Polish - US relations and Jewish puppet masters+

Jewery is trying to push an US government to suspend diplomatic relations with Poland in light of new Polish anti defarmation law.
Are Americans going to listen to this? Would you do as jews said? Why are (((they))) meddling into international relations?

Other urls found in this thread:


Any American with sense won't
We're with Poland
Enough of this yid shit

Remember kids

A Man chooses
A Slave obeys

Are you a Slave, America?

>Would you do as jews said? Why are (((they))) meddling into international relations?
They have done it for millennia
It's their gimmick

Polish were Nazis and now Poland is a loser depressing country and in poverty as well because you are nothing without your productive Jewish population.

>when those who you banish turn desert into silicon valley
>and your country turns into a slav favela - "slavela".

The US government is owned by jews and Trump loves jews so it wouldn’t surprise me even though it seems a bit extreme.

Every fucking time.

>the voice of Jewish displeasure is a disgusting old gargoyle with a thick as fuck NY accent and a face visibly experienced in begging for sympathy

It's one stupid video uploaded by one clueless and stupid private NGO.

Stop making 30 threads about it, nothing will happen, the video will be taken down once the dummies who made it actually go look up the polish law.