Just finished this, it was great. Yumiyumi a best.
No it wasn't. Grisaia is kusoge.
she makes sake?
I've had this on my backlog forever. I need to start it.
Now read the VN user, its even better. Or better yet, download it and wait a few months so you forget all about the anime, then read the VN. That's what I did, I still don't remember jack shit about the anime.
Read the VN instead, they shoved 50 hours of content into 12 episodes, changing all routes. Amane best girl
>it was great.
Definitely best route. Makina a good girl but her route endings suck, both of them. Also, I've had Meikyuu downloaded for ages and still haven't read it yet, I'll get to it eventually.
Reminder to read the bonus shit and Michiru spinoff.
Call me when SP+FW+Denpasoft stop twiddling their thumbs and release the Unrated versions.
How is the new Grisaia series now that it's all-ages?
I honestly don't get it what people found in grisaia. The routes were awful, the mc was chuuni of the worst kind, and the humor was autistic beyond salvation. Babby's first vn or something?
I don't think this words means what you think it does.
>How is the new Grisaia series now that it's all-ages?
I'm not even sure how this works. A censored version would have to remove QUITE a bit more than just sexual content. They'd have to be cutting away key plot points and huge chunks of the story to make a version of these games that was "all ages" friendly. The sex was about the most tame stuff in the novels.
Just leaving this here
Whatever fruit Sachi, Kazuki and alt-Michiru are. Not necessarily in order. Unfortunately, none of them are here, so I'll have to pick grape.
Well, that's how it goes. Nipples and dirty language are fair game, but no penis or vagina. That's just so they can sell it on Steam and distribute it widely. I'm not sure how the first trilogy was censored, didn't play the non-R18 games.
Regarding the text you quoted, I was talking about Phantom Trigger, which was designed as all-ages.
>the anime
Nigga, just install a patch.
Aren't there like two seasons and a movie?
Apple all day everyday.
20 minutes of "they're all starving to death 50ft below a major highway and one nights worth of running away from the other classmates to get to a village" was enough.
What did they mean by this?
It wasn't a major highway at all. It was a backwater road that no one barely used. The rest of the bullshit plotholes are still fair game though.
Too bad all the girls' routes range from mediocre to shit. You spend so long on the common route that you're chomping at the bit to get to the meat. Then you read through all that tripe and realize the common route was the best route. At least the main story gets better in the sequels.
Even ignoring all the plot holes, it was still basically a cheap Chinese knockoff of Lord of the Flies.
I fucking hated the ending to the VNs. It basically builds up to yuuji's death but then they asspull into him living happily ever after with his harem, or him becoming the (((person behind all the wars))) also known as a jew along with his sister. The whole thing would have been so much better without the asspulls in the last novel.
That the series that had a massive hard on for metal gear?
>Aren't there like two seasons and a movie?
There are three VNs condensed into those
This whole series would have been infinitely better if it was just shota Yuuji.
Or common route shenanigans.
Apple for anal
Best girl: Amane
Best route: Makina
Worst girl and route: Yumiko
The anime try to pack all the routes together and is a mess. There is much more going on.
Sister is best girl, her classmates were nice too.
Kazuki a best. A BEST!
Do you guys prefer Childhood Yuuji, or present day Teenage Yuuji? My sister hates the main series Yuuji (thinks he's obnoxious wish fulfillment), but loves the childhood version, basically everything before Asako adopts him and he becomes "a walking mass of toxic masculinity" (her words, not mine).
I like smart and nihilistic Yuuji and cake eater Yuuji.
Is there a patch for Rakuen?
Every Grisaia is best Grisaia, but Chiru Chiru Michiru is most best of all.
>Yuuji never taps the other personality
What's the point?
Every Grisaia is in a way or another a broken character, and Yuuji is one as well.
His "toxic masculinity" is his a guy that know only survival tricks, and his idea of getting along is putting a mask to be complacent with others.
He is basically empty, almost like a psychopath. When he show emotions he do it just to get along and look like normal.
Everything he do have a practical reason, even his hobbies, when he speak to other he just say what they want to ear to avoid trouble and conflict.
Still he is a way better character than 99,9% of every eroge MC.
How psychopathic was he as a kid whenever his family was still alive? I haven't watched or read anything past Kajitsu yet.
>thinks he's obnoxious wish fulfillment
>a walking mass of toxic masculinity
I don't know why would someone like that play a game like this. I mean, the premise itself should have been a turn off.
Anyways i like present day Yuuji, i love his sarcastic humour, how he projects outside an image of confidence and stoicism while he's just broken and full of doubts inside, how he understands just how hard it is to truly "help" people and doesn't go spouting some hero of justice bullshit, his worldview and use of language in relation to his military history (like in pic related).
All in all a very likeable MC. Young Yuuji is just a boy with all the insecurities (that present Yuuji STILL has) but no means to make up for them, as tragedies keep happening and he can only sit and try to withstand it all.
Grape literally has the perfect body
Nope, just a normal albeit gloomy boy who had been living under the shadow of his Mare Sue sister. His big change came after he killed his father and his mother's suicide.
Don't lie fags, i know you cried at the end of her route
I couldn't have been the only one, r-right?
Was it abuse or neglect? I can't remember how his parents treated him.
Abused by his father, neglected by his mother.
His sister loved him but that just gave him a worse inferiority complex towards her.
He does in her Michiru's route in Meikyuu. I agree, she's way better than the primary one.
Mom actually loves him. But she never dare to stand up against her husband. That's why Yuuji dislike women who apologize too often because it reminds him of his weak willed mother.
can you smash the girls in the VN?
I noticed it's on steam which means not really
Kajitsu on Steam has a third-party R18 restoration patch.
Meikyuu is available in English and R18 from Denpasoft, or on the usual sites. Don't think there's a patch between versions.
Rakuen is currently all-ages on Steam, and requires a separate release from Denpasoft with English and R18 somewhere in late 2017.
Doesn't Steam get the babby versions of VNs?
Yes, you can smash.
In the original games (kajitsu, meikyuu, rakuen) you can.
Recently other spin off have been made but they are only light fanservice.
H scenes aren't really that great, it's only used as a plot point. Which I think is the correct use of H scenes in a story heavy VN.
That was the dumbest shit I've seen. I don't even remember this happening at all in the VN. That second webm was practically just the first with different subs too. What a let down.
Dude, eroge and steam are not made to go together.
Some steam eroge have hentai patch that you can download from the dev/game site. But overally i would avoid steam for anything related to r18 games. This to avoid to encourage censored gaming as well. Let's show both steam and devs that we want the sexual content as well.
Why were the specials so blatanly short on budget? The shitty repetitive animation that looked like amateur stop motion and he lack of Yuuji's voice just triggered my autism instead of my dick. It sucks because Yuuji's VA was quite good too.
Do you think steam will risk getting a lawsuit over a 12 years old buying borderline CP on steam from his mother's wallet without any identification or proof of age?
That's why steam should be avoided when possible.
At least when is about fap material.