United States Army Ranger here. In the past 2 years I visited Germany, France, Italy, and Belgium while on duty

United States Army Ranger here. In the past 2 years I visited Germany, France, Italy, and Belgium while on duty.

I beg of you... please spend more on defense so I never have to endure your godforsaken 3rd world countries ever again. Afghanistan was a much better experience, and no. I am not joking. Okinawa was wonderful, so was Taiwan and Thailand.

In summation, Europe is dogshit and I would honestly defect to Russia to contribute to your inevitable annexation.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I would honestly defect to Russia to contribute to your inevitable annexation
I'm okay with that. But please only Russia, not you fucking wankers.

Training yourself to kill and be killed on the command of your Jewish overlords immediately disqualifies you to be taken seriously.
Fuck off fucking kike slave. Hope you get blown to bits on your next tour. Idiot dupe.

Germany was the worst by the way. I am a polite and friendly person who presents myself well, especially whn in uniform. Never have i encountered such rudeness in my life than with the German people.

If you believe the US military has anything to do with Israel you are legitimately retarded. Diplomatic relations are an entirely different story that I can't comment on because I have no knowledge on the subject. I have done joint training with 12 other nations, and not once has Israel even been mentioned in my 7 year career.

You are the occupying force. Why should any of the occupants be happy you are there? GTFO!

The cows in the field rarely see the people who will eat them

A massive wave of doubt has come over me.

Dear God I wish we would. And we aren't occupying you. We're the only reason your schools aren't being held in Cyrillic

True. I have no gripe against Israel proper, only the Zionists.

Everything you need to know about the US army: spending more time and tax dollars playing tourist than trying to win wars.

You're the traitor, You're the enemy. Your kike overlords split our country for 40 years for your geopolitical experiments and you cockroaches were happy with it.
Fuck off.

Shut the fuck up. Your tiny irrelevent country has no say in anything.

>Shut the fuck up. Your tiny irrelevent country has no say in anything.

Netherlands > JewSA

This is an Amerimutt hate thread now.

T. Mohammad

Jewrmony too busy forcing Europe to accept rapefugees while bitter morons like you blame your ally America which pays for your defense and elected a president who openly tells you to stop being cucks. The only Jews here are your pathetic country that does nothing but destroy Europe and set white people back .

Sure you do. 40000+ US soldiers on german territory. What else is this? Just because you dont think its occupation, it doesnt mean it isnt. You are murdering family and children with drones controlled from ramstein, and we should be happy you are here?
Also you are kikeproxys, fighting dirty kikewars all around the world, what do you expect?

>Okinawa was wonderfu

Fake and gay


>T. Mohammad
>Jewrmony too busy forcing Europe to accept rapefugees while bitter morons like you blame your ally America which pays for your defense and elected a president who openly tells you to stop being cucks. The only Jews here are your pathetic country that does nothing but destroy Europe and set white people back .

(((>T. Mohammad)))

(((>blame your ally America which pays for your defense)))

((( The only Jews here are your pathetic country that does nothing but destroy Europe and set white people back .)))

t. Winston-Shlomo roosevelt

You invaded Iraq for Israel, mutt

If you think the US politicans that control the military have nothing to do with Israel you are legitimately retarded.

Go and get killed for some old pedophile, nobody cares.

Oh, and Burgerland is Africa tier, everybody knows that. The whole world hates your shithole country.
And ofc you cannot appreciate the beauty of europe's more than 2000 year old culture, amerifucks dont have any culture, but being fat and shooting around.

Also: Kikeproxy JewSA is destabilizing syria and the middle east with their proxygroup ISIS, people are fleeing because of that, coming to germany, and mutts are calling us cucks because we take them?

>on duty


Without our military there to prop you up you would literally be defenseless. You spend all your money on second houses for Mohammad and his 5 wives while trash talking your benefactor? You should kiss the ground America walks on, cuck.

>What else is this?
The only reason your horrendous country exists.

>You are murdering family and children with drones controlled from ramstein
You grammar and misspelling tells me you worship a shitskin who married a 9 year old. And No. We don't. If you had any idea the amount of bureaucracy and rules of engagement we have to go through before we can engage anyone it would make your head spin. It usually takes an hour or more before we are given permission to fire.

Yeah, thank you, first class shabbos goy.
Merkel is just a puppet of your kike government.

Okinawa was great. If you ever get the chance, go see the bananna lady.

My fault, France was on leave, and it honestly was the least shitty, but it was still shit.

You voted for Merkel cuck, not us. We voted for Trump and he told you to stop accepting rapefugees. You don't listen and it's our fault? Shut your dirty mouth this is why you lost two world wars. Germany is a disgrace and a plague on Europe.

murican only speaking 1 language (and not even the real one) complaining about grammar. Classic.

We dont need defense. From whom? I dont see any other enemys then kikeproxy mutts and of course kikes who want to get rid of the german masterrace.

If you think we are horrendous, why stay here? Why defend us? Go home we dont need you.

