Students say it was a drill with fake ammo

Why is nobody on here talking about these interviews?

We now have multiple students claiming this was a drill and that the bullets were fake. This fills in a lot of other blanks i.e. the computer that was "shot" but still working or why the shooter was picked up later after managing to just walk out of school. (3:45 minutes into video roughly)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's all so tiring, user.

I feel sleepy.

Don't you feel sleepy?




Nah I'm at work on call. Getting payed for this.

This also makes sense as to why surfer boy wouldn't be fearing for his life and instead doing interviews. "Hey guys pretty crazy this shooting happing in the hall. What's your opinion? Also you see Black Panther? Such a diverse cast, so many shades of black. You did like it right?"

Also that is why they would tear down the building. To prevent people from noticing the missing 150+ holes in the wall.

>always wants to work for CNN and be an actor

bevhillsantifa is a /pol user.. confirmed troll during election

Bad url

Who is paying you people to push this narrative that these mass shootings are fake? We have the bodies. We have the suspect. He confessed to the shooting. We have cops and doctors and nurses and ambulance drivers and the goddamn FBI who all say it happened. You faggots have Twitter screenshots and conspiracy theories. Everytime this happens you nutters coke crawling out of the woodwork like maggots or termites claiming all this bullshit with no proof. You claim the other side has no proof when in reality it's all you. So where does the money come from? Russia? Iran? Where? I know you're being paid, no one is stupid enough to do this for free. What's your goal here, exactly? To whip up people into a frenzy? No one believes your theories (because they're retarded) so why bother? Why are you all so blind to the facts? You really think some screenshots of Facebook pages are going to convince people that your crazy ideas are right? No one is that pathetic....

How did you get through elementary with out the basic understanding of a paragraphs?

I do it on my time.

>We have the bodies.
Ok. Let's see the bodies.


That won't happen.

>We have the bodies
>Sandy Hoax 2.0
pics or it didn't happen

The drill with blanks being fired seems totally bizarre to me. Has anyone experienced this at school?

The computer was still working because just the monitor was shot.

>The government and media is lying to us
>no they're not! The government and media said so

>tfw i just impulse ordered this revolver and also a colt 1911 from the same guys.
they look awesome.

Good job OP!!!
My brethren!!!! This is B.Sampler
Focus on the eye witnesses , the actual evidence and video footage they don't want you to see...
Focus on the censored body bag footage, focus on the copy PASTA questions
Where are the bullets
Where is the camera footage ect..

>Students say
What are their names?
We'll wait.


I didn't sign up for this level of countermemery

>all you people have no reason to distrust the government and the media
>the fbi is our friend
>no I'm not naive. My wife's son works for the fbi and they're all honest people




they have received a traditional muslim burial at sea

Well I'm certainly open to sponsors if any want to pop up

The computer was shot in the screen, not the actual computer

denial is one of the early stages of grief.

So there was a drill right before the shooting?
In sandy hook there was also a police drill nerby, that's why they got there so quickly.

Nobody died in

-Sandy Hook

Wake up people.