I need guns to fight govern-

>I need guns to fight govern-

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Fucking IDIOT you think they don't hire economists in government? One of those is worth twelve human lifetimes in economics standings, and with today's population densities it would only make sense to hit... welll... new york

How well did those fighters do in Vietnam again?

as soon as the government starts doing that Russia starts sending us AA systems

ooooo air-to-air missiles woaaah be careful

not to mention the fuel cost of reaching the target, or the cost of research and development. I mean come on dude they save that shit for the putins and the pol pots, you'll never even hit their radar with a thousand grenades


As soon as the govt tries to use the military to quell the population the military will fragment.

Also all those planes have to land and get refuelled. Who's going to re-fuel and re-arm them? Who's going to feed the repair guy? Who's going to guard the corn field? Your jet?

Yeah, because that logic worked out so well in Vietnam and Afghanistan, right?

Bundy Ranch standoff....... armed citizens stand up to government tyranny. All are acquitted in the end and feds are giving back lots of land to the states....... weird

>implying it was useful against afghans farmers with rusted ak-47.

Because the government can totally bomb their own infrastructure like that without any economic or political consequences. The absolute worst that would happen are large scale ATF raids.


One of the first things that happens in a revolution is grabbing arms from the government.

But you have to have weapons to grab better weapons

Good luck.

Bombing civilians = even more angered civilians.

Try again cock sucker.


Ya good luck in the suburbs where every neighborhood is basically ripe for gorilla warfare.

>getting taken out by an anti-radiation missile

Isn't it odd how on one hand Liberals call AR-15's Military weapons
And on the other hand say guns can't fight a military


>starts bombing population
>crazy militias begin uprising in practically every state
>demoralized army bombing America and killing Americans

Government will fucking lose so hard, imagine occupying Afghanistan but everyone has AR15s and their own guns.

I'm sure your ccw will easily take down an infantry

This thread again. So tired of winning. I need to conserve my energy for when the war starts.

>>crazy militias begin uprising in practically every state

Yes, morbidly obese 40 somethings who spend 1 hour a month at a shooting range and would have a stroke if they had to physically walk half a mile will defeat the us government

American Insurgency Party Now

Are you talking about the police?


we dropped over a billion bombs in vietnam and still couldn't kill them. planes are good for taking out very large targets. useless in the guerilla war

> Hur during Oh yeah, the Government would totally beat a large scale American uprising
Did you forget the several past decades we've been bombing the same handful of camel jockies, armed with nothing but trucks, guns, and improvised bombs?

And even worse when the targets are in American cities and towns


I think Ill be alright as long as I'm not painting that fucking thing with a fire control radar.

Come at me bro.

but yes, anti tank missiles and anti aircraft should be available too

Can a kevlar helmet stop a screaming haji's 7.62 round? Probably not. But you won't see soldiers taking their helmets off.

You're making the argument for an expanded purview of the Second Amendment.

What is Vietnam?

Your right I need to be able to buy assault planes as well

Read a history book. Governments fall all the time by uprisings from the people. Invading and occupying forces lose to insurgents constantly. The American military has not fared well in any such battle in recent history.

Yes but the mudslimes are not all morbidly obese and they know how to fight. Americans are fat and have no idea how to fight, especially white rural retards

Oh, right...those...


How to

>US F-16 shoots a missile at me, killing me and everyone else in my apartment complex
>including the nice old lady across the hall, the single mother and her two kids and the photogenic couple upstairs
>everyone sees this and gets pissed
>people go to the airbase and blow up the airfield

Yeah, even if there was a civil war this is a retarded plan.

Hi bitch, your guns worked really great against the great Vietnam. You fucking pussies got a Ho Chi Minh trail for a bunch of black guy to bicycle up ur ass

worked in Nam.

to be honest, you also had significant help from USSR, S-200 missiles and MiG-21s aren't to be ignored.

Sure did nigga

Bombs are easier to make than a gun, dipshit.

China's PLA did it just fine in Tiananmen

>when the argument is so retarded, you can't tell which side it's promoting.

I just love you guys. We live in a country where people want to shred up the constitution everytime there's a school shooting and need a Xanax if their Starbucks order is wrong but yea I'm sure drone strikes are going to go over real well with the population.

When they start having to deal with sabotaged infrastructure like water, power and telecommunications. When they can't check their mail without worring about IED's. When innocent people get mistaken for rebels and get killed. I wonder how well these hardcore gun grabbers would do when they bring that on to themselves.

Exactly, this is known as insurgent math
Which is why we never "Win" in the Middle East

>e if they had to physically walk half a mile will defe
why walk. Im gonna ride around on my Harley putting 750gr FMJ's into power transformers.

>Shills hate him!
>see how Cletus avoids CIAniggers with this one simple trick

Pilots have homes and families. Supply trucks are needed to support such planes. Ambush supply trucks and steal their shit for better weapons, etc.
You really don't understand that, do you?

It's another mentally ill leftwing retard presents the same tired old arguments thread, again

I bet almost all the guys in that pic are conservative.
The fucking cognitive dissonance you leftist operate on is insane.

As soon as the Fed Gov starts doing that, armories start getting raided, fertilizer starts getting bought up.
And those that sent the jets to bomb US citizens start getting "plinked".
The lights go out, and water stops flowing to cities.
Ugly shit.
Better idea....lets all be cool and have few drinks.

Gets shot at by all houses on one street, keep going commie.

>bombing your own infrastructure

>every single US soldier is going to be a-ok with killing fellow US citizens
There will be a big schism in the US military should a second civil war break out. Definitely won't be like the first.