The only defense we need is to protect us from you aggressive assholes.
But you'll see the day, the world teams up to get rid of you bastards.

Never been to Iraq.

>the whole world hates you.
That's my fucking point. We need to pull every serviceman out of every country, along with our millions of tanks, nukes, jets, and cut off every last cent of foreign aid.

I was based in Germany and we were given briefs on places not to visit because of the migrant crisis.

Well, you voted for Trump but he's not doing the stuff he promised.
Get rid of your kike shadow government and we can talk.

Really I just wanted to write some edgy shit

yes please do it. stop cucking the jewish way of life and maybe we dont have to deal with all your fucking problems at our doorstep anymore.

>I beg of you
Maybe beg of our puppet masters?


I'm deeply sorry user, you are right, let's get the fuck outta here

instead of a red-haired girl there should be a fat black woman


That's rich coming from you multicultural globalist faggots

Your country's flag should be white. Remember that time, Regan bombed your shit embassy? That was funny.


Did you like the girls there?
Do you like that they marry them off at 8
(Which is explicitly allowed by the Jewish God (Devarim 22, verse 28: key words: na'ar, taphas))

Or are you opposed to such practices being a proud white man who simply wishes to be a golem of the white woman and supress any practice that is against her interests?

>I would honestly defect to Russia
Russian shill detected. Larp thread

>you multicultural globalist faggots
>checks flag

the absolute state of nu/pol/


Did you like the girls there?
Do you like that they marry them off at 8
(Which is explicitly allowed by the Jewish God (Devarim 22, verse 28: key words: na'ar, taphas))

Or are you opposed to such practices being a proud white man who simply wishes to be a golem of the white woman and supress any practice that is against her interests?

Tell us about the afghan people. Why do they get to marry cute young girls. Why do we not? Why should white mmaalleess support white culture when it is completely hostile to the interest of mmaalless (but completely in the interest of Men because MEN simply support and protect MUH WHITE WUMAN)?

>Caption for picture:
> An Afghan girl stares at Warrant Officer Troy D. Anstine, executive officer, Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, as he explains her coloring assignment at the school near Forward Operating Base Geronimo March 31. She cautiously entered the school compound after the dodgeball game and is the first girl to attend class at the school. Marines said they hope to encourage more girls from the area to attend class in the future. Photo by Sgt. Brian Tuthill
> Just before the game had finished, an 8-year-old girl arrived to the school with three other young boys, who quickly joined the group of students while she kept her distance outside the compound.
> After the game, the school\u2019s Pashto interpreter returned and students went back to their studies. They recited and wrote Pashto numbers and then took on coloring assignments requiring them to pair the numbers to colors and color in the appropriate areas. The girl slowly and cautiously made her way into the compound and joined the class already in session.
> \u201cWe were so excited to have our first female student,\u201d said Anstine. \u201cShe was scared at first, but I think she had a good time. I hope we will see more girls come to school and start their education.\u201d

You're awfully defensive there Hans, unlike you I can literally call myself a nazi and fly a swastika flag without risk of imprisonment. Faggot. Face it, your people are weak and defeated, and your nation will literally be nothing but a memory in the history books 100 years from now. You are a shame upon the white race.

Good. GTFO from Europe. Ami go home!

You surely don't know the mentality of the Germans.
Remember Rome? They fucked with the Germanic tribes for centuries until we just took over the Empire and made them our bitches.
Soon, boi.




Ami go home!


It's true: Americans truly are the dumbest people on earth. No wonder, you got conquered by Jews!

This -> Just wait for the furor teutonicus to rise again. Kikes think they destroyed us. We're just playing with them and taking a break.

Again, awfully defensive. You should be defending your women and culture from the invaders in your nation instead of posting furiously on an anime image board you fucking weak willed faggot. Also the Roman era is antiquity, the barbarians are in your home now. All the good Germans died in the war fighting for their race and nation. The people populating your country now are nothing but spineless cowards and cuckolds.

A member of an occupying army not being treated with respect? How dare they

>I beg of you... please spend more on defense
but you are already that for us, there is no need lmao

You fucking idiot. Ever heard about Ukraine?

>You should be defending your women and culture from the invaders in your nation

Like Americans?

C'mon, dont you know Zen? If you want to destroy something, you first need to let it expand.
The time isnt there yet. First there needs to be chaos and destruction, only then the german "works" and functions.
Wait for the financial crisis to really break through. Im talking about mass unemployment and hyperinflation. That also was the rise of the nazis in the 20s.

>I am a polite and friendly person who presents myself well, especially whn in uniform. Never have i encountered such rudeness in my life than with the German people.

You are an obnoxious American retard; what do you expect?

Oh so the problem was that people didn't suck your cock because of the uniform. I hear the germans hate their own soldiers too. Americans should just leave Europe on a sufficiently long time-scale. Europe has to learn to take responsibility of defense

> i enjoyed being around sandniggers and ladyboys but white people trigger me
A native Amerimutt

And for some reason it not stopping Russia from messing with countries like Poland or Estonia.
Russians only understand force.

