
How did Kamachi write such a cool protagonist?

He's a boring as fuck dense moralfag, though.

Kamachi is a hack

But Misaka is the moralfag.


>gary stu

>Anime only-fags the thread.

Raildex is done

>Poor man's shirou
Nasu > Kamachi

If he's so cool, why doesn't he have a wife as cool as White Queen?

>generic "wacky" anime whore #101

I wonder how Touma would have done if he were somehow caught up in the Holy Grail War.

When's Kamachi gonna stop teasing us?

Mikoto is soo sweet, such a shame she has no taste in men.

>sociopathic cosmic horror
>not cool

Somewhere around the end of the series. so in about 20 years or so

He'd go full moralfag and tell Saber to fuck off and let him fight. After she refuses, he's just gonna hit her a few times until she learns. Then he dies to Berserker

The whole scenario wouldn't work. He realistically couldn't have command spells even if they weren't on his right hand. He couldn't supply mana or form the contract. The first time he hit saber she would disappear

When is Kuroko finally dying?

Oh yeah, I had the mana supply thing in mind, but didn't consider the rest. Well, he might figure out that she'd vanish if he touches her himself. They're completely fucked nonetheless

Jailbreak soon


Punch Itsuwa and Junko in the faces.

>Punch Itsuwa
But why? She did nothing wrong

Just for fun.

Shit imprisoned for being shit

Something aboud dragons

Wouldn't he just instakill Berserker or every servant if he just touched them ?
Captcha: Railway

He's not fast enough to touch them. They would probably be like Kazakiri and instinctively realize his right hand means death to them.

Well, there are some things he can't make disappear like Innocentius, since it's constantly kept in the world. I could imagine that the grail is doing something similar.

Well he could always spin so he could cover 100% of his surrounding, that would make him invicible at defense but would render him almost useless at offense.
He'd probably have to learn ballet to use his moves to attack.

Would Imagine Breaker works on Servants?

>Don't be so cocky bois

Mikoto has top tier taste in women though.


No, unless he cuts the connection that keeps the Servants alive.

She's pretty cute, isn't she?

What does this mean?

That it's a matter of when, not if.

Why must it be the guy's responsibility to notice a girl's feelings when he's not interested and the girl is just violent with him? She hasn't done anything to warrant him to get clue.

Shirou and Touma are completely differrent outside of heroism.

eyepatches are gross

She'll look cuter once she gets turned into cat poo.

This. They have different ideals.

I can't wait to see the next time they engage in silly banter followed by a kissu

Um, no, he KNOWS when he is outmatched and has absolutely no problems taking help from others and will be all for tag teaming. He does this a lot, he's not stupid.

He still tends to not want to get other people involved in his fights. Especially his close friends. More specifically, Mikoto and Index. Apart from NT8 i mean.

It either brings Index to magic fights where she can't even use mana or Misaka getting into magic side shenanigans, she got fucked by Niang Niang and now she's going into insanity.

I felt like she was a bit calmer in the last volume. Not sure if she's still treading on the wrong path or if she's passed it after she met up with Touma in NT17 and he told her he'd take care of the darkness.


Will Mikoto get her Ironsand Kaiju in the mobage?

She better!


Misaka a big smelly shit



This. From his perspective we've got:
Index - Who he believes is in love with his pre-memory loss self.
Misaka - Who he sees as a bit of brat.
Kanzaki - Who I'm fairly sure has given him PTSD
10032 - Who he's met 3 times and 2 of these times were in emergency situations
Itsuwa - From whom the best hint we've got is towels. In other words nothing.
If any of them except maybe index were to drop a fucking hint he'd be all over it, and probably them as well.

Fuck off, Ellen.

>personal opinion

I find how appealing he is from how funny and laid back he is in his normal life to how relaxed and badass he is in serious situations, while not revolutionary it does the job.

So how did he shut down Lessar?

The one encounter he had with Kanzaki that would give him PTSD was the one before he lost his memory.

He dragged her into an alley and gave her a piece of his mind.

He took her behind a deserted alley and lectured her for 15 whole minutes. She couldn't walk straight for hours afterwards.

he may find her actions erotic and is appreciative of it but flat and not genuine and is pretty clear he finds it as a means to force him into her cabal.

Now he just thinks she's a hot slut that can fight angels and shit that Motoharu is making fun of by having her go dumb shit for him as repayment for all the help he's done.

The fallen ero maid incident was vague but it left him with PTSD. He takes Kanzaki's words seriously when she says it is only to pay back her debt and not because she is interested in him.

Yeah but then he motorboated her and sniffed her ass while falling through the sky so it's all good
Doujins when?

Touma likes older women. Most of his harem is little sister types.

He and Lessar were also in a middle of a war, so that may explain why he was a bit irritated.

>Senpai getting upset when Touma called her lewd for wearing a faux naked-apron
It's not always his fault

Somehow, the girls have a tendency to be violent, even the girls who supposedly want to fuck him.



It's come to me that Mikoto is very much like a pancake

Fluffy, sweet, and absolutely delicious. Also small boobies

But seriously though, the railgun girls will all be hotcakes when they are older

Fuck off taco with your shitty threads.

Look at these flapjacks

Waffles are better than tacos nerd

He had date with 10032, even bought her a gift

God I just want him to lick me all over

Mikoto pleases normal highschool boys for fun

>buying necklaces on the first date
Is this common?

I want him to press me up against a wall and assault me with kisses. I'd blush and try to push him away and act like I don't want it, but secretly loving ever second

More on the line of differencing her from the other clones rather than romantic implications.

Isn't he just the best? I love him

Fuck science tho

He's all I ever think about

Fuck magic


I just want to please him. I want to be his good little girl. I want him to give me headpats and tell me that I'm special

Misaka pls leave.

Jeez, calm down Misaki.

I want him to tickle me! I want him to pinch and tease me!

> moralfag
Thing is, Touma's morals don't always align with those of society as a whole. Which is why he has the potential to be a villain.


> Cut off his right arm to avoid death
> IT emerges

I want to play with his hair. I want to run my finger through it playfully and smell his shampoo

Where did he even learn to fight

His precog's pretty bullshit and the servants being completely supernatural wouldn't be too different from Accel's wings or an angel trying to blitz him. He could potentially stomp most of the servants if they aren't careful. It's the masters that would really give him hell.