What do we think of this new girl, Aria? Will she be the saviour that Stars needs?
I want to fuck Rola.
A while ago I heard that Elza and the boat were going to save Stars. How did that turn out?
The sheep was doing a good job.
Good job of making me hard.
What happened?
>Will she be the saviour that Stars needs?
A new character out of fucking nowhere introduced midway just to give her wing is actually the total opposite. It's not like she's ever gonna do anything of importance after her 5 second of spotlight, specially after Yume or goddesss of the aikatsu system the greatest MC to have ever lived will get the super duper special wingest wings of them all just for existing because she's the best because we say so because showing actual character progression is too much work.
>How did that turn out?
Pretty badly.
New girl looks really cute, I just hope they don't ruin or waste her somehow.
Where is PriPara ? Aikatsu is garbage and that bitch Hime looking ass aren't gonna save the show
/pc/ and /ai/ threads are aids today
Look at it this way, all the "I want to x Lala" bullshit is in the other thread and not here.
You don't want to x Lala ? Are you gay ?
I'd love to x Lala, but not enough to have a huge string of generic posts about it like there is there now.
Why is Akari so ugly
Same reason Hinaki is so ugly.
yuzu is always a best
Too many limbs.
Is there a BD release, with all the OG Aikatsu stuff? With subs preferably.
>google search
>Visually similar images are all Umaru
all the extra budget. it's beatufiul
She should go back to Stars in Yume's place.
Btw, the links in the guide are mostly dead, since nyaa is dead.
The coalgirls releases are BDs.
Last I checked it wasn't up to ep 178.
Yeah, just checked only done till S3, I don't know if there is no BD of S4 but that would be strange.
No one did BD of S4 that I know of, so I just downloaded the TV releases for the remaining episodes that aren't blu ray.
Well, yeah, I'm in the same boat, but I would like it all to be BD.
Wiki says it has been released, I wonder if no one got it?
Of course they did, Coalgirls just never got around to doing the last season. I was you this time last year and other anons were we before that: just watch the last season with TV versions and you'll enjoy it exactly as much.
I've already watched it multiple times, this is for archiving purposes.
>you'll enjoy it exactly as much
Meaning not enjoying at all.
How do you design a strawberrry shirt /ai/?
Bado Endo.
Does anyone here even WANT more stars coloring books?
So would Ako and Kirara make a sheepish cat or a catty sheep?
I can't tell how facetious he's being.
My guess is "not at all".
I miss /ai/
Nice, now Ako has a 0% chance of getting wings
In the arcade, Ako has her own variant of the sweet dreams coord and has the Saturn wings.
>Ako is literally Luigi
Ako WILL get wings.
Rola, please.
Find a flaw.
Reported for not allowing the thread to die naturally.
Not sure how to really explain this, but ugliness can be cute. Akari is one of those cases. I want to cum on her ugly-cute face.
If you want a 3D example, this is literally the entire idea behind Denpagumi.
bad art
>Ako spends the whole season complaining about getting cucked by Kirara
>only to end up submitting to her out of necessity
Amazing character arc and relevance, thanks BNP.
>4 am
>can't sleep
So I finally decided to watch the movie, it's actually better than expected.
It will never cease to amaze me how quick Japan is to draw porn.
The movie is one of the best parts of stars.
Took them longer than that to make Kirara porn.
Fucking sheep is immoral.
Sorry, quick to draw porn for non-ugly girls
Not when the sheep is hot.
>separating Aikatsu and Pripara
This feels wrong.
We'll be back together soon.
If Ichigo, Akari, and Yume all wrestled each other, who would win?
In a bra and panties match?
Who is this and what is her purpose? Is she going to be Yume's Akari?
Leader of the mutiny.
Where am I?
Saw thumbnail, thought the red was Kaede eating her out.
Thumbnail made me think Kaede was there eating her out.
Is Kaede eating her out?
In Stars. I know, don't worry, it'll be over soon.
Reminder that you CANNOT post OGkatsus. Since their show is over they do not foster discussion.
My idol could beat up your idol.
Happy that I'm not the only one
Yurika is happy too.
Dis nigga obsessed with Koharu.
Just catching up on the last few eps.
So, she's not a loser any more!
She'll always be a loser in my heart.
She's MY loser.
You're my loser.
Th-Thanks. You too.
Only a bunch of losers would accept not only losing /ai/, but also having to split up from our soulmate idle show.
Calm down, we'll be back to the usual soon.
I stopped watching PriPara so I don't really care.
That's great you special snowflake.
Look guys, he doesn't really care.
I want to hug roller
What the fuck?
I want to fug roller
>next week has all your favorites from OG Aikatsu
>Ichigo, Aoi, Ran, Yurika, Mizuki... and that one girl nobody cares about beyond being on the same group as Yurika.
>Yume will never do this to me
I like Kaede better than Yurika.
But everyone loves Yurika's girlfriend
Would you fuck your least favorite aikatsu?
Sure, why not?
But next week is about OGkatsu.