Kemono Friends

Holy shit, season 2 has been announced? I've been out of loop for a while now. Why isn't Sup Forums talking about it?! Any confirmation on recurring friends like Arai and Fennec??

Other urls found in this thread:

You have the mods to thank for that.

There isn't much revealed about season 2 yet so there's nothing much to discuss about it..
And that penguin looks like Pingu with a twisted head.
Just saying.


Is KF banned on Sup Forums for some reason?

What about the new Tatsuki short with the manta ray? Is that somewhat related?

>new Tatsuki short
That's him taking a break.

Based mods.
You missed the billions threads about it.

>taking a break
How dare he.

>How dare he.
Tatsuki's idea of a break is more work, user.

Old news

so why arent we allowed kf threads again while other shows get to have their own "season 2 when???" threads?

Because the mod(s) thinks they know how to improve our experience on the board.

Because Kemono Friends was the worst selling show of its season, user. No one remembers it, not even the Japanese.

We are, just not generals. The threads have to be about something.

To be fair, I doubt that's much of a problem. With the amount of fan works and stuff around KF, we could probably manage to make more threads than usual.

Mods are butthurt Kyoani shills. Muh Maid Doragon is the best show of the season!!!

we could talk about the fan works if someones actually translating them


I guess KF threads is considered as a general.
At this rate, /ag/ is gonna happen someday. Unless we get shipped out to /jp/

Didn't mean to quote

So now that the dust have settled... who's the most tanoshii friend? For me, it's Serval.

/jp/ might actually be better because they have better mods.

I know Lion's haircut is based on somewhere, but I can't seem to pinpoint it

/jp/ is a fun, quiet, slow-paced board but they don't like Kemono Friends all too much, I think.

Otter is the most tanoshii Friend. Otter is the most tanoshii, period.

Kemono Friends is not allowed in /jp/ because it's an anime. "Having fanwork" doesn't qualify you for the board. It's basically stuck here.

If you post things you want translated I can give it a go. I had been meaning to review the stage play subs from the last thread but I was too lazy to format it into something I wanted to read.

I don't see why not; KF is very much like Touhou. If they can tolerate Kancolle, they'll pretty much welcome Friends.

What penguin is this and do I want to fuck it?

/jp/ hates everything that is not 2hou.

Are you for real? She looks really dorky, my dude.

Adelie penguin. Her face is on the back of her head.

Season 2 is coming, I'm hoping they will solve the Serval crying issue without going through too much drama.
I'm trusting Tatsuki on this.

Why would you want to do a Pingu?

They should just gather the popular stuff in Japan and put it in a single board and call it Japan Tanoshii /jt/ or something.
Actually, nevermind. I fear the butthurts.

I just hope Extra-Serval and Proto-Kaban show up down the road. Those designs are way too cute to not be used and I like the idea of Friends of the same species looking different based on where they're born.

will season 2 spawn as many crazy crossovers as the original?


> gee Serval, how many of you are out there?


there's a suspicious amount of Baki fanart mixed into KF

When the baseline concept is animal gijinkas, it's very easy to make it

Now, crossover based on the personalities and episode plots are what we should wait for

Waifu threads and threads about anime not getting another season just seem to be what they want Sup Forums to be about again.

When watching the show initially, I did not noticed Otter's butt at all. I only started paying attention to the thing when people started pointing it out online. Now I am only left to wonder why it was so huge. Was it just a quirk of the models they used? Because I figured they were using a template model since many characters had similar body types. Does Kaban secretly have a massive rear hiding under those shorts?

Thinking about it, it's actually somewhat odd not seeing any Pokemon crossovers around. I can't really explain why there should be, but for some reason it would seem like the two would fit together to an extent.

Kemono Friends confirmed Isekai. That user back then was right.

read the sticky


You mean some reporter has no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

>Does Kaban secretly have a massive rear hiding under those shorts?
Ask nip twitter.

I suppose mods will find it acceptable if we are talking about new doujin creations and use those content as OP from now on?

It's not exactly hard to come up with a topic about the show itself or news related to the show.

Just scroll through and see what is going on, or think of one of the mysteries the show left like who the friends on the bus were or why Serval was crying and you have topics?

OP is just pretending to be retarded for our sake.

Re-read the sticky, these threads are fine, they're just held to a higher standard of quality.
Meaning the thread becomes a no-go as soon as it devolves into senseless "which 2hu wud u fuk"-tier lewd/waifu RP posting.