Hell fort Benning Georgia can easily be over ran and taken by militias.

And then what happens when we have another Waco?

No helmets don't do shit against rifle rounds. It's for shrapnel protecting and blunt trama. A .223 will blow through them.

Nobody would spend 250k to fire a Tomahawk after a leftist faggot, you retarded inbred

which one is Antifa? lol

Funny how even in a country the government doesn't mind laying to waste, these fuckers are still riding around in pickup trucks shooting shit up.
And no, asshole, the US is not going to air strike it's own cities or use tanks or any of the stupid shit you suggest. A police state can only be formed and maintained by disarming the population. Period. Asshole.

Firing millions of dollars of rockets into your well armed tax base is not going to help you maintain power... imagine if maduro in venezuelas was dealing with a well armed population. You think his regime would still be in power and in the process of rewriting their constitution?

Dudayev told the Soviet higher ups to shove it during the Collapse of the Union and ignored orders to seize Estonian TV and Goverment.
From what I understood of some American user, people in South don't take kindly to the Fed.

A police state is impossible, the police wouldn’t kill civilians especially the right winged.

I love police, my friends love the police, but we all hate the fucking feds. Welcome down south, niggers stay in the cities.

It's a hedge against a tyrannical round up, or a collapse.

The idea by leftist that the govt is going to come in with jets and hellfire missile everyone is a fools argument.

Tyrants always confiscate guns. Why is that?

Use your fucking head faggot.

The point is a bunch of fucking jungle monkeys ended up embarrassing the most powerful nation on the Earth at the time. And before that, they did the same to the French. The cheese eating artillery general who claimed the Vietnamese could never transport heavy armaments to Dien Bien Phu committed suicide after the Viet Minh rained artillery fire down on them and left them to rot for a few months in water filled trenches.

Over confidence is idiotic. Not to mention the main reason Vietnam won was because they had different goals, more motivation, and realized it was not just a conventional war, but a political battle. How easy would it be to unify a million Americans to conduct covert operations against the government once they start sending airstrikes into Ft. Worth? Or any suburb? You don't think there would be saboteurs ass-fucking ever op they had?

Any large-scale attack on the American people will be the end of America as a country, government, and way of life. Imagine one million McVeigh's but instead of Janet Reno you have actual transsexuals.

You get another Oklahoma City bombing

Except Chinese are naturally subservient to authority because they are a race of cuckolds and snakes

this, confirmed

Armed rebellion of people with only small arms against an high tech army is possible BUT only if they have huuuge numbers, "control" vast amounts of territory and have the stomach to be incredibly ruthless. Without this it is impossible.

What do i mean? Such an rebel army if existed could simply disrupt the whole system-nation to such an extent that it would be victorious but in order to do this they would have to accept causing tremendous arm to their own people.

You know what the Vietnamese Nationalists-Racialist did to a village that dared to side with the JEWmericans? They would simply kill people at random, try to destroy their food and water supplies, make them afraid to go outside the perimeter of the area, etc, etc...pure ruthlessness to achieve victory and glory. Such a rebellion in the USA would necessitate that basically the whole USA would become that village.

the jewsa never had the intention of winning that war in actuality

you really don't know how wars work....

Afghanistan is a good example of how the ISAF and The USSR fought losing wars against a technically inferior force.

I don't think there's anything the left would die for. They would watch their kids be killed and be loaded on to trains just to be shipped to concentration camps and into slavery just to have a few more precious moments of life. Fuck you. I'm going down swinging. 2A is the line in the sand for me. Once it's gone life won't be worth living. I'm not a gun nut. I'm a freedom nut. I'd rather be dead than not free.

When I shoot the guy making replacement parts for that overpriced piece of shit it will fall out of the sky after 6 months of service.

In most cities the ratio of people to police is 1000 to 1. If just 1% of the people decide the police are their enemy they will outnumbered 10 to 1. After a couple of them die trying to enforce whatever is making people sperg out, the rest will just quit and go home.

THEN "they" bring in the "occupation military" and the real fun starts.

I inspire to be these people of a situation ever arose for an iron fist instead of “liberty”.

>mudslimes know how to fight
They don't.

once again, why didn't the USSR carpet bomb Moscow to get rid of separatist

nah that's lame, bring on the civil war

Understand that the backbone of the Communist revolutions in Russia where disgruntled peasants and workers sick with the ruling elite.
The Leftists in West seem completely unable to grasp this concept

This partial sentence has convinced me to be anti-gun. It is better to live out my life as a slave than die free. Insta-dying for my convictions and everything I love and hold dear isn't a current year thought process. I'll just open up and say ah. Thank you, massa.

Because the left worship elites like celebrities and endorse the disgusting kleptocratic policies. I as a fascist could easily debunk “democracy”.

>suburbs filled with niggers
>gorilla warfare


>jets will be used to go door to door and take away funz

Civil war, chaos, all that shit sucks.
No hot meals, no hot showers, no electricity, no book stores, no shit posting....and worst of all, no liqueur stores getting restocked.

Niggers don’t count pal, once the military starts heading into the white areas like milton and Roswell they will get cut down like nothing in my state.

We should just surrender all our firearms then.


Then the pilot went home to his wife and kids that night. Before masked men break in in the middle of the night and shoot him in his bed. With their rifles.

He’s not talking about the fuddkeepers dweeb, he’s talking about the millions of veterans and young men who would rise up. Here’s your (You)

I know this is a shill slide thread, but I just fucking love how dumbass liberals talk shit about us losing Vietnam to rice farmers, and then they turn around and say we can't fight the government with guns.

Threadly reminder that airplanes must land.