Gakkou Gurashi

How can people like this trash when the characters are a copy paste from an average SoL CGDCT anime. Why does anyone care if they die when they're just walking archetypes. Sure the MC at least has an interesting gimmick, but that's about it.

If you don't like walking stereotypes, why do you watch anime?

>CGDCT is inherently bad

Found the wannabe elitist newfag who watched 200 shows and thinks his taste is superior because he watched Lain and Texhnolyze.

>Gakkou Gurashi! - 58
I miss the time when everyone was talking about it, now it's just another deceased manga.

Maybe we can bring it back from the dead.

Not an argument.

I'm still following it actively. It is monthly a monthly, and currently on a short break, so of course it's not gonna generate nearly as much discussion as it did when everyone found out about it after the anime was announced.


>why people like stuff I couldnt like
>posting the anime

Miki a cute

>How can people like this trash when the characters are a copy paste from an average SoL CGDCT anime.
That's the point.

I kinda intended it as a discussion, my personal thoughts that characters could be made more complex and interesting in order for me to care. They're only stuck on thoughts of friendship and being together. Having some out of the box thoughts and added creativity to their characters should fit better with an unusual setting.

zombie media is shit and never goes anywhere

See: I am a hero

The problem with them is that usually they have no end-point, and so they fizzle out either into stupidity or into meaninglessness.

only world war z did it right by ending it (book obviously)

>How can people like this trash

Because fuck you and your taste.

Should i read the manga instead?

No, fuck you and your taste if you cant discuss why do you like it.

Read the manga.But that too went a bit stale, also youre kind of specially retarded on >more complex and interesting in order for me to care

The girls may not be the most complex characters ever (dunno why you'd be expecting that with a show like this) but they're still more interesting than your average SoL CGDCT character, though I may be remembering the manga more when saying this.
Them being stuck in a post-apocalyptic world and having people important to them dying makes you want to cheer for them. The fact that they can still act optimistic and have fun SoL moments prevents the series from being just a full blown sufferingfest.

Well don't you agree that there wasn't much effort put into them and the writers thought that it was okay to just be moe and caring for each other.

Gakkou was interesting, it wasn't entirely new but it was different in the way that it mixed 2 medias that were rarely mixed together, SoL and zombie.

For the most part, Gakkou is a SoL with zombie media aspects and this works pretty well.

The looming danger of a zombie coming from somewhere really gave it an uneasy feeling, something that doesn't happen in many SoL, It felt special and it really gave the show the edge it needed to not become another generic SoL.

But on the contrary it was pretty anticlimactic because not much zombie related stuff happen beside the obligatory final showdown of the last few episodes.

Overall I think Gakkou is pretty good and worth the watch, if they ever make a sequel I will consider watching it.

Something something the anime failed to capture the spirit of the mango and therefore is only watchable if you really like cute girls.
Someone explained it better when it was airing, you just have to believe me.

Maybe the manga might actually feel fresh and not give off a strong feeling of CGDCT on their non horror moments. Usually I dont try to connect with characters when reading manga.

>if they ever make a sequel I will consider watching it.
Rii-san goes fucking nuts and makes a stuffed bear her imouto and they get chased by faggots in college.



I agree but youre either new or just burned yourself on this series trying to find reason to like any of the girls.You need to go in with no expectation whatsoever,just read/watch whatever the writer put out and drop them anytime if youre not liking it.

Yea I've dropped it at ep 5 or 6, so I came here for some discussion.

>didnt finish it
>discussion on why user didnt like it
I'll just go commit sudoku for taking the bait.

Sounds great, I'm even more intrigued

Well I gotta hide such blasphemy

Don't forget

What a slut

The girls acting like stereotypes is the consequence of their facade of "normal life" that they try to live in a world that gone down the shitter.
They follow Miki's delusions, even not sharing them (at least not immediately).
Basically their SoL attitude and way to dealing with things is their attempt to keep it together and don't give up to despair.

>Miki's delusions
*Yuki's delusions

You don't need an essay on that, just look at Taroumaru.

The anime enhanced the SoL elements and the childish traits of the girls. Yeah, in the manga they look like 12 as well, even the teacher look like no more than 15. But their attitude (retard aside) match their age. In the anime they look like 12 and act like they're 11.
And Taromaru is like the MC of a bestiality loli eroge. In the manga he appear only in a short flashback.
When best girl was dying on a coach, and meanwhile another was all worried about Taromaru, totally triggered me.
Not to mention the anime stupid ending.
Anime is not a total fail but seriously, read the fucking manga.

So they did an anime original ending?

Kinda. Not completely rewritten, but different enough to turn it into complete bullshit.
In the manga the zombies don't just go home cause Yuki tell them that school is over.

>the zombies don't just go home cause Yuki tell them that school is over
I shouldn't have read that since i'm not finished with the anime. Guess i'll read the manga once i'm done with the anime.

The only way the anime is worth watching is if you're already a fan of the manga and wants to see the girls voiced and animated doing some cute things.
As a way to actually get into the series, it's absolute garbage. I bet many people who could've liked the manga gave up on the series after only watching the anime.

>verage SoL CGDCT anime
That's the thing here. It was supposed to be like this, but everything was ruined by THEM!

The anime makes it 80% SOL and 20% plot. I have not checked the manga yet but i'm sure it will be better than the anime we've got

>I bet many people who could've liked the manga gave up on the series after only watching the anime.
Nothing of value was lost.