will be important for america
>go kill and die for your jewish masters


I am just a Japanese citizen who concern about world peace.

Iran is a shithole because the burgers and crumpets meddled in their politics because of oil, you dumbass. Iran would be like 20% less shit if they had stayed in their own damn lane.

>Saudi Arabia—not Iran—is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world today and Wahhabism remains the source of most radical Islamic extremism
>Saudi Arabia don't take Syrian refugees even if they are muslims like them. they don't care at all about human lives.
>No freedom of speech, no freedom of thought. Criticism of the govt, the religious establishment, the political positions of the country are entirely unacceptable.
>Although this one appears to be changing belatedly, ksa has no interest in art, history, culture, aesthetics, literature, both foreign and their own. It is literally the ugliest, dirtiest and most boring place I have ever been to. There is an obsession with consumerism. The historicity of Mecca has been bulldozed for gaudy hotels.

Who is the real enemy now?

>trying to invade Syria
that is the Saudi's with the help of USA and turkey
>trying to cause terror in western nation
No hezzbollah hasn't done anything in europe. Again it's the saudis
>cause war in Yemen
>develope nuclear weapon to bomb US
god praise them
>support North korea by giving nuclear technologies
fucking based
holy shit I love persia now



You're right. Iran suck dick but the Iraq invasion was expensive as hell and didn't improve the situation in Iraq. Turns out you can't invade a middle eastern country and install a democratic government if the people don't want it. The majority wants an Islamic theocracy otherwise they would put an end to their own government.

>We need to invade that shity nation
You mean Japan should invade Iran? That would be fun to watch.

iranian boys are qt

>Iran sucks cause they don't have a central banking cartel

you people are transparent in your shilling

Not to mention we have terrorist nations like Turkminestan, Uzbekistan, Syria, and North Korea etc. They're almost as bad as Hitler

States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil. They're everything wrong with our world right now, and once we remove them, we can live in peace again. In the meantime we MUST stick together with our allies South Korea, Japan, and Israel. Us conservative americans must protects our allies lives at all costs.

Hopefully they destroy each other with Israël, Shia are degenerate ffs

OR a Khazarian weaponized degenerate pedofiend... who knows ?!

If Japan invade Iran, they will take Iranian comfort women?

Don't put word in my mouth, nigger. It's good that they don't have a banking cartel. Everything else sucks though. Why don't you move to Norh Korea if that's the only thing that matters?

We don't need stink, fat woman

we have perfect 2D

lets talk about Wahhabism implemented in the middle east as deceptive tool by the British twinks

Iran's actually not a shithole. It's having it's issues, but there is high national identity in Iran, and it's enough to keep it stable and functional. That's why they're able to hold so well.

Couldn't you get a picture without the sweat stains?

Smith-sensei, it's time to stop posting

lets do that (((wahhabi))) cock sucking faggot before you get replaced ..

>not being a slave to cartel good, rest sucks

As if not being a slave to the banking cartel that keeps your life in perpetual hell is not the most important factor when it comes to quality of life.

>using a racial slur because you sound silly and need to retaliate like a child.

You know this is a 18+ site for mature adults, right?


The (Japanese) is very anti-Iran.

Saudis are also filth, but they will stop with their radical ideas, Shia are degenerate, they are ok with tattoos, prostitution and chirurgy

Fuck off leaf, I'm Algerian

And that is why Iran has such a great and magnificent economy.

Iran is under constant sanctions and as they don't have a central bank, there is fake news being posted against them.

Do you remember one time in your life that (((enemies))) of the USA have not been blasted by the news?

see this video:

its because the only thing sustaining the economy is a single tech compagnie ...

post mor

Sure, Shomo. Where do I sign up?

as if there were any difference nowadays, you love to suck that (((wahhabi))) cock, am I right?

>using a racial slur because you sound silly and need to retaliate like a child.
Newfag detected

Wish I could


You are aware that insults can get you banned, right?

>veteran pol user, never read the rules of the board
Funny guy

You're just scared to get nuked again, shut up chink.

ok tits or gtfo rule #0 for /b

Don't invade it!

Muh refugee

>a leaf post of low caliber, no contribution.
what a surprise

>worried about peace

yea maybe about preventing it at all costs

>We need to invade that shity nation and should bring freedom and democracy as US did in Iraq.
iran defeated us in iraq and they'd probably defeat us on their home turf too

Youre a jew living in japan. Wanna know how I know?

>make thread about how Iran is bad
>someone says”hurdurr saudis are worse”

Why do people do this? Just because the saudis are terrorist funding extremists doesn’t make Iran innocent

>Wanna know how I know?
he talks like he's missing a piece of skin around his penis

it shows that being a supporter of terrorists does not preclude you from being an ally of america. im sure we support terrorists too. the "supports terrorists" claim is a tiresomely weak and hypocritical casus belli

Kool thread you've got here guys.

>A nation that had enough of American hegemony is a devil nation