Hapa Genetics

Last thread died but a Finn wanted to post this so here it is.

Other urls found in this thread:


>wanting to lay with an inferior hapa sheboon

>not being able to read

>what is emphasis
get outta here you jungle bunny

When they say genetically dissimilar, they don't mean a white and a jap, for example, you dumb pajeet. They mean two different species or from two different clades.

Thank you my indian friend. You’re the best. :3

Nope, as you can read from the text humans are often different enough to cause outbreeding depression.

>they don't mean a white and a jap
Whites and japs have the same genetic distance as negroes and whites.
Just because you're both pale doesn't make you related.

nice try moron I studied biology in high school
I know most offspring of 2 species are sterile.

You you retard fuck.

Look at Hapas and mulattoes and always you'll find sicklyness, confused phenotypes, inferiority to pure people.

The offspring aren't always sterile, look at plants you dumb shitter.
The sickliness is more from two different cultures trying to merge and the absolute failure of it all. Not being accepted by your mother's side amd your father's side causes your sense of self-identity to wither. It's more psychological you dumb mutt, but you'd know that.

The wikipedia article about the subject is very good and has many examples.

Out breeding depression can mean any reduction of fitness caused by genetic differences between parents. Are you mad that I invalidated your yellow fever fetish?

Can someone tell me why asian girls are attracted to white genetics ? Like Asian girls in asia will pay white men to have babies with them? From an asian genetics position aren't they breeding up?

Merging of polar opposites results in proliferation of diminished qualities because more often than not they are dominant.

>The offspring aren't always sterile, look at plants you dumb shitter.
Plants don't have organ-system level of organisation.
There are minute differences that can cause sterility.

in brazil, they are warning people about mixing africans with indians or with whites. why?

because it creates the most violent, retarded creatures that arent fit for society. they learned that mixing is bad.

india is a shithole of mixed australoid abos, arabs, mongoloids, persians. it literally a cesspool of poo

I'm mixed, so I think I do know.

The features on your face are totally incompatible and end up being a uncanny valley clusterfuck soup of shit. It's physical.

I want this to be posted in all those ”muh asian waifu” threads.

>they are warning people about mixing africans with indians or with whites

>because it creates the most violent, retarded creatures that arent fit for society
LOL more violent and retarded than a 56 percenter? doubt it

>india is a shithole of mixed australoid abos, arabs, mongoloids, persians. it literally a cesspool of poo
Somehow it accounted for the 25% of the worlds GDP 200 years ago.
Yeah we have problems but race isn't one of them.

Depends if your parents were both decent looking to begin with. I see about as many good looking hapas as bad looking ones

europeans to produce pepper on plantations than you are now
>muh 25% of the worlds GDP 200 years ago.
oh, like when UK colonized your monkey asses and started exporting opium to china....
>you were worth more when you were enslaved by

dont flatter yourself, australoid. you were always shit.

the indus valley civilization was not even indian

>oh, like when UK colonized your monkey asses and started exporting opium to china
>american education
Europe had a deficit in bullion because they had nothing to offer in trade to the Indians, that's why the Brits landed in Bengal to produce Opium to sell to China.

>dont flatter yourself, australoid. you were always shit.
Australoids are more clean than Aryans if you go by the statistics and I belong to the Aryan phenotype.

>the indus valley civilization was not even indian
Paki alert.You're actually dumb enough to think that all development in India happened at the Indus.

Holy fuck you useless fuck.

Regardless if how attractive your parents are, a flat gook nose with gook eyes look like garbage on an otherwise European face.

What about Indian+White? All the IMWF spawn I've seen worked out really well, I've never seen it the other way around.

>india is a shithole of mixed australoid abos, arabs, mongoloids, persians. it literally a cesspool of poo
Lmao what? There are only the Persian mongoloid streetshitters and the Dravidians that made Indian civilization. Plus a few minor populations of Abbos.

>Paki alert.You're actually dumb enough to think that all development in India happened at the Indus.
Implying the Indus are Paki and not Dravidian master race

A flat nose looks bad on almost anyone. Doesn't really disprove my point. Ugly parents ---> ugly children

The obvious answer is mix with someone who isn't too distant from you.
Mixing with blacks and Asians ain't too good, mixing with other Caucasians — alright

I grew up with a group of friends, all Swedish and blonde except for one kid, he was a hapa with a Swedish father. He's currently NEET and depressed. Not sure if it's a coincidence but the rest of our "gang" so to speak are successful, somewhat atleast.

Large scale mixing of anything isn't alright.
The problem with mixing is that you'll never see the problem until it's too late.


>poos slave in rice/spice/opium/tea plantations that British own
>we wuz good slaves n shit

100% of the Indus Civilization was in Pakistan, what are you even talking about?

