
Moment of the year award.

I really like the development Blitz has gotten. It was very calculated, it would be nice to see more of the time they spent with Altair later on

Can't believe I didn't call it.

So what exactly can Souta do now?

Charon made a huge mistake

>not needing acceptance


>Suruga looks slightly smug, Blitz looks scared and Erina looks sad


She flew to the fight with Charon. Did she forget he was floating in the air, or just didn't think he'd do anything because he looked dead?

Meteora is evil.



Wasn't this guy a final boss in some game? If so, how is his story works even if there is supposed to be a next volume/chapter?

>or just didn't think he'd do anything because he looked dead?
probably, I mean look at him

He looked deadass

He wants to put his girlfriend to the kitchen. That's that kind of stare

They were rivals and the twist was a long time coming. They would probably end up teaming up against the big bad after a long while

Can he make Altair weak?

What i asked is if recreators retconned a game into a novel or something.



Well it doesn't look like she's good at fighting Altair anyway

>Magane goes on to write Monogatari
>no one ever suspects Nisio's true identity


Can't wait to see what she does when she has the upper hand against the birdcage


They tried to hurt this

>gets her mech back
>still shit
Is she going to cry next episode now Charon as realised who best girl is?

altair killed magane sota active god ink

What nice word spaghetti.
What sauce will you serve it with?

>now Charon as realised who best girl is?
that moment is yet to come

Magane will probably die if her part of the story is not over. Souta's power relies on her life.


That is greenery user, not a girl.


Best ship

>Alice and Selisia finally gonna hang out
>Selesia asks if she can vroom vroom in a very tsundere manner

Hongaku became Bungaku?

rui x alice is superior

I cant bring myself to hate her

You guys are all wrong.


Your ship doesn't even have a pure moment

>Not Suruga 5D chess

She strikes me as the kind of girl who prefers to save kissing until last.

She'd be so dead if Blitz had actually tried to kill her, but I think that he was still hoping that something could be resolved.

Remember when we thought this was the show's prime ship?

Is she Izaya genderbent ?


She's just a perfect little shark

I don't understand Souta's personality at all so all is well

manage twisted reality, so whatever he planned now dont need acceptance to happen in the "plot"

>Alice x Rui
>Alice x Mamika
>Alice x Charon
>Alice x Altair

Just how many ships can this blond knight have?

potential ship of alice. rui x alice alice x blitz

more like she knew blitz would engage in a little I ask you tell game rather than just head shot


She gave him her number
She let him look up her skirt
She used her power to help him
How dense is this guy?

>character from a chinese knockoff urobochi show gets his daughter brought back to life through asspull magic that he never even considered when he joined up with a chuuni on a mission to destroy the universe instead
>moment of the year
It wasn't even outstandingly bad, it just felt like the show going through the motions so they could get it out of the way and move back to the big fight. You'd expect a shrewd character like Blitz to still express a bit of resentment at being so obviously teased around by his god.

He is too old for those hijinks

>a bit of resentment
That's OVA material.


To be fair if I was reading a manga that had a main character blow their kid away at some point only to have them brought back during some bullshit crossover I'd be pissed off.

She was a good girl after all huh

>manage twisted reality, so whatever he planned now dont need acceptance to happen in the "plot"

Sounds like a Rock thing to do

>remember when we thought this girl has personality

Looks like there was a reason for Sumi drawing all that happy and sad Shark


I don't think anyone thought that.

Alice is what Saber should have been all along

Each frame is a dead animator

I bet her hair is a nightmare to animate

So this is why she's tanking all those hits

kill left
marry middle
fuck right

alice x yuuya


I mean they did mention that in the recap episode

alice for yuuya. alice x yuuya ship

All the budget went into Altair.


So how does she treat Souta under the sheets?

After that there will be a bunch of doujins of Martial Slutist Hikayu getting gangbang by her enemies and defeating them by outlasting them in sex

>get excited from the super long cast time
>what she actually does isn't flashy at all
What was the point of this character again?

Kassatsu Banryu!


she is just a slut from eroge that was given magic powers.
her only purpose is fanservice.

She pretty much just exists for that one-off joke. The same goes for Sho.


Magane is only interested in surviving, because her creator is ded, which means it would be the end for her if she were to return.

she kills anyone who slacks off

>because her creator is ded
Unless of course Hiroe or Aoki do some more asspulls

She's also interested in winning the sotabowl

Fight for all things good!

every creation has claimed that the food in the "real"-world is better than in their respective world
but what about a creation from a Food Wars rip-off?


Her creator is so based. I wish he was the MC and do that sort of shenanigan while saving the world.

>no, I don't wanna get pegged
>a lie for a lie...

>Souta will never again be dom'd by by a tsun Selesia

So basically his STANDU is a combination of Silver Chariot and Hanged Man, no?

Think of it like this, the first fighting game had Yuuya as "the final boss who killed the main characters sister" and then the next game would reveal that "the fortune teller" was the real mastermind.. Fighting games can have a story too.