Memes aside, how realistic is a white ethnostate?

Memes aside, how realistic is a white ethnostate?

There were many of them so it is very realistic. Ethnostates were what the 1990s Yugoslavian war was about.
The major European native ethnostates are being destroyed as we speak.
I would point out, however

I would point out all ethnostates have been created by war, however.

completely unrealistic.
the minorities are already here, which means we would have to remove them.
which means we would have to use force.
which means some will resist.
which means that many will die.
which means that mass deportation easily devolves into genocide.
the people don't have the stomach for it anymore.
it will never happen


just as real as human nature

Unironically pretty realistic.

Gen Z is voting 80-20 for Trump. Unless they get pozzed hardcore somehow, they will be the beginning of racialized politics in America. Republicans will become the "White" party, and Democrats will become the "non-White" party. Of course, once your society gets to the point of two races (or religions) just voting for parties by identity, you're fucked. Would you accept some nigger-president who was obviously just going to use his power to destroy your race just because it was "the will of the majority"?

Same shit happened in Rwanda. The Hutus and Tutsis gradually split into two political parties. When the Hutu president got assassinated, the Hutus flipped their shit and started a genocide. The Tutsis were armed and re-invaded and set up their own dictator now.

Usually, in an ethnic struggle the country's violence will be moderated by foreign nations. This keeps the slaughter to a minimum, as seen in places like Yugoslavia. However, the US is far too big and isolated for that to happen. If a genocide or civil war breaks out here, there will be no moderation, no breaks on the train. It will be a bloodbath on an unimaginable scale. With the huge number of nuclear and biological and chemical weapons that the US has stockpiled, it could spill over into a truly world-shattering calamity. If the wrong group seizes the weaponized small pox, they could wipe out half the population of Earth.

That is why it is so critical that the Alt-Right wins. The only way we can avoid this bloodbath is by peaceful separation. If we don't succeed, millions will die.

In todays political climate, basically impossible outside of (maybe) Greenland or Iceland

At this point, ethno-spaceststion, ethno-spaceship, ethno-moon, or ethno-planet is so much more likely. Until the government has to default based on welfare programs, no one will have the stomach to organize beyond the internet

It's heartening that we've gotten to the point where #Resistance Discord raiders are consistently concern trolling about the plausibility of ethnostates