Will there be a season 2?
Will there be a season 2?
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Not enough content.
Not enough content yet, but getting closer. Give it another year.
I can't imagine Kyoani animating Iruru. Not saying S2 won't eventually be athing, but I wonder that Kyoani will do with her.
Honestly I see them breaking up her chapters with original segments between them and doing her arc over like 3-4 episodes rather than shoving them all out in the manga order within 2. The manga was months of iruru in a row and it might be better to break it up a bit before the audience gets sick of her.
I sincerely hope so, I haven't watched a show this comfy in years. All of the characters are so fucking lovable, and I don't mean in a moe-retarded way either.
They could also jump around a lot given how episodic the series continued to be outside of the Iruru arc. A lot of chapters match up pretty well, so a new season would be a little bit of tetris work, sort of like the first season.
Probably. It was popular. They could just make a season of filler while waiting for more actual content. Filler works well for slice of life comedy shows.
Make a season about the daily lives of secondary characters. With the main characters showing up at random times.
Chu Chu No !
I don't think they have perversion to animate Irururu.
They can just rehash the school festival/new year/christmas/valentine episodes.
After the recap movie is announced.
>flop dragon
>season 2
Not sure if troll
Give some of COOLs other series a read/watch. He loves his boobs but he makes some surprisingly likeable characters and nice series.
I would rather they didn't do that. The filler in S1 was super hit or miss and the good ones were the ones that built off the adapted content like the school shopping trip rather than the wholly original stuff like the Christmas play.
Well that's true. KyoAni is especially shitty at writing original content.
KyoAni isn't a person.
Wasn't this show lesbian propaganda?
I didn't claim they were. They are a group of people who have a history of the best animation and some of the worst writing.
Since when?
K-On is largely original and loved, same with Hibikek's original content and that KnK filler idol ep
Say you love her!
Most likely, sold decent and got a decent amount of popularity, one more season before it dies is the most probable outcome.
I don't think not including Iruru would affect the plot, more since they have changed some elements from the manga. Some people say that there's not enough content, but we've seen already they could expand a single chapter to an entire episode and even create their own content.
>Some of COOL's works getting animated
I want to believe
Is this a new BD special?
They should make an entire anime only season where everyone turns into a magical girl and does nice things for Fafnir like forcing his online friends to stop saying I'm role playing
t. Fafnir
>Kobayashi transformed into a magical girl
>outfit with short skirt and exposed midriff
>it won't come off because it's magic
>Tohru won't leave her alone
I just want some more SoL fun. also I want to see Kobayashi get a dingus
Wouldn't this just leave a big boob sweat mark in the middle of the shirt?
>won't come off
That will be an issue for Tooru
More elma this time
Usually I won't give titcows a second glance, but whenever she opens her eyes is awakens my dick
I like my tit cows.
It helps she's super sweet.
The fact that it's more exposing is enough. Dragon magic vs magical girl magic to remove it would probably spark a plot point anyway.
So how big was Kobayashi's dick?
Probably under 4 inches based on how easy it was to hide and how she didn't notice it till actually taking her pants off
>It's a Tohru tries to make Kobayashi eat her tail episode
Oh wait.
I wonder what it tastes like. The cross section made it look a little gross tbqh
Not enough material. Even then, it sold above-average at best, so knowing KyoAni, the best than can be hoped for is a movie.
This, Iruru was on a weak state when she casted her futa spell, Tooru didn't give and couldn't have a fuck though.
>Will there be a season 2?
probably not unless the whole thing about skipping iruru was to save her for season 2.
but its more likely that normies couldn't handle her design and she was skipped entirely, thus dooming the future of the anime.
Another all nighter? You're crazy man.
>tfw you will never be a NEET dragon who can play online games 20 hours every day
Fafnir has the life we all desire
I want to fuck Kobayashi while I make Tooru and Kanna watch
I searched for 6th BD releases and Google doesn't help,where is this from?
It's the most recent post from the official twitter.
Thought there's a new one released,too bad. Thanks anyway
>weak when casting
I wonder if her state affected the duration more than the physical effect. If it's anything like the transformation spell that the dragons use to become humans, it's just using Plato's philosophy of the ideal form. Kobayashi's ideal form as a male is probably exactly as it appeared--a very plain and underwhelming appearance. Not that a few tweaks couldn't result in her being inconveniently large. We've seen Tooru sort of flow between dragon and human form freely with her claws while fighting Iruru. All of her violent expressions get pretty dragon-like as well.
>Still no C92 Shikishima Lucoa doujin
Fuck this gay earth
Not before I get more Cockbayashi and Tooru.
I need more Kanna
Where the hell is this normie thing coming from? Otakus won't care.
There will be an OVA isn't it? I watch somewhere the preview.
C92 did it
It comes out next month.
I sure do hope so
Maidragon was a hit with normalfags.
Their average standards: I'm lolicon for Kanna but not really, stop sexualizing her you fucking pedophile and spamming le thicc for Lucoa.