Maki can do 9 push ups! How many can you do Sup Forums?
Maki can do 9 push ups! How many can you do Sup Forums?
0, everyone always tells me I'm doing it wrong no matter what
At least 10, but I'm not a cute tomato, so I still lose.
How do you not know how to do a pushup
Me on the bottom
Not everybody can do push-ups, user.
I cant do a pushup, a crunch, a situp, and definitely not a pull up.
I did 17 push ups, now you better pay up, or else
I'm kind of a baka
jesus christ, just kill yourself now
that made me so depressed I'm going to get down on the floor and do pushups until exhaustion
I'm fat.
Your body can always do more than you think it can do. When you think there's nothing left, you're only at 60%. You're a coward for not pushing yourself to 20.
I literally sat around and did nothing but computer games, shitpost, and watch anime for half a year and I could still do almost ten pushups when I snapped out of it
I'm VERY fat.
I worked my ass off for this. You said 17 pushups, now I want my 31 grand
I know. And I'm doing something about it. Now what?
g-good luck
Is this a push up thread? Rolling
Don't do situps, Plank instead.
35 is my best. Pretty shameful considering I'm in the military.
It can be accomplished. Keep it up.
I'm with you.
Don't they kick you out if you can't do at least ~50?
I've been out for a while but didn't think standards had dropped that much.
It depends on the branch.
Airforce is like 33 in a minute, Army is 49 in two minutes.
stop being fat
Thanks doc.
>dont they kick you out
lmao. no. It's VERY hard to get kicked out of the miltary. They've put a fuck load of money in to you after all. At worst they'll stick you in a fitness platoon or NJP you if event hat doesnt get you to meet the standard.
11 at most
Fuck off.
Nah man, they'll kick you out if you keep on failing. My squadron was cursed with people who couldn't do situps constantly and people got kicked out after the third failure.
I still think we need to switch to the Navy standard of kicking situps out for planks.
30 at most
I'm self-conscious about my upper body strength
I can do .9
Am I being tricked into exercising
3 sets of 25.
Do the kneeing push up.
Depends on the branch. The Navy will kick you out after two consecutive failed PRTs, and I know three people who were discharged for exactly that reason.
I can do twenty push-ups but after that my arms go numb. I can't jog more than three blocks without needing to slow down and catch my breath. I can do thirty crunches before I need to stop from the pain.
Do planks faggot, they're better for you, work more of your core, and can easily be changed to work on core stability.
Not sure how much, I usually limit it to 30 after a chest day.
>he doesn't do 100 pushups after every meal
rules are rules
If you're waifu is posted, you have to do 100 pushups
Like 70, I'm a skeleton though
>I can't jog more than three blocks without needing to slow down and catch my breath
In other words you can job 5 or 6 blocks (probably actually 9)
You don't even know what your limits are. Join the Marine Corps, we'll show you what you can do.
If I really push myself, I can do 25. I couldn't even do 15 last month. We're all going to make it brahs.
None. I just can't do it. I try and i always fail. I try to do it properly, i always fail. I can do sit ups and other stuff, just not pushups. I just can't do a single pushup.
A full class set which is 114 for me. Really once you can do ~60 pushups anything after that is just about willpower.
3 sets of 20 desu.
how about you turn your hands facing outward and keep your elbows against your frame and do an actual push up
About 80 but regular push ups are boring. I'm practicing the freestanding handstand push up.
Set wise, I'm starting to do 10 of 3 sets. How many I can do at once? I don't know.
78, but I can do more if i try
How many times can you do the mating press with Maki?
stop that!
around 50 but less than 10 situps, my back is fucked
I dunno, I'm pretty unfit. Between twenty and thirty if I'm doing them properly
3 Proper form ones and I'm not even obese. Couldn't even do one proper form one four months ago.
Don't know, I can never get that toe position right.
30 in one go, or about 60 in three sets.
Is that good?
i've only managed up to 77 on my last apft
i only got a 290 on my apft score
This is your Maki for tonight
I can't find the right posture really, I never went to gym so I never learned it, though, I can do abs. When I was a kid I could do over 300 at once during PE classes, not so many anymore.
I can do enough to stay in active service. How many push up bras does Maki go through in a day? Nine?
>trying to finish no-fap month
>against my better judgement, look up source and discover there are six doujins in this series
that is not an excuse
Squeeze your abs, as if you were anticipating a hit in the gut, and your butt to straighten the pelvis. Point fingers a bit outwards to help keep your elbows near your torso. Keep forearms locked so that your elbows point pretty much straight up when you go down. Don't fucking point your elbows to the side. Do planks to work on the form. Do incline pushups (instead of knee pushups) if you can't do floor ones.
Like 40 my dude, maybe 50 on a good day. I'm a fat fuck though
Currently only 120 max rep, since I need to get a higher number of pullups. Usually 65 to 50 in each rep
I love seeing other military weebs on Sup Forums.
>tfw going OCONUS in a couple of months
I hate how my waifu's show is airing next season and I'll probably be missing it for its whole airtime.
Aren't planks better than pushups?
Maki-senpai is teaching you how to push up in her gif! Please pay attention
After 10 I feel like I'm gonna die.
I could probably bang out fifty without stopping.
I need to become fitter to bend people to my will.
Techinically, she's doing it wrong too. Her arms should be parallel to her body, not perpendicular.
I just tried and I died after 3.