How to treat non redpilled family members?


I'm fighting very often with my boomer father. He's not a raging SJW but totally brainwashed by the media.
He wants to build a new house in West Germany. I told him it's better to buy a house in Poland or Hungary or Austria but he doesn't see much of a problem in Germany.
I'm worried because Germany has decided to create "Multiple generations households". I believe that means they will put refugees together with old people who live alone in property with more than one room.
I believe we have Socialism again in Germany and that doesn't sound good for home owners.
What drives me mad the most no matter how much I explain and show im statistics he won't give in. He just says things like "Well, I see that differently" without being able to explain why exactly he sees it differently. He also says "My friends also not run away"
He doesn't think logical, he just looks left and right what other people do and what the media say. It's unbelievable. I cant convince him with evidence or historical comparisson. But I'm afraid he will regret that and probably lose lots of money (because West Germany is a lost case imo)
Have you ever redpilled a family member? What are your experiences?

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Tried red pilling my mom on the replacement migration, who listens to the CBC like 6hours a day, always on. No matter what stats I tell her, she asks "where did you get that information"? If it didn't come from CBC, CNN etc.. then its "fake news". Its impossible.

Boomers are very set in their ways. They refuse to believe or concede despite the signs being all around them. How can they not have noticed the demographic change but then think its alright?

>. How can they not have noticed the demographic change but then think its alright?

This is what I'm trying to find out. What coping mechanisms and cognitive dissonance are going on in their brains?
Because boomers are not "Antifa" who want badly to destroy the West. They rather enjoy their comfy lifes.
And they are the old generations. Actually they should be the generation that leads us.

He even told me I should visit a friend of him who's a psychologist to give me a "different perspective" on the whole matter. So basically he says I should brainwash myself to not find reality that shitty anymore. I'm very dissapointed of my father.

Every birthday party with the boomer family:

>Got a car yet user
>got a gf yet user
>how is work did you get promoted yet
>At your age we were already married with 2 kids user
>user you should go on vacation more often, like us
>why are you too poor user, you should work harder like we did
>yeah I aided the war in Israel at your age, you know drafting should do your generation good user

step 1: don't have the verbal IQ of a nigger
step 2: if it still doesn't work abandon the cause they won't come around until they get personally culturally enriched

>step 1: don't have the verbal IQ of a nigger

I don't but I'm not a charismatic speaker. But I only want the best for my family. I quikcly get desperate when he reacts stubborn and ask him to "just believe me". The problem is I can't explain him all my theorys about Kalergi plan etc. then he will put me in a mental asylum probably

He even told me an Arab told him in 2010 that Islam will try to take over starting open conflict from 2016 on.
But that was three years ago. When I ask him about this he just shruggs

>step 2: if it still doesn't work abandon the cause they won't come around until they get personally culturally enriched

I know but it's family. I don't WANT my family to get enriched no matter how stupid they are. That makes it so difficult to just give up on that matter

I just had a conversation with my mother about white genocide in South Africa, race realism, and the inability of niggers to lead a productive family, let alone run a country. She blew it off completely. They are scared of the truth at their age. They are scared of the real world because they don't understand how it works. In this real world they have no power to change the outcome, because they do not have the intellect or moral courage to fight against it. They prefer the pretend world because they want to believe their grand children will have a future in this world. They stick their heads in the sand and wish for the best.

Almost no one gets red-pilled until they stumble across key information themselves, or come face to face with (((diversity))). Good luck.

t. Child of woman who watches MSNBC for hours every night and refers to Rachel Maddow by her first name -- like they're friends.

my parents are pretty red piled but my mom still thinks we need immigrants because spoiled Americans won't do hard manual labor

>They are scared of the truth at their age. They are scared of the real world because they don't understand how it works. In this real world they have no power to change the outcome, because they do not have the intellect or moral courage to fight against it

Me neither. I also don't have the power or intellect to fight the outcome.
But I'm still not too afraid to face the truth.
Somehow I feel abandoned by my parents. Parents don't have the right to be afraid imo. Especially not when their child is afraid (no matter how old you are) but to be honest and supportive.
I find it downright egoistical desu they know they may not have to face the consequences because they may be dead (thats what they hope, that the saystem will last long enogh for them) while telling their own children to either not worry, to either not trust their own senses or to become nihilistic (you can't do anything anyway so just give up)
Boomers are very disappointing and they don't even feel ashamed

>but totally brainwashed by the media.
He knows that that Parkland HS shooting actualy happened, and it wasn't a bunch of "crisis actors" like the Russians here had your fooled into believing?

Maybe you shouldn't let the Russians fooled into this artificial divisiveness with boomers either.

