This is the truth mods on Sup Forums are trying to hide from you. We got the greatest cocks of all races and this is undisputed.
I challenge any nog, paki, beaner or abbo to post there cock and see how it compares to mine.
Awww what's that? Too scared to compete against the MIGHTY ANGLO COCK?

Other urls found in this thread:

Posting in historic thread

Looks like you can’t even fit 2 hands on your dick


Also I can tell from your proportions you’re around 5’6


Two salty Germans in less than 10 minutes. Colour me surprised.

Not an argument,

You still can’t fit 2 hands around your dick and you’re still a salty manlet.

I agree with the shitskin part of your post

Also lmao at the fact that all that jelling gave you a deflated head syndrome and a hypertrophied artery, that’s why you have erection problems pal.

Include me in the screencap

bro there is no need to be jealous of a pic OP found on the internet...

From his small height and skin type and the fact he fell for the jelq meme that gave him Erection difficulties I conclude he is English.

this is getting sad
stop being so insecure

Please stop projecting your insecurities unto stranger on the internet, I’m stating factual things you on the other hand ....

>t. mohammed

Based Brit on a rampage, keep it up OP.

This is for you salty germanboi

I thought only gay men shaved their private areas.

A thread died for this. Oh and I wouldn’t leave your island. Uncut dicks are considered gross by non-slags tea niggers

Still not fitting 2 handsom there.

Stop trying senpai

Like seriously we are talking about what? 7inches with a small 4.9 circumfence isn’t something to brag about

What a delicious penis

>Uncut dicks are considered gross by non-slags tea niggers


oh god cum on me daddy


How does it feel that women will never see your little above average dick because you’re a manlet?

Women don’t even see you as a man

In all honesty that guy probably is 8" 6.5"

What kind of retard would just randomly bump shit like this?

Look at this and the webm he posted

Also the fact he is a manlet with a smaller the average hand helps for the illusion

why are you even mad?

Guy I don't give a shit. I have seen alot of cocks in the loo in my time and he is 8" by 6.5 this isn't debatable.
>no homo

there is literally. It a single person in the entire porn industry with that girth

I’m 5.5 and I can barely close my hand around my dick (touching thumb and index finger is not possible) can only touch thumb and middle finger

>I don’t care about facts and evidence

In that case go kill yourself

Simply wrong.
Confirmed wrong.

I don’t like guys with smaller dicks then me going around playing alpha.

It’s a natural thing for alphas not to let little imposter manlet go rampage on the internet

Judging by his posts he is a manlet with a small dick and erection problems and is projecting his own insecurities onto OP in the most obvious way ever.

You don't actually expect any non-whites to see this, you literally only did this to show your dick to other dudes

Thanks very much you flaming faggot

how tiny is your hand? a normal human being can wrap his fingers around, for example, a 6.5" wrist. so why not a 5.5" penor?

Get the average height of a toilet and find out how tall I am geemancuck

Your inner fag is getting through...

No hair on the entire body. Definetally a low T white boi

My abs aren't that nice but I have a bigger cock

Average toilet paper roll is around 5.5 I dare you to go to the toilet and touch your thumb and index finger

You probably can’t becuse my hand is a little above average and I still can’t

Why are you are sitting around seriously critiquing another man's dick. Fuck this board is gay

It's the sacrifice I have to do to be a competitive swimmer

Pink cocks are cute.
Nigger dicks are ugly.

>Sup Forums is not Sup Forums


Then why are your legs hairy?


nice physique mirin brah. My dick is smaller only 16cm

Wtf why is my thumb red

Legs don't cause as much drag Because drag

I hate that whenever I come here there's cocks. Nigger cockis, white cocks, whatever cocks.
If I wanted to see cocks all day I'd have become an andrologist.

It’s obvious to anyone understanding human proportions that you’re fucking tiny, your shoulders are tiny as are your short legs, your normal length torso looks freakish because of this.

You’re small pelvis is a good to fool fags like
Because it makes you’re little above average penis look bigger

>13 posts
Are you ok buddy? You seem to know a lot about cocks


>muh dick


litterally the most basic nigger argument to have.

if you honestly think your penis size makes you superior you must have an IQ under 70.

>Hides feet behind sink as to not show he's on his toes

A salty German is responsible for 25% of the posts itt

You see how barely your thumb and index finger are touching?

Thanks for the picture, with you’re handsize i put you at 5’8” height