Polish Holocaust

Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła
Kiedy my żyjemy


In the name of 6 million Jews...

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Poles vs Jews vs Faggots

Who will win the victim olympics?

Fucking Kikes xD

You stay out of it. You did your part. Merkel and that other guffball stated before the cameras that "Germans did Holocaust" as if anybody was asking.

Crazy shit right? Look at these characters. The old guy is the best.

why the fuck do the jews think anybody gives a fuck about them 11 million "supposedly" died in the holocaust why do they only talk about their 6 gorillion. 1/10 of all the people who died in WW2 were kikes

I care. Woman and children died. It was a massacre. Before the war Poland had a hudge Jewish population. They were an addon.

I care about the poles and whites that died in WW2 not the jews, now they are trying to blame the holocaust involvment on poles.

It is horrible. But we must always remember that these people don't speak for the dead.

do you not think that when one tenth of all the casualties in a world war are members of one small racial and cultural group - a tiny minority - concentrated in one small area of the world - killed by one country and its allies, in a systematic way, that this is not just a bit significant?

if all the red headed people in Europe had been systematically rounded up, sent to slave labour camps and shot or gassed or starved to death, or been worked as slaves and beaten and hanged and whipped and experimented on, do you not think that redheads would have a certain chip on their shoulders?

Do you want to know what this is really about?

But in Poland before the war Jews lived a normal life... I really believe that Polish Jews were awesome citizens...

CNN has done it again.

What is it all about?

>But in Poland before the war Jews lived a normal life... I really believe that Polish Jews were awesome citizens...

They're completely out of their minds.
Who are they gonna blame next? Russians? Fucking kikes, my dudes.
Stay strong Polska.

We should join Adolf. We were tricked by kikes. But no more. We will finish this.

Israel Singer, secretary general of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) from 1986 to 2001:
>“More than three million Jews died in Poland and the Polish people are not going to be the heirs of the Polish Jews. We are never going to allow this. (…) They’re gonna hear from us until Poland freezes over again. If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be “publicly attacked and humiliated” in the international forum.” - Reuters Agency, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 April 1996

Basically the World Jewish Congress wants to blackmail Poland into giving $65 billions worth in assets = JEWISH TAKEOVER OF POLAND.

Basic history

Jewish lobbying

Polonia counterattacks

U.S. State Department responds

who shot that qt? :(

You dirty rat. Be ready for next pogrom. It will come.

Polish perpetrators of the holocaust from the Luftwaffe sitting in a Nazi Polish airplane.

They will use their bigest card yet - Drumpf the Jews who bows to his jewish masters.

i would never shoot scandinavian/germanic cuties, even if i would get paid for it

These people - the current hipster Jews you see on the videos don't speak for the dead. Poland always took care of their Jews. Long before Israel.

We will certainly not. There are no Jews in Poland for the start. Who do you want to gather in the concentration camp you antisemitic idiot?

What the fuck?!
Are they seriously want to dismantle relations between Poland and USA?!
That's actually fucking i don't even have a word with it.

Guys seriously it means war. We need to ddos their piece of shit site

That's gold. American jews always with Israel just like in WW2 right? It's funny how their try to mangle in OUR law, we can't succumb

We will take them from Israel and put them to their finall camp trip.

Le Bartoszewski Face

Daily reminder that USA is full jewish slave

can someone explain to me what happened? whats the polish holocaust denial law?

OMG FINALLY. My thoughts! We need to get MSZ to interviene.

>germans start moving to poland
>they start claiming poland participated in the holocaust willingly and there was no invasion
>polish government passes law to stop germans from revising history, again
>jews accuse poland of revising history by not pretending that the "invasion" was just a friendly spar that got out of hand

Poles have been the biggest shills for the Jew by promoting muh 6 gorillion and inflicting White guilt onto Germany/the West, whilst profiteering from the (((death camps))). You get what you deserve scum.


Ignore British Post.

i'm atm reading polish comments on polish sites about this newest campaign... shit man..

Sup Forums is a normie 'we love joos' board of peace compared to what my countrymen think it all
countrywide redpilling is in the process..
joos just turned my whole country antisemitic...

Powerful message desu senpai.
I'm with them now.

the number of oven jokes in the comments on polish sites... omg..

>itz da ebil germans why wud based jews do dis
Fuck off mutt.

The Jew complains about jail as he strikes you...

Poland recently made this law that you can't say "Polish Death Camps" or else the Polish goverment will angry.exe. Thiese people (Jews) reacted with ultra-Goebbels anti-Polish propaganda.

>you can't blame nation for holocaust just individuals - courts will help you
>polish jews that died in ww2 are polish citizens - israeli jews can't have anything that they claim, which basically is everything after polish jewery.
>polish death camp phrase is penalised

Its basically nothing yet kikes chimps out

oh interesting
thank you

I guess you guys are really desperate for attention.

Fuck off stormfag

Weird that someone who speaks english would misinterpret my post. At no point did I say anything positive about jews. I asked why the germans and jews are doing this

hahaha to nie jest zabawne... To dopiero początek... Czego oni chcą?

Das right you jew. Time to be gased for good this time. Poland will join with based muslism and remove Israel from the face of Earth.

Jews are.
Also fuck off with your memeflag faggot

I assume you know something about it. I mean you REALLY did the holocaust :D

Soon we reaopen camps for kikes.

Lol who cares you retarted normie. Its time to remove jews once and for all.

Przejdziem Wisłę, przejdziem Wartę,
Będziem Polakami.
Dał nam przykład Hitler Adolf
Jak Żydów Gazować Mamy

Thanks Russia :)

One day they will meme their Polish Holocaust into existence.