Yes. By anyone's standards we're doing a much better job than any European nation, especially you limp dicks in the United Kingdom, with the exception of maybe Poland. Face it, until you start electing leaders that actually claim to represent the native population over foreigners and drive out the traitors in you government that strip you of your rights you are doing objectively worse than us. I want you all to bring glory back to Europe, not cower like prey.

Implying there isn't chaos and destruction now. Yet still you people do nothing.

what bat?
I was also in Ranger bat

>messing with countries like Poland
Also OP was referring to western europe, and if you think that a country likr russia can sustain a full scale invasion you are either retarded ar don't know what you are talking about.
>inb4 nukes
>what is NATO
germany and italy have nukes given by amerimutts, meanwhile France and UK produce their own

The Americans are the invaders.

He's right tho... Europeans are narcisistic and rude as fuck.

1 swamp german is worth 500 fluorided yankee goys.

Are you sure? Last I checked we simply have bases used for coordinated operations, as opposed to the literal millions of violent rapacious muslims attacking your citizens in the streets. Which sounds more like an enemy?

It doesnt matter who we vote for when they will do anything the occupying force tells them to do anywhere you dense bastard.

Stupid Israel cannonfodder marine.
Go die in some desert thinking youre defending freedom. Delusional faggot.

As an american...your post is bullshit.

European countries and europe in general...are better than the us in basically every way. Women, culture, history, scenery, food, work life balance, health care....the list goes on and on.

I have a 6 figure job here but i would take a 50% paycut for a full time job in europe.

Its not so much chaos that everybody knows or sees it. As i said, it takes a lot more than that. So much the average guy has nothing more to lose. Its just the way it is.

Also, shouldn't you be laying out your prayer mat? I hear the new locals take disrespect towards shariah as a capital offense.

Cant you memeflagging underage newfag just leave?

Lol dude you’re a fucking Israeli lap dog. You’re fighting wars in the ME to destabilize them for Israel if you can’t see this then you truly do deserve to be blown the fuck up idiot fucking military guys are dumb as shit

I can't imagine Afghanistan is that bad, they're pretty good at cricket.

Lol ur joking m8 europe is shit all these goys r mad becauae they canr immigarte because they have no skills they all ger neetbux and don't have kids.

Well, google "dancing boys afghanI" and then you know why its a shithole.
They do have some of the best opium and hash in the world but thats about it (also the only reason the us is even there)

Projecting much?

>we simply have bases used for coordinated operations
Is that what you really believe?

Kikemedia is twisting the brains of the people all around the globe. Mutts are protecting kikes and their media. What would you do in a brainwashed country?
Dont forget: Kikes ordered mutts to invent ISIS to destabilize the mid west to make a refuge crisis to destabilize europe. The root of the problem is the kikes and their proxy with the military force.

Not really into that kind of stuff, Hans, you guys have weird interests, holy shit.

I'll gladly ditch the flag, because I have the choice to use it or not. But seriously, you folks seem to be getting awfully upset. Channel your anger into something other than lamenting your wife's latest choice in brown lovers and calling strangers on anonymous boards underaged.

Did you ever kill a other "white" in all your travel ?

Then do something about it other than posting on an anonymous board if it makes you so upset.

Can confirm. US army in afghanistan now

Georgians and polish dudes smell like shit

We have niggers in the USA too don’t act like there’s only niggers in Europa your just mad you signed up to go die for Jews you dumb fool enjoy your torso when your just a torso with no legs and arms because you took an IED to the nuts dumbfuck stop attacking Europe were all white

Thank you for your service. You must be hard as nails. I did 4 years of military service but no deployments. Going to try out for the FFL soon and if I get in afterwards I'm just doing PMC work. I can't support the Jews anymore even if it was as a spec ops operator. Mercenary work is the only way I'll continue as a soldier.

Its not about the interest, but my brother was in Afghanistan too and the amount of times when afghani personel snuck boys aged 3-10 into base to gangbang them is mind boggling.

Its deeply in their culture. THese people fucking suck.
el goblino des americanas is talking all high and mighty again. The US is a fucking shithole compared to europe. No loudmouthed orange president will ever change that. The US will be gone before europe, mark my words cleetus.

>as opposed to the literal millions of violent rapacious muslims attacking your citizens in the streets. Which sounds more like an enemy?
you could say the same about the tons of US cities with a majority nigger population

Yes I heard from some friends of mine who were deployed they love to fuck goats and little boys over there. And their superiors looked the other way.

I'm not the American that started this thread dumbfuck. Where did I say anything about running fools errands for the kikes?

So do it then.

Luciferian pedofiend facilitator theme: youtube.com/watch?v=eJlN9jdQFSc

I already told you: The Time will come.

My first statement still stands. USA is just as nigger as Europe right now don’t act all high and mighty because our country is just as fucked with niggers