Just start with a question or a topic with discussion and we will be fine.

I made something kinda lame

This is literally the only thread I come here for anyway, so would be fine with an /ag/.

Old memes give me life. Simple, pure, and no politics attached to them.

Animals are the first things that were memed

It's logical that with so many animal girls coming into public knowledge, they too will be subject to them

Speaking of ancient relics from the early 00s...


Last thread has only title and image in the OP, if I comprehend the sticky correctly you should start putting something to discuss in OP from now on

This is a crazy nastyass Honey Badger Friend.

I sometimes wonder how the penguins would react after removing their jackets and finding out they have fingers.


The one in the upper right corner is even a Serval?

the first thing i remember being memed was Mr. T, who ate everyone's balls.

Older/Extra Serval. The Serval we're familiar with is a Kitten.

That's Extra Serval. She's a Serval that got Sandstarred when she was an adult.

What if Serval was crying because she saw her oneechan?

I know that the first three are from manga, game and anime. What about the other ones?

>Animals are the first things that were memed
I beg to differ

Oh really? Which guidebook she is in?

Manga -> Game -> Anime -> Extra Serval
JRA promotion -> Shiserval left and right -> Doubutsu Peace Serval

Thanks, that was helpful.

>that pic

Guidebook 3. She's not in the zukan pages themselves, she's hidden in the last page where the owls are talking about the different generations of Friends.

>Implying there's anyone around that wouldn't get it

How new are you?

Serval-> Serval-> Serval-> Serval
Serval-> Serval-> Serval-> Serval

Mods are just pretending to work by deleting threads purely based on their OPs once again, after skimming through the catalog. Nothing new, and things will go back to normal soon enough.

Just a design Mine posted on Twitter, I think. We don't have much information on physical diversity between Friends of the same species. I doubt Mine would be the person who'd say "yeah they all look the same saves me money."

There's a black Serval running around too but everyone assumes she's just a bad person when in reality she'd probably be just as genki as Serval, but would overheat more quickly due to the darkness of her fur.

alter Serval when

Melanistic Serval by the way. There's also a melanistic Jaguar too. Albinism really sucks for creatures in the wild, compared to melanism so I guess it makes sense there's no albino Serval. It'd be really sad and heartbreaking to see a genki, albino Serval that wants to play with the other Servals out in the savanna but can't because she gets sick really easily, tires out really quickly, and gets burned by the sun quickly.

Way ancient one was here.

It's in the guide books just like proto-kaban

Melanistic Serval isn't official, though Black Jaguar is. Extra Serval from guidebook 3, though we got her name from Mine's Twitter.

I wish Melanistic Serval were canon. They're cute.

Coat of arms are not memes. They are symbols imposed by the governing body. Memes are a product of culture and the people's natural instinct to make fun of everything that is strange

Now I want a spinoff of the adventures of Extra Serval and Proto Kaban.

It's the Three Hares, not that particular coat of arms.

wait, what?


On another part of the isle, after a recent Sandstar eruption, a flake of Sandstar lands on an abandoned shoe, creating another Human Friend.

Mine's original Kaban design, the one we got was Tatsuki's design.

I bet she was born from Nana's hair.


Don't know much, only read a shitload of Captain Tsubasa manga back then. Is that a meme in Japan or something? Tsubasa manga long legs and pose are really exploitable, aren't they?

Lab coats are great.

She only needs to straighten her hair up to be a 10/10.

do anons actually watch that moe garbage?

I can imagine big Serval being far less trusting and obviously less energetic than regular Serval. With her being less likely to be forthright about getting attached to Proto-Kaban and maybe even keeping her distance initially, while still ensuring Kaban stays safe from Cerulean attack. Friends are friends, afterall. Then as time goes on, the two's bond would resemble that of an older and younger sister, since Proto-Kaban would still be a child like current Kaban.

There are possibilities there, I think. Please excuse me fanfiction.

>/jp/ might actually be better because they have better mods.


Allow me to present the single longest running meme in written history - all the way back to the Roman Empire

Probably even longer as it can be traced from Aramaic "avda kedavra" which means "create as I say'

gr8 b8 m8

Nah, short, messy hair a best.
As a short-hair fag, this series is a godsend. Every other Japanese series (minus touhou) only has 1 or 2 short haired girls. Everyone else a 1000 year old dragon Loli with 2 meter long hair.
God bless Mine, God bless Tatsuki