ITT: girls who can beat the cock





lol j/k

Pic related

What about a girl that utterly defeated the cock?

You can't lose to cock if you never get the cock. But I wouldn't call it beating it.
This fine lady on the other hand has seen it all and cock would be boring to her.


>tfw nobody remembers this masterpiece.



She beat the cock only to lose to the knot

No one can win against the cock.

I want those lips to beat my cock

>ITT: girls who can beat the cock

, , >*posts women*

>got raped multiple times by mongol fucks
>didn't really change anything about her because she already lived solely for the sensation of removing mongols at that point
>never gets brought up again

Every cock except Yurul's isn't even worth noting to her.

>not rip off

>Every cock except Yurul's
#Sounds like she has lost.

She lost to the brain, if anything.
Yurul's love of writing and reading infected her and made her moist for him.

A brain isn't the thing churning up her insides user.

>implying there is any
Can't beat the cock man


what's a woman if not a girl who doesn't lose to the cock?

They can beat my cock if you know what I mean.

Why did you post the Yamcha of cock defeating?

>posts a huge cockslut
She may have left humanity behind, but her behind never left the cock.

She had the cock a lot, it wasn't effective.




She was completely destroyed by the cock.


New Moka works never.


Sauce pls.

Immortal Hounds
it's not hentai and apparently that girl barely appears in it

She's really only featured in that one chapter, but it was fucking hilarious.

Gang Raped.

not really