In my timeline he died over 10 years ago

Is anyone else from the timeline where this fuck died almost two decades ago? I noticed the split from my timeline quite a bit back. Also from the timeline I come from, Rush Limbaugh died in the early 2000's.

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In my timeline OP wasnt a faggot larper, but something must have changed.

You're thinking of his reputation


>Is anyone else from the timeline where
Ok it seems the answer is no. That is fine, just remember the Berenstein bears is the correct spelling.

He did die over 10 years ago.
After 3 days he rose again.
Now he's dead again.
Give him a few days he'll be right as rain.

If you look up holographic universe theory it could explain alot of these mandela effects. Also it has been shown that scientist can replace the memories of mice when.they sleep. So maybe these are some small test runs. Cant wait for that giant 5g network to cover entire country what kinda weapon could that be

Who is this guy and why should I care about him?

El Psy Kongroo.

Get the fuck off drugs, lunatic

He developed Parkinson's disease and retired from public life in 2000 and hasn't really been seen since. Shit like this has a logical explanation 90% of the time


>who was he
The most prolific and influential religious leader of the 20th century.

It's weird because I remember him dieing 10 years ago as well and i also remember there being a movement of gays and lesbians being very happy about it and talking about it on TV.

I also remember Mirror Mirror on the Wall and a bunch of other Mandela Effect things like:
Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
Captain Crunch
Cheez Its
Cup O' Noodles
Depends Adult Diapers
Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams
Life is like a box of Chocolates, You never know what you're gonna get - in Forest Gump
Herbal Essence Shampoo
Home Depot
Interview With A Vampire
Jiffy Peanut Butter
Kit-Kat bars
The Lion lays down with the Lamb in the Bible
Looney Toons
Mr. Rodgers always singing, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood"
Proctor and Gamble
Reba MacEntyre
Rice Crispies
Spike the Gremlin
Steven Segal
Tidy Cat Litter
"Toto I don't think we're in Kansas anymore", in the Wizard of Oz

Are you from the Timeline where Jaws' Girlfriend in James Bond has braces?

I'm from that timeline.

my dad is getting close to that age

I think Gomer Pyle died of AIDS in the 80's. Did that happen?

I'm from that timeline. I remember distinctly laughing at that scene, like, "Oh they were made for each other"

I remember that, spooky. It was a good joke too.


It was the entire gist of the scene, it was one of the most memorable scenes in the film. It literally makes no sense without it which is what is disturbing and unsettling about the alteration.

The joke literally has no visual punchline anymore. Even some James Bond enthusiasts who had all of the films on 35mm film and laser disc recall that scene as it was, with them both having mouths full of metal. It was what the two characters bonded over and it was cute.


Weird, I also remember him dying because fags were celebrating it. Who am I thinking of?

This is the third time he's died in my lifetime.


I remember joking about that with my mom when I was a kid.

You remember a lot, and have a very large list. Many of the things you have mentioned have no deviance's from what I recall.

>(((The most prolific and influential religious leader of the 20th century.)))
Men like him are a cancer on religion.

>Rush Limbaugh died in the early 2000's.
Wait, RUSH is still alive?! Wtf


This. Billy Graham is a heretic and will burn in Hell for his treachery and misleading.
God wills it!

Dude stopped preaching ten years ago in 2005 your just a retard he's been retired since then.



You're thinking of Jerry Falwell who died in 2007.

>retiring from leading (according to him) the true church
It doesn't work like that.. you either die under God or it's just a career. Pope Benedict proved the catholic church is false, Billy Graham proved the evangelical church is false.

Orthodox Christianity is the one true church.

Yeah that about sums it up.
I'm one of the people that remembers Mandela dieing. I was in Germany in 1987-1990 and I had a bunch of pins on my Jacket and one of them was Free Nelson Mandela. I remember hearing that he died in prison as well as I remember the day that John Lennon was shot.

The other really strong Mandela effect I have about a person was the death of Louie Andersson. I remember talking to people about it and comparing it to John Candy's death. We are definitely in the Matrix. 100%

Ya, same for me. When I saw the headline I was thinking the guy had already been dead for years.

RIP /ourguy/



Basically a really good preacher who had the ear of pretty much fucking everyone. Multiple US presidents, the queen, European leaders pretty much fucking everyone.

He had a bigger impact on Christianity than any pope in the last 100 years. Guy breathed the gospel. I respect him and his work.

ITT: schizophrenics, larpers, and SSRI fried amerimutts

My recent Mandela Effect is that Blood type O Negative is now the universal donor.... it had always been O+

The only fissures in my timeline involve the dude who played Barney Phife on the andy Griffith show.

What ?! O+ Is universal donor..
Man I swear none of this is real

That’s what I remember. Nixon and Graham talking about Jews and their power.

Don Knotts
same guy as the Apple Dumpling Gang

am I wrong. I didn't look it up

when did he die?

>a church consisting almost entirely of slavs is the one true church

I from the timeline where we ran a train on your mom, and we still do in this timeline.
What a fucking whore she was and still is.
Sucks cock like a champ.

>Greeks, Armenians, are Slavs

Yes this is the second time he has died

No, you're just simple.

On a side note this was a really profound thing to me. Christianity, especially Evangelism are cosmopolitan religious creeds basically. They welcome all, for better or worse. Now, go on twatter and see the reward of that, the abuse being hurled at this dead man, and the sycophants and elitist zog worms praising him. Go look at the things MLK had to say about him, how his work in Evangelism paved the way for glorious desegregation and the enrichment of our cities. Nothing made me reflect on my upbringing quite like this day.

Are you thinking of Jerry Falwell? He died in 2007.

is this your tape as well?
did you lose it on your way here?

you need to get back on your meds

LOL (You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)(You)

His wife died ten years ago.
Not a different time line, you just half remembered a headline.

Mandela effect is the most retarded underage faggot imbecile conspiracy the internet has ever shit out

kys virgin faggots

Stop smoking so much weed, it's killing your brain

I think I'm from your timeline. I remember hearing about him and finding out that he was already dead. I didn't hear about Rush Limbaugh until around 2009 though, so I didn't notice any split there.

What exactly causes these timeline splits?

This guy gets it.

Satan will welcome him with open arms.

>we have no idea how the universe came into being
>but don't start speculating on how the universe came into being, lunatic! only a crazy person would do that!
t. brainlet


Yeah, exactly. Easy mix-up to make, too. Very similar televangelists.

you guys