Are you prepared for the massive unemployment Automation will cause?

Are you prepared for the massive unemployment Automation will cause?

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nope i am indian, it benefits me the most.

I am Mechanical Engineering student, so I'm good.


are you prepared for the massive race the anti-white narrative will cause ?

ffs i cant even spell

Are you prepared to stop shitting up my thread with your gibberish?

Christ the propaganda works. You guys are the biggest losers of automation. Our gibs style economy is shifting.

We wont use the third worlds shitty electrical infrastructure for the new mega plants. You guys are losing yet again.

oh good another brainlet thread where people think labor-saving devices reduce unemployment instead of massively expanding it like it has done every single fucking time this has happened throughout history.

it turns out that if you make it much easier to do something, a LOT MORE PEOPLE CAN DO IT. dumbfucks.

Yes, because then race war will be at last justified in the minds of the public.

automation causes massive obesity, not unemployment.

They're still going to need people to operate the machines. Those people will still need managers. I'll be fine.

No, I need to work on my endurance. I'm good for about 150m then I putter out.

Well you've already got the first part covered. The second isn't far behind.

>mfw NEET
>mfw already adept and acclimated to being worthless

Automation is a dead meme.
Robotics industry is downsizing. Most companies are moving to third world sbitholes instead of automating.

>t. Robotics major

The person operating the machine will be a Mexican making $10/hour and the manager will be a Jew's acquaintance.

Yes, praise the AI overlords

>English teacher in South Korea
Yeah I'm not sure that's how that works

Why tell lies on the internet?

>oh good another brainlet thread where people think labor-saving devices reduce unemployment instead of massively expanding it like it has done every single fucking time this has happened throughout history.

Speciality tradesman my career is fine until we can make robots like Terminators


I was in a new mcdonalds and it felt like the future. big dumb touchscreen, or smartphone app, impersonal pickup, a handful of different ethnicities seeming cautiously guarded against each other. Then in walked a boston dynamics policebot...

TFW you make money from doing something the robots will unable to replicate for decades or more, and you rely on nobody and no entity other than yourself.


this will create jobs not destroy them.

What will the new fields of employment be?

Servicing glory holes at the refugee center?

You mean like the entire "Industrial Revolution" aka "Automation and Mass Production of Goods" caused? Fucking morons.

What kinds of jobs will be created in similar quantity?

>Speciality tradesman

What do you do that can't be automated?

people have no concept of how much can be automated. everyone thinks their job requires something extra that a machine can't do for whatever reason. but at the end of the day, most jobs, even the highly paid ones requiring years of education, can be broken down to a set of algorithms, many of which can be partially or completely automated. and more importantly, as is true now, one person with the right education will be able to do the same work that used to take 100 people by taking the 5% of the job that can't be automated and doing it 100% of the time, while the other 95% of the job is automated like everything else. this includes doctors, lawyers, engineers, you name it.

the scarier part to me is how does a society function if something like half of the working-eligible people are unemployed? you can say UBI, but that's based on taxes, which is based on the wages of the other 50% of the population...which are based on their ability to create and sell products and services to the 50% of people who still have the money to afford them. i've never been big on communism or socialism, but desu those are the only economic models i could even see working in this hypothetical scenario.

I'm an artist. Laugh about me now but it's one of the few things robots will never learn to do.

They'll have sex robots soon enough, kid sized no doubt.

The key is to be creative, robots and automation is only going to infringe upon those jobs that involve simple repetitive tasks, anything that an idiot can do a robot will soon take over, and of course AI is about to BTFO every single kind of driver there is, bus, truck, taxi, Amazon deliveries etc all gone within 10 years.

Get creative, produce something that people want that depends upon imagination and passion, AI and Robots are decades at least away from that shit.

>"rely on nobody and no entity other than yourself"

What about your pimp and your johns? You can't make a profit dogging yourself, Nigel...


>I am a german artist
never say this in English, it is dark magic.

Again sex robots are already making inroads there, you can't even manage to be creative with a fucking post, so you I am afraid to say are well and truly fucked.

won't we just crush you with our innovation? and take all your women.

No Automation will happen at high rates. They may automate some non-VPoGTP positions though. Robots are not counted as people in the US. the programmers are responsible for the code written.

The reasons why we have "jobs" in the first place are:

(1) It keeps people busy so they don't have time to spend thinking about what TPTB are doing to keep them busy. Most white collar and many blue collar jobs have a lot of down time and do not required 8-10 hours per day to complete the tasks.

(2) The system has a structure that blames the lowest person in the hierarchy. Does anyone really believe that a rogue engineer installed defeat devices on millions of VW diesels or that thousands of rogue WF bankers independently decided to create fake accounts to raise bank assets on paper without some sort of instruction on how to do it? Even if Trump changes this policy, they still wouldn't risk the entire company through automation which could be tracked back to them. They would just get better at blaming the low level employees.

Wrong. See Deep Dream. AI is coming for you.

Overhead coiling fire doors

the world's top programmers are indian suck it queer.

Nobody will need shit smelling rapists once computers can program themselves.

Innovation? You can only fuck a go so many ways, Ahmed.

It would literally hit you the hardest making Western outsourcing to shitholes obsolete

Expert systems could replaced lawyers and bureaucrats back in 1970s. Full automation is not going to happen due to social and psychological reasons, at least not any time soon, despite being economically best way to do it.

