Does Sup Forums still read Tsugumomo?
Does Sup Forums still read Tsugumomo?
what the fuck happened to translations on this
theyre still coming out be patient.
No. I hate when comfy manga gets too serious. I'm nearly dropping Dungeon Meshi for the same reason.
Interest is flagging at the moment because the current tournament arc is taking its sweet time.
Yes, but this tournament arc is taking a bit too long. Still hooked up enough to watch the jewtube streams though.
Yes, but waiting for releases
same here. when the mom was fuckign everyone up then the sister appears and gives them a 3 year time wait i just dropped it.
>now its a tournament arc
nice manga you HAD there now its shit.
more please
wait for the volumes to be translated and the vulvas to be reshopped back in.
So the translations caught up and everyone's just waiting for the next chapter?
i'll post a few more.
Fin until i get to my phone in which theres 3 or so more.
>tournament arc
>in tsugumomo
Fug me I need to catch up, I love tournaments.
Its honestly not a bad tournament arc.
Is she still dead?
All I wanted was comfy adventure manga about solving magic mysteries and the author fucked it up with the forced drama. Such a shame, because the art was perfect.
the potential is dead. manga sucks now.
cool opinion
>nearly 6 months to the tournament arc ends
>then 2 maybe 3 years for the final fight
Ain't gonna live that long guys
Yes, you just aren't seeing constant shit threads made by dumb anime faggots all the time because it ended. Threads for monthly series usually happen with new chapters.
Is it really ok to post lewds of dead people?
Anime was a mistake.
In future manga threads please keep your retardation at bay.
Looks like the tournament is over?
>monthly manga has a break because of author irl issues so a 2 month break between chapters
>no anime discussion to be had
I guess a weekly release format is superior, who cares about art anyways.
I dont care if the anime was a mistake, manga is still as good as ever and my favorite of all time.
What was the imgur gallery with all of the uncensored pages from his streams? I remember someone saying they would make one and keep it up to date a while back.
The anime was great and people who say otherwise are LN fanboy "the original work is always better" pieces of shit. I liked it and just wished they actually added nudity. That's literally the only downside.
hard to do when no raws get posted
Ans that's everything I have. I think Yoshi drew this picture with naked Ori too, but I don't have it.
where is his official comiket work?
is this official or shooped?
Official, Yoshi took the pictures he drew, he then erased the bikinis and drew them naked
thanks our hero
What chapter are we in again?
Granny cunny!
Wake me up when there's at least 10 new chapters out and we're done with the stupid tournament.
Which is like at least a year from now on
so yeah, I'm still reading it, it's just one of those series where you read it once a year because it's so slow
>wake up
>yoshikadu is drawing
>go to bed
>wake up
>yoshikdau is drawing
>go to bed
>wake up
>yoshikdau is still drawing
I wish I had 24 hours 7 days a week 30 days a month 12 months a year worth of dedication to fucking do something every second of my life until I fucking die.
He's truly fucking gonna make it
what a legend
He's live on youtube, right now?
ill start reading again when the retarded tournament arc is over.
I just want to see Kazuyan and Sunao stomp those kids.
I hope he posts his pre censor pages in imgur or other english image hostinh service
BDs when?
he was for the past 4 days non stop
He did.
I will pick it up again once my waifu gets revived
Thanks, saved!
Jokes on you, those drawings are preorder exclusives and they never get scanned nor put online except in sample quality.
Is that the cover of next volume?
No, at the very least the final match hasn't been done yet.
Loving that inviting playful confidence on her face.
Granny is
If by "read" you mean "fap to," then yes.
Someone is gonna get oriob& for this
Welp, someone had to do that
This can't end well...