SWbros, please respond.
SWbros, please respond
Not this time.
Ignore the filename and just check the news. A 10th anniversary project is happening, though we don't know what it will be. It's safe to assume a new anime, though, instead of something ridiculous like pachinko.
So the question is: Brave Witches 2 or Noble Witches?
Brave Witches 2. I want to impregnate Karibuchi.
Nice, but bw was a big letdown both quality and direction wise
I want both of them.
And I still need to watch Victory Arrow... oh well, next weekend.
Is it finally their time to shine?
The love is dead and buried, such a shame nobody cares anymore
SW general is alive and well, just moved to /c/.
The first season of Brave Witches was let's say lackluster but I would still like to see more of them.
I.d just want better animation
I heard about this the other day. I know they've been done to death, but personally I hope they return to the original cast. I miss those girls so much. BW just didn't do it for me.
I would love it to be a new movie or OVA. It's probably a live concert or worse Pachinko SE.
Brave Witches BD version looks a lot better with all the clean up and drawing-over of the CG shit
But it's a little late to win people back
I'm willing to give it a second chance but it just felt so samey. I'm an anime only pleb though, was the source material much different?
I love pachinko
Might as well go to /u/.
> 10 years
Fuck me where has the time gone.
I'm happy about this, but entering with very low expectations. Lower than even my expectations for BW.
Its still good the franchise has maintained a steady popularity. The LNs, manga and art books have been steady over the past years and that mobile game seems to have been super popular.
Hikari didn't exist prior to the anime. The 502nd in all of it's prior material were just the eight primary girls. They already had a nice synergy going too. But they just had to insert a brand new super stronk fuso OC with donut steel character. If they really had to keep to the Fuso Witch must be MC rule, then Sadako or Kanno could've filled in that role just fine.
Hell, one of the very first stories involving the 502nd actually detailed Sadako's first day with the 502nd after her transfer, and that already would've made a far better first episode than what we got.
I love Perrine.
oh shit i'm so fucking pumped for the gacha mobage
are BDs out for Brave Witches yet
Silent Witches anime when?
>oh shit i'm so fucking pumped for the gacha mobage
You're two years late son. It already exists.
Brave Witches 2 please
And she was definitely the worst part of the series, too. What an odd decision.
I liked Hikari. She was a good MC and at least she wasn't a total Yoshika clone like I was expecting.
Nah, Hirari was pretty likeable after some time
The problem is director didn't knew what to do with other characters and story in general
>she wasn't a total Yoshika clone
But we had two perfectly valid non-Yoshika clones for MC spot already. Fucking hell, most of the early 502nd stories revolved around Sadako and right now, Naoe has her own prequel manga with her as the MC. This already shows that they are more than a fit for the Fuso MC formula. Why stick to a half-clone when there are already two non-clones who are perfect for MC position?
If they really had to insert some new character, why not just throw her to the still underdeveloped JFWs? I mean even her older sister is canonically part of the 508th. Hikari would've fit in just fine there as most of the members of that wing aren't fully developed yet. With some not even having designs yet.
But instead, they had to shove her into the 502nd, a JFW where the characters, backgrounds and dynamics are already well-established with lots of materials beforehand.
I wouldn't mind more of this handsome witch.
>new super stronk fuso OC
She's a total novice.
>Why stick to a half-clone when there are already two non-clones who are perfect for MC position?
They would've needed to write a completely new plot instead of using SW formula. Too arduous for the producers.
As long as I get witches I don't care what it is.
We need to return to Afrika!
>10th anniversary
The last SW thing I watched was season 2, I can't believe it's still alive.
Red Pants anime fucking WHEN?
After One-Winged Witches.
>yrw it's a high quality Ken Burns style WWII documentary with old footage of different JFWs during the war
>10th anniversary
Hahaha, why is there a 10 month anniversary?
more animated perrine please!
Aurora plz.
I'm not really a fan of her, she keeps falling flat in every scene she it.
I want a whole season of Perrine.
Perhaps another OVA series?
Are people not bored of Eilanya yet?
As soon as development on the next Yoshika clone / Japanese surrogate protagonist finishes.
This time they're going to surgically remove your favourite character from the established materials to make room for her.
It's all about Eirrine these days.
Urgh, what a choice to make.
Last time I got my hopes up we got Brave Witches, so I'm not gonna do that this time.
That's disgusting.
I love how hyped you got over almost nothing, it's as you say, we don't know what it's gonna be and it's going to happen later next year, so nothing's habbeding for now. Also with nips it can be anything, I wouldn't put it past them by doing another new Pachinko machine or a game. But I damn sure hope it's a new anime project, we'll see down the line, till then we can only guesswork.
You're dead and buried for not caring enough to adapt. There's also dozens of dedicated artists pumping art out every single day. Despite 10 year old show, SW gets shitloads of fan works every comiket and the merchandise sells like hotcakes among manga series doing well. Two of which get translation releases on helma.
/u/ is a bit different in terms of things operating and it has existed for years and has active posters so yes, you could've already gone there too. The last /c/ general had over 40 unique posters by the end, so it's doing remarkably there for few years now.
All of the BD's are available on sale with the last 6th BD releasing next week with episodes 11-12 as well the Eilanya OVA that ran in theaters few months ago. However I only could find BD's 1-3 on nyaa, I know there's this one RAW site with BD releases but I forgot the name. I just hope the Eilanya one gets RAW's and subbed by some gracious person later on.
How could they be, they never even got their own OVA over the other pairings and we finally get to see it soon. Granted it's still going to feature Hikari..
You're disgusting.
Baka NTRfag
Sanya can be their daughter, or something. We'll figure it out.
Hey me too!
Perrine deserves better.
Like who?
Fuso is pretty strong in the ass department.
I'm going to watch whatever it is going to be.
Hope they learned their lesson from Brave Witches and don't pussy out from the fan-service.
It's gonna be FAG-tier cg.
I doubt you can watch it if it's a music festival or a BW pachinko release, unless you go to Japan of course. Though the pachinko material might get ripped later on like SW did.
That would be a improvement then over BW, since FAG had quite good CG direction and composition with the scenes.
I love the witches.