Give up your guns
Give up your guns
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fuck this guy got rid of the whole police department with his gun?
I thought it was supposed to be a 8yo son?
Never trust a man who celebrates being unable to protect his family.
>getting cucked by a 9 yo girl
Hahaha getting yanked around by your own kid
And he's posting this like it's inspiring or some shit
Another employee of a crisis actor company. Look into his history and you find more lies.
Aww so emotion much courage
Hope his family gets raped in the middle of the night where all he can think about is the gun he turned in
>a dude just shot a whole bunch of people in a place where there weren't any guns and nobody was able to defend themselves
>so we better get rid of our guns, so we too can get shot while being unable to defend ourselves
My nine year old son asked me to throw him out the window, so I did. We live on the 28th floor and now I don't have a son anymore.
Maybe we shouldn't do everything our kids scream at us when they're crying. What a fucking idiot.
Now do you understand why they need to be banned?
things that never happened
>being this much of a limpwristed faggot
Dumb ass doesn't realize that won't stop some other asshole with a gun... Leftist pussies are ruining America.
He will be so glad that he handed in his rifle when Jamal and Trayvon will visit him
>liberal faggots disarming themselves
There is violent actors.
>better act like a 3 year old girl and get rid of my mechanical self defense
Hope his kid and wife are raped by illegals.
Happens every day.
A fucking 9 year old is making this guy's decisions regarding home defense? The kids deserve a better father.
How heartwarming. Love wins. Now I hope this happens to them.
>hey niggers, PLEASE burglarize me
things that never happened for 500$ alex.
When David Hogg auditioned for the role of "School Shooting Survivor" he only had $11. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing he bought was a hot dinner.
>things that actually happened
>right wing retards think guns will ever be used like its said in constitution
i wonder which side is more retarded more and more everyday
besides if they do ban guns, just fucking hide them for when le ebil gobnment comes. there are never enough police men to go door to door
> The safety of my house and family is determined by my 9-year old daughter
lmao when his daughter is going to be in danger and we wont be able to defend her against an armed thug
>"My telepathic barely second trimester fetus psychically informed me that borders and laws and stuff are mean."
give me some good rundown on him - I want to spam the CNN international twitter
The US is infested by mutts. When everyone has nigger blood in them you never know when they are gonna attack. Guns are necessary.
Ahhh ya dick ya beat me by less than a minute lol!
degenerate leftist using a gun to get a lapdance from a child. Where is she learning these things?
Why don't we just let 9 year olds write the law?
Evolution of the 8 year olds - the 9 year olds. Even if this was true, it's fucking retarded. There is nothing wrong with owning guns. There is something wrong with mentally ill people owning guns, or parents not storing the guns properly so that their retarded children can go on a killing spree with them. I know, being responsible adults is hard and shit, but they could at least try.
Will “Putting a stop to the cops” Bailey
These people are insane
I was trying to figure out why he pisses me off so much - he looks like the tf2 scout
The police are just going to auction the guns off and make money yeah?
do u know da way?
lmao cuck
Amusing flag, proxynigger.
Lets not stand on ceremony here.
Ahahahahahaha! She better pray a little closer to home. What whites in South Africa don't own guns? Dead ones, lol!
>Praying for your country from South Africa
I hope some niggers break into her no-guns household.
Good idea!!! Let’s let 9 year olds make all important family decisions!!! Ice cream for breakfast!! No fruits and veggies EVER AGAIN!!! No work all play! Micky’s clubhouse 24/7 gangsta nigga
What an absolute retard. Well guess now everyone on social media knows he’s unarmed. Let the home invasions begin....
Weak faggot. If you fold like a chair just because your kid cries then you shouldn't be a parent.
be from South Africa
>My kids learned whitey used to own land here
>After dinner my 9yo climbed onto my lap and asked if there were any whites left in this country with land. I told her the truth. There are.
>She started crying and said "Please let's drive them all out."
>We just got home from burning their houses and driving them out of the country together.
Welp, when I need a new tv I know which house to hit. Will Bailey, better pray your wife isn't hot or I'm taking her too, possibly in front of you and you child.
Fuck off commie
Go back to twitter and tell her to go fuck herself.
I hope you replied
>When David Hogg auditioned for the role of "School Shooting Survivor" he only had $11. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing he bought was a hot dinner.
hot dinner?
you meant "butt plug"
What an absolute faggot.
>Bet he didn't own any guns to begin with
Not to mention that he just advertised to everyone on the interwebzsphere that he's now disarmed. Now his daughter can join the #MeToo movement...
Annie >>>>>> Shitoria
They need to start a campaign where they house at least one illegal in their house until democrats win presidency
Also ask her if she lives in Cape Town lol.
I love you Nippons. We should have let you have Asia, we were fools to cut the oil off.
Shit like this is why I stopped using social media I fucking hate these fake gay stories about your kids that are posted for attention. Bet he doesn't even have a kid.
>Later that evening, Will and his family were viciously murdered in their home.
My kids learned about ponies today at school
After dinner my 9yo climbed onto my lap & asked if we have a pony. I told her the truth. We didn't have one.
She started crying & said "Please let's get one."
We just got home from the stables where together we bought a pony
We’ll see this Summer who’s more retarded cunt
I agree
Lol she’ll become the next liberal. Terrific
Listening to a 9yo.
and then everyone clapped
We prefer to say peoplekind race, its more inclusive
Just go hide in a fucking closet you faggot. So tired of this stupid argument.
Let's swap the age restrictions for public office around! Only people 30 and under can be congressmen now! Thank god, why didn't we do this before?
>Of course you can't vote or drink, you're too young!
Another communist using their child as a prop to "say things" so that people will give them attention.
These fuckwits should have their children put up for adoption then be sent to camps where they can be worked to death.
Pretty dumb to advertise you don't have a gun
What the fuck exactly is going through these people's minds? Are they scared that they will shoot up the school themselves or something? Maybe it's a GOOD thing they are giving up their guns if they think they are so mentally unstable that they can't trust themselves with one.
Don't worry about me though!
That's a big gun
>Listening to a 9yo.
Children are the future,
we have to obey them.
we have to protect them.
If they are unstable enough to let their 9yo dictate whether or not they can own a ~$500 gun, then maybe it's for the best that they don't have a gun
im a nigger so now i will definitely break into this guys Will Baileys house and rob him blind because now I know I wont be shot! cool!
>Somewhere in the future, there maybe a child able to crawl into the lap of a loving Dad because of you...God works that way...
Kek, leftists implying that other leftists will shoot up a school if they have the means.
>Uganda flag
Yes yes he know de wae
IF you are truly a Christian white man you’d understand the negro and communist will kill you, your family, and your fellow white men as soon as you turn in your gun. I infact plan on working on my AR marksmanship than at 21 buy a CC in the state of Georgia and start with a glock 19.
It makes me sick to my stomach that Americans have these rights that not many other places, if any, have. Yet they're trying to get rid of them. They shit on them. They ignore all the sacrifices people have made to secure them those rights.
Hahaha this retard takes advice from 9 year olds. Hahaha
All they or anybody on any social media platform wants is attention. Advertising 101 Children and Monkies are great for attention.
This is not a parody account.
Let's just say it's true. How cucked do you have to be to listen to a 9 year old? Why not explain that it was a bad person who did that and not a gun? How brainwashed is your 9 year old to think guns are inherently bad?
>a society where dughters don't obey fathers, but fathers obey daughters
You deserve islam.