Automation (like any technological progress in history) gives a lot of people in the workforce the opportunity to do something else as a job, usually in a more intellectual and technologically advanced field. This has happened at all times in history as new jobs replaced the old ones. The problem are the lazy brainlet leftists that either can't start a business on their own or get the new jobs that usually require the cognitive capacities they don't have.

tl;dr Low IQ leftists and shitskins are the biggest enemy of technological advancement and economical prosperity

>but that's based on taxes
And taxes are based on capital generation. If there's enough excess capital being made with superb automation, UBI won't be a problem.

This assumes capital in massive excess, however. But that won't be a problem with automation on the scale you're suggesting.

You sound like one of these numerous fags who said the demand for cars will be very low and could never compete with horse-driven carriages

that would be another 20 years you goof, by then all your women will be ours.

Reminder that this is what happens when you give technology to subhumans.

Australian women are all white trash sluts and teen mothers. You're welcome to them.

Everyone making less than $30,000/yr should just be Mercy killed.

We also need to funnel all of their kids into prison or the military. Their lives are forfeit for being poorfags.

i honestly don't know how anyone expects an automated economy to not crater demand. seems like a recipe for endless crisis

Robotics Engineer here. Yeah sure.

i'm welcome to all white women, i'll go to all white countries cum in them and leave while they are pregnant.

My job is to figure out how to automate certain processes so no

kek. That is a different matter. What if I told you that humans need 10 hours of sleep per day, but TPTB say it is 6 to 8 hours so people are tired, constantly on edge with one another, and also easier to control in the hierarchy because most people have faith in the people in power or at least to a level where they believe TPTB would not deliberately harm them. This is wrong given the recent UN issues with Cholera but hey why not? People can believe what they want.

Australians have been doing that for decades. The difference is first world countries have easy abortion access, so women can flush their unwanted shitskin kids.

mood point, they destroyed it so others can't have it. but you are not wrong

I work in sales, automation won't be taking over sales anytime soon... unless all you retards fall for pop up ads, then maybe automation can succeed in that field.

You know what's easy to control? Small populations. But you don't see anyone cracking down on overbreeding even as countries are already running out of the most basic resources like drinking water

if our neoliberal overlords start reducing unit costs with automation rather than buying from and importing low wage curries you will lose your competitive advantage m8

nah it will be too late, they won't realize that they are pregnant. we are smarter than whites, can easily overcome them with our tenacity.

People think their job will be replaced when AI become smarter than human worker. however, the most job killing thing is not smarter machines but smarter system. think about smart factory. none of the machines in smart factory is not smarter than human worker. but when they arranged efficiently, human intervention is unnecessary. Same event will happen very soon. even though some CEOs are so kind that they try to protect their worker's job, New company that has totally different but very efficient system will arise and disrupt that industry.

New technology makes New system possible, and New system makes New society, value system.

Automation, Smarter machines are not the problem. to adhere old value and society is the cause of disaster.

you're legitimately fucking retarded

>running out of the most basic resources like drinking water

Maybe that was the point. Overpopulate, domestically or through migration, to cause shortage of resources then they die of famine and dehydration which looks like the countries were poorly run... It looks better than bombing a country.

I've seen the garbage code you walking suicides shit out and it's fucking awful.

nope, we have enough Indian people living in your country to force you to obey us. Look at USA your TOP EARNERS are Indians we laugh at those stupids chinks who think they are superior to us when we earn more.

>he didnt invest in crypto 2 years ago and is since financially set for life
top lel its like you guys have zero foresight

Not enough applicants tbqh. We need that 30 people higher within the next 5 years.
Trust me, its good for the economy

When everything is automated there is no need for humans to work in the first place.


Recent robots can do detailed work

Animals like these just need to be shot, literally waste of air


who earns more money than you in your own country.

Look up the statistics in USA white queer.

That "new system" will be UBI fed by massive automated capital generation.

It already has caused massive unemployment, ever since the industrial revolution. So far so good.

It always does both. It's not one or the other. Rarely ever has anything either only created or destroyed jobs.
Delivery drivers, taxis, warehouse hands, truckers, all gone. Destroyed.
Mechatronic service techs, sequence programmers, trainers, calibrators. Created.
Ratios? More destroyed than created. Those created? Higher paying with less bodily harm, less hours required, more cheaper produce, more of the human population will have access to the abundance of the west. This wave of industry will bring us to 100% accessibility, and the populace will finally notice that less than 10% of the population of earth NEEDS to work to support the remainder.
They'll want gibs from the 10%, the 700 million westerners, while the westerners will fight, with only 70 million real jobs needed, the remaining 600 million will bitch and moan and complain that their office jobs are real, that aren't just busy work, that they deserve pay, rights just like the 70mil actually working, and, more importantly, that they're above the 7 billion that don't work.
We can't just have a world where everything is freely distributed, THEY NEED TO EARN IT, yells the populace who have no sense of identity other than their jobs, and letting the 70 mil running the farms and factories and warehouses just GIVE resources away would undermine that, so they'll stop it at all costs.
This is how the race war will happen. Not black vs white, but working whites vs "working" whites. The first group, on the side of every other country on the planet, yet a total minority in their own countries.

i fix and program robots, design to an extent, we still need to make a few leaps. this is where some government grants would come in handy.

but they need money to buy votes so maybe 10-15 years, i thought we would have been fully automated 15 years ago, but we need a bit more, on a mass scale that is

I became preemptively unemployed.

Fruits of the poo

Automate this

>recycling is bad
if you bleach shit and it doesn't smell bad anymore what's wrong with it?

Kek yourself

yeah, since im a software engineer myself

it is going to create other jobs, ever heard about creative destruction ?

Perhaps they're Polish?