Since we're supposed to make separate threads instead of discussing everything in generals

Since we're supposed to make separate threads instead of discussing everything in generals...

Who's your favorite girl from Seijinshiki Gokko?

I really enjoyed Iruka-chan's personality change in the second chapter. At first she was disinterested in her job and kind of rude to the customers. But by the end she was loving her job and making sure the customers had the best possible experience.
Plum-chan is also good, and she does it >for free. She only had 1 chapter in this manga, but has a few other chapters in other manga by the same artist. Her and her fan both put on a great performance for all the viewers.
Karen-chan is pretty cute. I like how she's kind of a baka. She wants to get pregnant and become a mother, but she doesn't even know that she can't yet.

pic related is just a shitty tsundere and definitely not best girl. I like her shirt though.

>general threads disguised with thinly veiled shallow questions in the OP

gee OP my favorite girl is X

wow mods great "quality discussion," truly you alone know what speech is best.

But overall, my favorite girl from the series has to be Kaneshiro-chan. She's such a good girl at heart, even though she wants to be a gyaru. She's cute when she tries to act bad, but sensei knows that she's really a good girl.

Keneshiro is also cute while embarrassed.

Kaneshiro trying to be bad by smoking, but she just starts coughing a bunch.

The last thing I've read from this guy was that 3-chapter story about these little sluts.
The first one she learns to love cock. The second one introduces her friend and she's a complete masochist.
The last chapter features the three of them.
How good is this one, OP?

Those chapters are part of this tank. And at the end there's a bonus chapter with the three of them.

Oh, I need to step up my game, then.
Looking at them right now, I've read most of these already.
Gotta say the quiet library girl is my favorite.

Yeah, shy girls are cute. Nayu was a bit too shy for my liking though; she only said like 1 line the entire time.

eh? isn't that a given?

Disguising the subject with Japanese isn't going to change much. It's off topic and should be banned.

I put the title with English letters in the OP post too (Seijinshiki Gokko). If you'd like a translation of the title, it means Make Believe Coming-of-Age Ceremony.

From the sticky:
>- Threads in Sup Forums should be primarily based on anime/manga discussion
>- Discussion should be centered on series and characters
So I think discussing characters from a manga is perfectly on topic for Sup Forums.

Take it to /jp/. You're offtopic shit doesn't belong on Sup Forums,.

Anime is Japanese. Please move all anime discussion to /jp/ thans

when are we going to move drawthreads to /i/, mods says all this stuff about reqeuests belonging on /wsr/ and then compeltley forgets we have a board dedicated to drawing that no one uses

You would have a point if it wasn't completely braindead, This is an English board so having Japanese in the subject is just a subterfuge to signal that this s a shitposting thread for DJT to take part in. It's cancer and you know it.

>having Japanese in the subject is just a subterfuge to signal that this s a shitposting thread for DJT

I'll spell it out. Take it to you autists.

Anyway, less shitposting more cute girls please

Karen-chan not realizing she can't be a mommy yet.

>more cute girls please
Then take it to I don't care. Get it off my board.

Mie-chan should be more honest. Everything ended up working out in the end, but it would have been faster if she had just told the vending machine restocker the real reason she was hanging out by the vending machine.

I agree. I even watch my anime muted so I don't listen to Japanese, while blindfolded so I don't look at Japanese drawings.

Though I guess it makes sense that she lied, since she was worried about being bullied in school if her classmates learned of her true feelings. I think she would be good friends with Lisa & Ruka if they knew each other.
But now that she's hanging out with her new boyfriend after school everyday, she'll have to explain why she's never at the club activities. She'll probably quit whatever club she's in, since she clearly enjoys doing other activities more.

Sup Forums is the board for manga. If you get triggered by moonspeak, too fucking bad for you.

It's an English board for content originally in moonspeak. You don't like it then take it to /jp/ where your kind isn't seen.

I could feel the love in her eyes.


I'm not saying you have to listen to dubs. Just that you have to speak in a dignified manner on Sup Forums.

Yume-chan is a happy girl who loves her job!
I was worried the thread would die before I finished photoshopping this, but fortunately it didn't

Yume-chan was just happy, but not like she was a slave to it, unlike some of the other girls. I wish she had more chapters though.

I want to proudly promote Maeshima Ryou.
But can we talk about how all his men look the same with weird eyes?

I hadn't noticed that before, but you're right. All the guys have much smaller eyes than the girls do.

Not even a contest.

Maeshima Ryou male and female with eyes swapped


The girls have standard anime eyes, but the men's are smaller than normal.
Wonder if he noticed it or was it on purpose.