Will must be very "proud" of his son

Will must be very "proud" of his son.

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he probably is a great dad

He is a closet homo.

passive aggressive "liberals" are the worst dads

Will got into the business too old to sacrifice himself to the pedophiles. But that doesn't mean he got what he got for free. There's always a price.


Isn't that Obama?

you forgot "cultists"

lets be honest will smith prob hates this little faggot, he's prob a conservative deep down like most successful blacks. He is just not saying anything and being passive aggressive in order to get movie roles

Will and Jada are both gay.

Niggers. Niggers never change.

>passive aggressive liberals are the worst fathers
hmmm.... what about 1,000 maniacs?
(Actually Freddy is white, and therefore less likely to rob a convenience store than Will Smiths little Fresh Ponce Of Bellend)

I heard he's divorcing his wife.
He should divorce his kids as well (not including Trey Smith).

Watched his godawful "anime" on Netflix and it was hilariously bad.
This kid is going places, just watching him make a fool of himself is a treat.

>great dad
He has raised his kids in a religion that was started by a pedo, and that is well known for physical and psychological abuse.
The elders have probably been fucking those nasty thetans out of him for years.

I would kill myself if my son was that much shorter than me

Yep. Scientology rides again...muh muh Xenu crashed the souls into a volcano!

How can soy be real if milk isn't real?

Yeah, the kids been most likely diddled by all sorts of hollywood fucks.

What do you care? Or is your life that boring that you need to think about some rich asshole and his kid?

"Gay Pride"


that boy ain't right

That's closet? He looks full homo


That is basically my Dad. Shit.

Worse. Closet pedo

Holy fuck, he's born in '98 (20 this year) and he's 170cm. Pygmy nigger genes took over, it seems whatever there was left from the colonialists in WIll didn't stay for long.


Nothing wrong with that, my family is Italian, kissing your kids is perfectly normal

I lost all respect I had for Will Smith after seeing what he let Jaden become.

No, it's fucking disturbing.

I meant Will.

Yea no, that's pretty weird.
I'm black and the only relative I've ever kissed on the lips was my sister, and she was/is pretty fucked up.

His last album was fucking lit.

I like Will Smith
and the haircut of his son is 80's af
I thought Sup Forums likes 80s

In the fucking mouth? No, no it isn't.

Fuck off! Scientology buys these guys a great regimine of periodic micro cosmetic surgery to keep their faces in place for decades so they can make movies. The HollyJews don’t offer this for their stable of actors. Will has to keep working because Hollywood nepotism can go only so far with that lack of talent his son has, unlike Tom Hanks’ kid.

Also Will's kids look they are 10% white , 40% gook, 50% nigger kek. "The New Face of America"

excessive niggerty

It's 80s in the way that the only people who had that hairstyle were girls and Pete Burns.

He's not a scientologist you idiots

Why would you have respect for him in the first place? Exactly what gave you that respect? He's even a Scientologist.

You guys in the North are pretty cold, my girl is half German, she barely says hello to her mother when she sees her, cultural thing I guess.
Yes it is, German family maybe? They don't even hug

yes because Will was caught twice by his wife sucking off some dudes dick..

niggers can't feel shame, only regret for being caught

Poland is not in the north

your wife is not half german

you are not white.

The biggest son looks like normal and a good kid

Giving your firstborn to the devil is part of the bargain.


he's not the first born though

do the molyneux, as soon as you can care for yourself gtfo of there and never look back

Afraid to show your flag Bolivia?

Calm down there eminem

no. here you go

He blows his dad while jada watches.

oh yeah?

Yeah, he looks the most South-Euro admixed.

Will Smith believes in Yakub, he believes that whitie is a devil. He's just a stupid nigger.

Still partly north of the Netherlands hehe.

Will is a degenerate anyway. Him and a bodyguard violently blinded a man permanently for no reason.

Look dude, most people here are of Italian descent and there's no mouth kissing children thing going on here.
That's not an Italian thing.

Men greeting each other with a kiss on the cheek is a thing, but not mouth kissing your children.

And yes, my family is of Italian-Austrian descent if you must know. My grandma was born in Italy. She doesn't do that shit.

Now we are talking (hope that's not a VPN).
Poland is on the north compared to Italy, my girl is from the south of Chile which is heavily populated by Germans and German descendants and I'm whiter than most people in the country, maybe not white enough for you but at least I have never been discriminated because of my skin colour.

>maybe not white enough for you
Judging by the meme flag, he is most likely a shitskin muslim living on gibs in the NL, not really someone to tell others if they are white or not.

they should make a league of nations memeflag


unfortunaly for us, your kind isn't very "rare" here


and Sudan is in the north compared to South Africa. what kind of retarded reasoning is that.

I know all about it as I've been there and they are all brown despite claiming to be german, aryan white whatever.

picture related. that's me with a 'german' local.

We wuz hitler and shit

That's not even Chile, you can tell by the trees, the soil colour, and the fact that your "friend" is not wearing a helmet, wrong country

Butt mad Luxburger. Poles = Undisputed Noble Master Race.

doesn't have native phenotypes doe

>being so cucked that you repeat the memes
You can still find crowds like this in the interior. Get out of Nigger Aires.

Yes she does, are you retarded?
Oh nvm just a troll I guess.

Good job getting two (You)s out of me.

how about this one?

look at the face, she is a tanned south european-tier white

>You can still find crowds like this in the interior
i don't believe you

thats a mutt yeah, looks oddly paraguayan though


>downplays the amount of whites here
>calls a clear mestiza a "tanned southern european"
Yup. If it quacks like a duck...

Get out shitskin.

Btw you look fucking disgusting were you doing sex tourism?
>Also clearly not Chilean money

im not downplaying anything, most whites here live in buenos aires, not the interior

and im sorry but thats not a mestiza, look at the phenotypes

is that André Rieus "problematic" step brother?

What were you doing with them degenerate.

Buenos Aires is a multiculti shithole, most whites are in Cordoba, BA province, Entre Rios and Patagonia.

You really keed to get out more if you are not trolling. All the Bolivians cross the border and go straight to Buenos Aires.

fuckin alec baldwin is everywhere

it was a long time ago

Shameless. Sort yourself out.

Patagonia yeah, Cordoba i dunno.
Entre Rios ive been in, looked pretty much like CABA.

But BA??????????????? You mean like in the deeper conurbano/cordon de quintas/chacras, or like province towns?

Cause the immediate conurbano is far from white, i mean yeah, you got concentrations but you got more concentration in eastern CABA

Damn, really low standards confirmed, would never fuck something like that, don't even care if they are 3. Also, I'm happy you never actually came to Chile, southern Chileans (if not most of them) are way whiter than your prostitutes

More now than ever since with this giant wave of feminism invading CABA I'm starting to hate Argentina a lot.
We fell into degeneracy, my brothers.

son on the far right is prob the best looking and least degenerate one it seems, hmm

Jada looks like a total bitch. I want her to make me eat her pussy.

chubby chaser

His son is a weak little manlet. He probably wants face tattoos too like lil poopie etc, but his dad warned him he'd disown him or something.

>geenstijl logo in the top left

Sloppy, lad

It's his wife's genes

she's been ran through by every jewish label owner and director just like lana del rey

Small towns.

My first gf was from a small town in the province, blonde, blue eyes, she was a total qt and I fucked up cheating on her.

Feels bad to this day

Hey, Rob! Nog in elkaar geslagen door Ratelband de laatste tijd?


But not in the mouth, yeah Argentinian males sometimes kiss eachother on the cheek if they are family or very close friends but never in the mouth