Żebyśmy ich zaczeli mordować tym razem na serio

Ej kurwa. A jakby te głąby z wykopu zaciągnął do akcji "Bombardujemy MSZ mailami z tym filmikiem i rządaniem zerwania stosunków z Izraelem", to przejdzie?
No kurwa oni mieszają się w stosunki między suwerennymi panstwami!

Kurwa śmierdzi mi to ruskimi i niemcami na dodatek

i know about the holocaust but i didnt know that poland had something to do with it
i thought we just went there and killed alot of jews
why has this been made a law now and not before?

There are no Jews in Poland.

Ale kogo człowieku? Gdzie masz Żydów w Polsce?

comments like these are exactly what they want to achieve

I think we made mistake by picking fucking Muttland over you.

t. adam szechter

you fags need to
clean your fucking rooms up
kick out the kikes and arabs
grow a set
form new military and
get your shit together
we are forming an army
a militia in the us
clean your rooms up
if you don't do it soon

That is what happened my German friend. And yet here we are.

And? Who cares. No jews, no problem.
Poland must side with muslism and help them in bombing land of jewery.

What a silly language.

Because recently there's surge of Polish Death Camps and pushing blame for holohoax on us.
Also there's the USs law 447 about the jewish wealth redistribution and claiming it via US courts.
Politics and money... jewish domain

You think Michnik is an old school Jew? He is nothing.


You guys have polandball, be happy with that.

Yes a great fucking idea, lets be smeared even more by the mass media owned by them.
This will work great.

Ten kurwa cały wykładowca z Liceum wielokulturowego... Ta szkoła jest na Kłopotowskiego w Warszawie.
Taką kurwę widze pierwszą na drzewie.

Ale tak
Jak mamy w polsce 10k moskow to wzzystko

there was no holocaust you fag

did this come out of nowhere or was there a big right wing rally or something like that to influence this?

Ale masz rację co do wykopu. Działam już tam.

There was.
Polocaust. They kiled appx 20% of Poles. There wasn't jewish holocaust.

If you care about jewery media then you are nothing more then jewish slave.
Fuck off normie. Join PIS or something and bow to jews.
50% of Poles must be gased together with jews.


They've drained Germany of shekels whilst ensuring their demographic destruction. Now its the Poles turn.

It's nothing out of the blue. No rallies. Here it was treated as business as usual, untill kikes started to chimp out

>rock paper shotgun
masz ty rozum i godnosc

Wolałbym żebys trzymał się z daleka od tej resztki Żydów rezydujących w tym kraju. To nie są ludzie idioto co ci zagrażają.

Well the bill is against anti polish propaganda, about Poland being responsible for holocaust. The nazi camps were at actually Polish land, so this rhetoric about Polish death camps were day by day more acceptable, to the lewel that Jews teach in Israel, that Poland is openly anti semitic country. I heard some politicians who used this word by mistake. But as you see in the video, there are people, who believe in this rhetoric and try to force this meme becomes they believe, that anti Semitic Poland is trying to wash the hands from the monstrosieties they did not do.

Nie znam się na grach komputerowych.

of which half were jewish poles - so three million.

even if that was the end of it (which it was not - they shot over a million and half in the East, and brought another million plus in from the rest of europe to Poland to kill them) that would be a genocide directed at the jews.

so stop saying stupid things.

Holocaust against jews was a good thing.

i wonder where this will go
thank you for answering my questions

Shame it didn't happen tho

W samolot i kurwa wypierdalać do Izraela.
Wszystkie firmy żydowskie kontrolować dopóki nic nie znajdą. Ambasade obstawić i ambasadora wydalić. Zerwać stosunki dyplomatyczne. Zero kurwa. ZERO.
Nie będą nam się w prawodawstwo kurwy mieszać.
Co to ma byc kurwa? Rozbiory? Niepodlegli chyba jesteśmy


They lie.
Hitler's skull with the bullet hole in (still the official story) turned out to be female.
A month ago British MSM declassified the JFK murder and said that while the bullet hole in kennedys skull is a 6mm diameter one Oswald was shooting six point something ammo and could not have been the one who made the gunshot wound to Kennedys head.
But you were a 'conspiracy retard' if you said any of these things BEFORE the image makers scientifically calibrated that nobody cares anymore and decide very quietly and slowly come clean instead of paying mega bucks to the David Hoggs of the world to make 'evidence' for them and appear on TV talking lies.

Nope. They were polish citizens of abrahamic religion.
Are you racist or something?
Why are other nations claiming our citizens and their wealth?
I smell merchant

Meme flag

Anyone else feel these Jews are creepy af?

come on guys have the jews
over for dinner
just make sure they
don't get near the oven
if they touch your girls
or send arabs to rape
weinstein their billionaires
like we do in the us
we are just getting warmed up
by the way

you have to make a deal with the devil
before you
can screw him over

No it wasn't. Jews were an ASSET in out god damn culture.

Polish people should be ashamed of their attrocities. The only way they can redeem themselves is by opening up their borders and transforming their country into something non-polish.

Also, give them the 65 billion dollars Poland.

Wypierdalaj nazisto. Chciałem z tobą normalnie rozmawiać, ale widać się nie da. Wieczna beka z nazistów.

Stop trolling friend :)

no the real shame is that while you have access to the internet, the greatest information and learning tool ever created, you are still such an ignorant retard

>Poles are the real nazis!
cant believe they are actually going with this strategy