>It's unbelievable
Old people can't think out of the mental channels their surroundings have driven through their minds for decades, the walls are too steep now.

My advice: Unless they give some indication of being subtly redpilled, don't push too hard, you'll just damage the already tenuous family ties that still exist in this ending culture.
Family is important, it's why feminists target it so heavily. Keep the ties you have if you can...But sometimes it's better to just let go.

>Almost no one gets red-pilled until they stumble across key information themselves

boomer dad here. i tried hard to redpill the adult children of my second wife (24 m, 26 f). no chance, their life is pretty comfy, no need to think about stuff other than lifestyle related. my teenagers (11 m, 16 m) are doing well. interested in arms, fishing, hunting, reading, politics.
according to my experience, it makes no sense to push the red pills to hard. stop trying to missionate, this will only lead to isolation from friends, family, colleagues at work. pay attention, listen to what they say, show interest .. wait for the right moment to state your opinion. offer smaller red pills by avoiding harsh discussions. i made some good efforts by referencing orwell in some situations. everyone knows 1984, and news offer baits on a daily base.
besides that, it's your fathers life, and his decisions. they may be wrong, but it's not your duty to tell your father how to live his live.

>My advice: Unless they give some indication of being subtly redpilled, don't push too hard, you'll just damage the already tenuous family ties that still exist in this ending culture.
>Family is important

I think you are right.
I know that's why it hurts so much. I'm afraid I can't pretend just to make peace. My acting skills are not good enough.
I'm also not sure if your survival chance with a non redpilled, not prepared "normie" family are higher than with a group of like minded individuals.
Actually I don't even want to stay in Germany. I'd like to move to Eastern Europe and I'd love to take my family with me.
I also have an old grandfather who is in a retirement home. I would love to take him with me, let him live with me and take care of them.
In Germany refugees also enter retirement homes and steal or harm. And a civil war would even be worse for such old person.
And the gov says, pensioners should leave Germany because they are too expensive.
There is no future for old people here.
But my father does not believe me. He just does not do because he can.
And he is responsible for my grandfather. So I'm not allowed to (maybe) save my grandfathers life. That's unbeareable desu

>He even told me I should visit a friend of him who's a psychologist to give me a "different perspective" on the whole matter.

If I were you I would go to this psychologist and share all the facts with him. If he's an honest psychologist, he will agree with you and support your views, then ask him to speak with your father. Your father is unfortunately trapped in a small circle of YES sayers and enablers and that's the majority to him. It's HIM who needs to be exposed to other perspectives. I know for me it worked because when I met my girlfriend she was bluepilled as fuck and we had lots of arguments, but her therapist was pivotal in her redpilling - she agreed with everything I said, so my girlfriend became woke.

Hello everyone, I'm from 2ch!

The psychologist is a former "Punk" and looks much like
If this guy would share my views he would already have redpilled my dad

>How can they not have noticed the demographic change but then think its alright?

This is what I'm trying to find out. What coping mechanisms and cognitive dissonance are going on in their brains?

i don't know how they do it either.

It's a horrible way to live and it's why I don't interact with boomers.

Shit man, I guess I never realized how good I had it. Parents are still boomers but I got my gift from them. Some cucked boomer stances. Believes that there are black people and then there are niggers. Also dad says you can take the black out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the black. Grandpa hated Jews til the day he died. Mom fucking haaaaaaaaates fags. Dad always complains about how back in the day you could call a faggot a faggot. I don't push to hard because they are awake enough that I don't feel like they're easilly duped or lied to. Never vote anything but conservative. I just return the favour now by keeping my dad up to date on happenings and hammering home on the daily how much the media lies. I feel like their only week spot is that they are so used to getting everything from tv. Can't give advice if you have a cuck family.

My mother is a feminist, sjw, socialist and remarried a Filipino, could be worse user.

I envy you.
I also try to warn them but I can't get a grip.
My father sometimes even says I should stop being so "negative" and then he tells me that his friends children just married and why I can't just live happily.
He can't imagine how badly I want that. But I just can't enjoy living happily when I feel like on the Titanic. It hurts so much to have nobody to talk to about these worries but anonymous people on an origami board. You can't express your worries because your own family will laugh at you or see you as a problem

your MOTHER remarried a FILIPINO? Why?
since when do women marry jungle monkey men?

Well I think in OP's case since we're dealing with Germany you have to take into account how heavily indoctrinated they were to feel ashamed of their country post WWII.

Look guys. Don't be so hard on the oldfags. If a person is a closed minded fool who values anything but truth, chances are they were always like that. There are plenty of based geezers out there.

