Everything is going well in Japan now

Thanks Abe

please stop making shit Japan flag threads, people might think you're me

The jew fears the samurai.


stop making these threads please

I don't get what you said

It's not me, it's him
what I am saying is that I work hard to make quality shitposts and you are just prancing around being a big nigger

Abe works well.
I'll vote for his party again at the next election.

Thanks for the comment

Stop impersonating me, David-kun


tell me honestly, are you japanese building giant robots to fight with in space? you are aren't you? fucking sneaky

sometimes I wonder how many of us there really are


Based abe


You guys all look the same to us anyway

what's going on in japan? why the thread?

unemployment rate is 2.7%
98% of new graduates could get a job last year

Congratulations Japan, I am glad for you.
Please continue being based and exporting a good culture with many redpills. I have learned much from you and I want to continue to do so.

Send more cartoon babes Japan. Thanks!

Everything is going great everywhere else in the world....except the nuclear dumpster fire that is America under Trump

Is the whole "diversity" agenda really starting to catch on in sushiland as i heard?

>Everything is going well in Japan

For now...