>nice chapter and great episode
Thanks DB Room.
>nice chapter and great episode
Thanks DB Room.
Leave Jiren to me
So when will Goku give her the blue D?
A reminder that so and so is beautiful, or something.
can't wait until all the jobbers are out so the fights can actually get good
Is there any good porn of them yet
Zeno can't see Dyspos movements therefore Dyspo is stronger than Omniking!
post webms of the best vegeta blue moments
Bri for me when?
there aren't any
>Made a shit-tier Hit picture
What would you do if Dyspo was towering over you?
Anyone made a picture or webm showing how they reused the animations from the vegeta vs hit
She wants the big, purple Donut.
Jiren> Goku> Vegeta>= Frieza and Toppo> Hit> 17>= Brianne> Dyspo> Gohan.
What did he mean by this?
>Reuse animations constantly
>Rip off Toyo's ideas
>Awful writing
>Awful animation 90% of the time
I'm only watching at this point for the slight chance that Gohan, Vegeta or Jiren will do something cool. Everyone is else is uninteresting or fodder. Not even gonna bother with next week's episode
kinda sad how dyspo looks better than Vegeta
the U6 arc looked like shit
Leave these gods to me
I hate toei so much
I unironically want Goku to knock them up and move to U6. Fuck Chichi!
what if they have a massive animation bank to tap into and hire a bunch of mongolian amateurs to trace gragonball characters over for less than a living wage
This would have a lot more weight if the Pride Troopers hadn't acted like generic thugs from the beginning, with the exception of Toppo. Not a single one of them is heroic in any way. Jiren is an autist that just stands there and glares at you. Hasn't saved a single one of his teammates or done anything noble, like stop Frieza from torturing another fighter. Kahseral and the pride job squad laughed like saturday morning cartoon villains, and acted like the Ginyu force. Dyspo came off as a cocky teenager that was more interested in proving himself and embarrassing Hit than defending his Universe. The only ones that acted somewhat like a Hero was the Dino guy, who acted like a police officer or something and wanted to stop Kale from chimping out, and the blue gremlin, who was only there to save Dyspo and provide support. Although 2v1ng Hit was a dick move.
>the cops Goku takes the attempted truck jackers to in Toyotaro's manga adaptation are from Savings Soldier Cashman
>one of them was also killed in by the Zamasu duo in the alternative future world
Based Toyo being based as usual
>the cops Goku takes the attempted truck jackers to in Toyotaro's manga adaptation are from Savings Soldier Cashman
>one of them was also killed in by the Zamasu duo in the alternative future world
Based Toyo being based as usual.
>Dyspo has transcended the speed of sound and light
>supposedly predicts Hit's timeskips by listening to his muscle movements
>Not even gonna bother with next week's episode
Same, it's like they want the ratings to tank giving us a fucking Roshi episode
Vegeta is actually 5'5".
they are saving the Goten/Trunks episode for that.
>All the pride troopers are smug motherfuckers who laugh like cartoon villains
They weren't heroes
Nah 5'7" sounds right
We already got Power Rangers and magical Girls. So Pokemon trainers are next?
Reminder Goku is from universe 6 and doesn't give two shits about his own
>links a deviantart image
the hell?
and vegeta was pretty much always the same height as bulma until super.
The fuck is 17 doing so high, get that gay shit out of here
Shouldn't they be teen Goten and Trunks by now?
Toei, it's clear that Jiren wants to have his moment. LET HIM HAVE IT BY ELIMINATING MOST OF THE FODDER
>Vegeta not hover handing Tights
immersion destroyed
I hope this guy update the pic with Mai and future Trunks.
Oh and the cats. And the other future Trunks and Mai too because why not
>my boy gonna do something next episode
>will likely job
Someone dump the rest of the paint comics
To be honest if you're going to have OP characters like Toppo and Jiren don't put them in a battle royal. They are artificially extending this arc by making them do nothing, cause if they did something the entire arc would be over in 4 or 5 episodes tops
At the end of they day it would have been more profitably for U11 to leave Jiren at home. Guy does nothing.
>chicken legs
/not my boy/
Why was Baby Vegeta so tall?
Next arc. Throw in card games too!
Nice headcanon
Sup Forums has created a monster by banning Super Generals right? Now there is going to 4-5 different threads for every question in the catalog.
Suck it mods.
T-they are dinosaur legs. And dinos are cool! COOL!
GT villains>>>>>>>>Super """"villains"""
Can't wait until Prince Vegeta reclaims his rightful throne at the top.
>gets fucking killed by a furry retard kid with eyeliner
so good
>Super """"villains"""
What Villain? Beerus just want Pudding, Frieza brought back for commercial, Hit does not even want to be there, Zamasu was right and Jiren got replaced by a statue.
At his last apparition, Cell Games-Gohan (9yo) was pretty much as tall as Goten and Trunks, and Goku was still a toddler when he defeated the first Piccolo (at the age of 17 according to Jaco's manga/DB Minus).
Jaco also said saiyans are supposed to look like little kids until they quickly grows up and adopt their adult appearance during decades (according to Toriyama and Vegeta at DBS, until their 80 when they quickly go elderly).
So my friend said the only anime you should watch are dragonball super, one piece and naruto.
I don't know what to say.
Huh. I would have never caught that. That's actually really cool.
Baby literally is the only GT villain who doesn't look edgy or retarded and he was still pretty meh, just "I'll kill Goku and conquer the universe with my race of brainwashed humans"
this episode they didn't ATATATATA the shit out of each other so I agree.
They still reused animations tho and even included a "slow mo" option to Zenchan's tablet.
>watching op or naruto
>Being so autistic you use Sup Forums for social advice
Goku ATATATA'd at one point.
>>watching op or naruto
I wonder why no joke universe with naruto, OP and Bleach lookalikes only to be erased first.
That's what happens when you take a great fan as your successor
Why don't you give your friend some advice and suggest some actual anime.
I don't need social advice. I just wanted to share a life-death experience
>First character to be confirmed faster than the speed of light
>Nobody can keep up
>the god of gods can't even see it
Power scaling youtubers must be losing their minds
You think anyone would continue to be friends with a living personification of shit-taste?
>"re used animation"
>literally one time
Speaking of that hit only needed to use his basic fighting stance to beat dyspo
When was the last time we got a Super OST release?
I really wanna listen to that song they've been using these past few episodes.
Vados was able to see him, so I guess all the angels saw Dyspo's attacks
implying Vados isn't the strongest!
Manga traslation when
brain-lets need friends too.
Will you all miss Caulifla and Kale when they get erased?
It's more like he had no imagination whatsoever to make new characters so he had to copy it from Toriyama's other works.
I won't miss any of these characters
anyone got a pic of champa playing his VUVUZELA
gay is the perfect colour for him.
Spot on. Maybe Toyo will mke it right.
Wow that's...
Yeah. Atleast the right version looks better though
Spotted the closet homo. Also Vegeta is married to a 10/10 woman and nutted inside her at least a minimum of two times.
Daily reminder that Goku canonically invented this trick
Now why would champa own a Vuvuzela?
What would you do if he appeared in front of you?