>my theorys about Kalergi plan
What are your theories? All the "Kalergi plan" theories I've heard seem to be based in nonsense.
The few paragraphs in Practical Idealism that address race mixing are written in the context of (A) the structural problems of colonialism, which he divides into an India archetype and an Australia archetype; (B) an inevitable distant future where cross-pollination has narrowed racial difference via entropy alone, not eugenics.
It's all about how to cope with racial differences in the colonies, not in Europe, and it doesn't advocate race mixing, it simply takes as an axiom that race mixing will occur slowly and naturally, and considers the social ramifications.
Also his Pan-European advocacy was in the context of the 1920s, right after the Russian Revolution, to form a united front against belligerent communism. It's obsolete now.

I non ironically told my parents they'd have to ask their arabs and nigs to take care of them when they'll be old, that it was the deal and the reason they offered the land of my ancestors to this vermin.

Abandon them

I don't mean to slide your thread OP but tell us more about this shitskin refugee quartering program. The gub is going to force people to house refugees in their own bought and paid for homes? Are you fucking serious?

There is no helping boomers. You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Accept that their brains are rotten and know that you will soon replace them with the legacy you create.

>What are your theories? All the "Kalergi plan" theories I've heard seem to be based in nonsense.
Angela merkel got the Kalergi price in 2010 and she said in 2005 that we won't have the right for social market economy and democracy for eternity.
She also doesn't call Germans Germans anymore. She calls us "People who live here for longer" (compared to people who don't live here for long). She equalizes Europe with EU.
I dont know if its exactly Kalergi plan but it's a plan for sure and a very harmful for Germans

My parents are literal nazis and they don't even realize it.

redpill is gay
cancer just like feminism

My dad's already redpilled as fuck, constantly talks shit about the jews and news, knows more about the shit they've pulled in this nation than I do.

>I don't mean to slide your thread OP but tell us more about this shitskin refugee quartering program. The gub is going to force people to house refugees in their own bought and paid for homes? Are you fucking serious?

They have not directly said this but I strongly assume it. Because there is no realistic solution for this situation.
Because we just don't have enough housing. They want to invited at least (!) 200.000 people per year (these people will eventually want to bring their families too.
They also will continue having babies in Germany.
This guy for example. He's illiterate, has two wifes and 6 children + 1 in the making.
he says he got a brandnew house and doesn't know how much he gets every month. He just goes to the ATM, resses a button and receives money. He's planning to marry a third wife and to have 10-20 children.
Somebody has to provide for these people and somebody has to provide housing.

The government wants a "lonelyness ministry" because they found out that many people, especially old ones, feel lonely. Do you really think the gov cares about that?

I'm very sure their plan is, to crowd people together. Just like they did in Socialism.
Thats why you see everywhere documentations for "alternative living", mobile homes, tiny homes, shared flat concepts etc.

I'm very sure they will just throw out old people who live in a big house or force them to share their home
Just like they did with this old man in Italy. Why not? A whiny old man is better than 2000 rioting Africans because they are not satisfied with their housing situation
Also in Italy a gypsy clan took over a retirement home. They said, the old people will die soon anyway. They have a big family who needs a home. I don't remember what happened furter.
But this is what will happen when they become the total majority and we got some economic problems so the welfare state won't work anymore

here's the syrian refugee.
Have you any idea how many families on earth would kill for this opportunity?

>But I'm afraid he will regret that and probably lose lots of money

fuck him he deserves it

Oh yes, I agree that what is happening now is bad, I've just never seen anything described this way in Kalergi's writings.
Maybe it's like the "Nobel Memorial Prize" in economics, which was not established by Nobel but by the Swedish National Bank, 70 years later.

Same with my family, user. We just have to accept our fate.

My mother asked me a few months ago if it wasnt time yet to get a gf... told me she would like to have grandkids. I told her she could forget about that, because her generation fucked it all up. She quickly dropped it and never mentioned it again.

Just get some roastie pregnant and never see the kid, your mum gets her grand child, you gene's carry on and you don't have to change your life in any way.

>>yeah I aided the war in (((Our Greatest Ally)))
too bad he didn't catch a bullet

>told me she would like to have grandkids
well isn't that selfish

they also made a Bilderberg meeting in Dresden, strongly protected by police

My dad is the same yet my mother don't want to accept it. She always says the same shit like there's good and bad people everywhere etc. It's litterally impossible to redpill her, she's stuck in the 70'.

has she seen this? Tell her to imagine driving there and feeling her car breaking down. Anybody who doesn't feel worried just by pure instinct is a retard

Already did sent those kind of videos and believe me my father tried, now he's just talk to me like she wasn't here and she always said stupid shit like "the jews are like everyone" etc.

Basically woman + easy life + born in the mid 50' = impossible to red pill.