Ohio Senate Introduces bill 260

Right now your 2nd amendment rights are under direct assault.
2 Ohio senators have just introduced the strictest Assault weapons ban legislation into our senate.

Ohio Senate Bill 260 is a recently introduced piece of legislation intending to ban all rifles with a detachable magazine and a capacity for greater than 10 rounds.
Further, it gives the state the right to maintain a firearm and ammunition transactions database.
While transactions databases are nice. Note the next: Ammunition.
They're cracking down hard.

That's not all either. Sec. 2923.171. (A) No person shall knowingly possess or
acquire any assault weapon.

The Gun grabbing liberals were lying again.


No further! The line must be drawn HERE!

Other urls found in this thread:


The constitutions 2nd Amendment is important. But don't forget Ohios own version!

I.04 Bearing arms; standing armies; military powers (1851)
The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up; and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power.

Im going to spread this hard. Thanks op for the heads up. This bullshit can't pass.

Spread it.
Stop them in their tracks.

I've been making calls all morning. I want someone to organize a march on Columbus to stop this madness.

Er, you don't really need to bother, this bill would just get sent to the states courts and get rejected as unconstitutional

Its just a play to make it seem like there doing something

Ohiofag here. This will never pass. Bump anyway though.

Call your state senator. Even if it doesn't get passed. Make it clear that we won't allow that kind of nonsense.

More importantly:
Next time a liberal tells you they don't want to take away your guns, show them this bill! They're liars!

Its feel good bullshit that would never hold up in court, stop getting triggered and use that energy for something better

It's held up in other courts.
Hi California.

Hi Maryland.
Hi New York
Hi New Jersey.

What are you talking about assault rifles aren't banned there?

I live in NY and anyone uses it as an example of gun control is full of shit and never lived there.

New York SAFE act sound familiar?

And all it did was ban a fucking stock for the AR-15, and is not enforced by the police. That's not a good example.

And reduce magazine capacity from 10 to 7. Can't forget that little provision.

Further effects from the NY assault weapons law.

In 2013, Moon Kook-jin's Kahr Arms of Pearl River, a gun manufacturer, announced that it would be moving its headquarters from New York to Pennsylvania after the passing of the NY SAFE Act. The company also announced that it would be building a manufacturing facility in Pennsylvania, rather than Orange County, New York, as it had looked into.

In 2014, the Remington Arms Co. decided to open a manufacturing plant in Huntsville, Alabama. The president of United Mine Workers Local 717, which represents workers at Remington's existing plant in Ilion, New York expressed fears about the future of the New York facility and blaming the NY SAFE Act for the company's decision to expand in Alabama rather than New York. However, "Remington has not given any public indications that it is planning to move out of Ilion. In fact, it has spent more than $20 million on new equipment for its factory in Ilion and added 560 jobs at the plant" in the few years before 2014.Subsequently, about 100 Remington jobs were shifted from New York to Alabama; a Remington Outdoor Company CEO said that the SAFE Act (alongside other factors such as "workforce quality, business environment, tax and economic incentives, and existing infrastructure") to the shift.

Its not even enforced, no police gives a shit and they have come out several times they will not enforce it themselves

My point is, there is no reason to be so fearful, are government is alot smarter then you think when it comes to constitutional rights

Don't fall prey to fear, the left can do nothing to take away guns unless they amend the second amendment first

Reagan signed the assault weapon ban into law. The government cannot be trusted.

Reagan was only opposed to gun control when the Black Panthers started arming themselves, read up on the mulford act

I used to work for government before I moved back to Ohio. They're not as smart as you think. The amount of bureaucracy and general inability to do even the simplest task is always prevalent. Even when it comes to something as simple as commending a person for their actions.

There's an old saying that you'd do well to keep in mind when it comes to the government:
"Find something simple and complicate it"

Bump. I don't want my state to turn into a noguns hellhole no matter how remote. Start sending those emails and calls now.

I am from Ohio... But I live in this country no for the next year or so, Guys do me a big favor pls and call them for me, tell your gun buddies this, spread this at every range, start telling other conservatives fucking pls don't make my life hear watching America burn from the sidelines any more stressful

Also do you guys think that standard capacity magazines and and semi-autos will remain safe until I come back home in summer of 2019?

Hard to say if they will. For the most part I would say yes.
Also I'm the same user from the bump stock thread. Are you serving with the military over there? I used to be stationed at Misawa from 2009-2012. Beautiful country in the Tohoku region.

nah I am a worthless fucking English teacher, the job is hrrible these days but I now have a beautful gf who is also foreign so it's not all that bad. SOrry but the anxiety is killing me right now, I need to go to sleep. What makes you think they will be safe for the next few years?

Aren't elections coming up?
Whoever's in favor of this needs to be voted against for sure.

Mike DeWine and Mary Taylor are the candidates and hilariously enough there isn't a fucking democrat running for governor. Mary Taylor is currently the Lieutenant Governor and favored by John "I'm gonna grab yo guns" Kasich, who recently removed pro 2nd Amendment positions from his page.

Wait I'm stupid. The page lists the candidates by party and does it in a complex fashion. Richard Corday is a democrat who favors 2nd amendment restrictions.

Email copypasta. Be sure you're sending it to the senator for your district.

Dear Senator,

I am emailing you today to protest the recently proposed bill 260. Such measures of control are doomed to fail no matter what the circumstances and will only lead to increased crime as lawful citizens are disarmed and thus become easy prey for criminals. Ohio has always been a state I've felt is safe and fair, but this bill throws that all into doubt. It will criminalize many firearm collectors and sports shooters as well as deliver a fatal blow to countless businesses in Ohio. The horrific, practically treasonous strike against the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution goes without saying. The nation is hurting over recent tragedies, but disarming law abiding people is NOT the way to fix them. I can only urge you and other Senators to reject bill 260 and to reject any future measures of control that erode our rights at citizens of both Ohio and the United States.

Thank you,


Modify if you want.

That's some good shit right there.

Fuck... not again... I'm from Ohio.


How am I going to defend myself from an army of retards without an assault rifle?

Sure they look cute when they are little... but soon enough they got their retard strength full blown.

I'm so fucked...

Tard strength truly should be feared.

Bump. Just one call or email. Anything at all helps.


Made my call this morning just after finding out about it. I've been spreading word around facebook all day.
Trying to get a call in on the Alex Jones show since a bunch of people who are pro 2nd amendment listen to it.

Sadly these platitudes have no teeth when any fucking lawmaker can write a bill contrary to the constitution with no penalty.

They don't when lawmakers act as they do. My point in posting that was to remind people of their own power at the state level and even provide some ammunition for talking about the whole thing.

sent to my two Ohio Senators