Indus valley is the precursor to modern Indus region ethnic group.
Sanskrit came from Central Asia, and developed in the Pashtun regions of Pakistan
Vedic religion originated the Indus region
The number zero also came from the Pashtun regions of Pakistan
The great army Alexander fought was in the north Punjab region of Pakistan
Buddhism only made it to East Asia because of the silk road and trade with Gandhara, also in Pakistan.

The Ganges region is literally known for two things.
The most disgusting holy river in existance where millions of dead bodies are dumped each year
Taj Mahal, which the Muslim built. Not the local Muslims, but the invading Persianised Turkic Muslims.

Naturally Pajeets can only cope by wewuzzing the Indus region.

Pajeets think they can wewuzz all the definitions that Europeans assigned to the name India.
Ultimately your entire country is named after a Pakistani river. Cucked.


landing a white man is like winning lottery

women in mejico and asia and me are dime a dozen and look the same...billions of them

whites are superior so they want our genes

sup finn there’s a fine ass blonde hottie down the way she’s apparently got some finn in her the nordic type...will probably give her the big italia sausage

>fuck jews and their dorky shitskin army they rode in on

bro im in la and haven’t seen any dot indian shitters with whites

white men aren’t gonna go for a smelly brown harpy and if they do they’ll go latina...

white women dont go with dweebs let alone brown poopoasting cunt beggars...

i guess slant eyed aznsnsnsnss have that going for them: whites aren’t discriminating against slant eyes....

but don’t tell that on the goookoogookoogkgogoo00000k plebbit depression forum


> induviduals

Holtzclaw is completely innocent

Indians are an extremely diverse group and I don’t have any data at hand. I don’t however expect that it’s any better than WMAF. You need to realise that not every child will be schizo in any case.

You do realise that many population migrations have occured since that? Funnily enough one of the local cultures ”kulli” means benis in finnish :D.

>poos slave in rice/spice/opium/tea plantations that British own
>we wuz good slaves n shit
la creatura doesn't get what trade is and still doesn't refute that we had a great civilisation before foreigners(that means mughals came).

>100% of the Indus Civilization was in Pakistan, what are you even talking about?
I'm taking about migration, pic related.The Indus Valley Civilisation was discovered in the 19th Century.
Before then we were all divided into Aryan and Dravidian kinds.

>Sanskrit came from Central Asia, and developed in the Pashtun regions of Pakistan
Vedic religion originated the Indus region
The number zero also came from the Pashtun regions of Pakistan
The great army Alexander fought was in the north Punjab region of Pakistan.

Pakistan and India were divided on Religious lines, just because they happen to squat over some ruins doesn't make them their sole descendants, you moron.

>Naturally Pajeets can only cope by wewuzzing the Indus region.
As opposed to a Paki who claims both Aryan and European heritage?

>Pajeets think they can wewuzz all the definitions that Europeans assigned to the name India.
>Ultimately your entire country is named after a Pakistani river. Cucked.
India's official name is and always will be Bharath in the sacred tongue.
India is the bastardised version for westerners.

Depends on the parents, really. This one was raised a good Christian.

Literally all non-white races are attracted to whites more than their own race. The whitest-looking ethnicities within a race (for example Northern Indians) are also always the high ruling caste of that race

vs degenerate values. You can tell which is which.

nigger, poos are australoid

Original inhabitants of Indian subcontinent were australoid negritos and weddoids(similar to australion abbos but probably somewhat more inteligent and less agressive since modern indians are pussy whipped beta keks just like white mem and dravidians were able to create their own civilisation unlike australian abbos), They were conquered by invading elamites/aryans who created caste system but aryans were always tiny minority and mixed with the abos and had insignificant contribution to the pool of abos of india.

Indians are same as Abos. the foreign Aryans dna dissolved who used to live in North India.

you were nothing more than slaves working in a plantation get over it. infact you were slaves working for David Sasson the Jew who owned India and fucked you in the ass while you bent over picking tea leaves in Davids plantations

They all are? Yes and yes.

>David Sasson
Holy shit Paki faced with statistics beigns to grasp for straws.
Your strawmanning bullshit won't work against me and besides we all know who the loyal attack of Israel is.

I know a 100% Swede that is NEET and depressed. I cancel out your anecdotal evidence.

ITT Pajeets getting angry their BJP government history books are only used in Hinduland

"Hindustan" itself is a bastardised name applied by middle eastern invaders.

Indians are the ultimate cucks and have never in history invaded the Indus.

So we are good.

The IVC Harappans were closely related to other Middle Eastern people, particularly Elamites, which isn't a surprise considering the Harappans were farmers from the Middle East.

yes, you were slaves to the Jews who used your australoid monkey asses to work the fields, while selling the Jew sold the plantation crops to British

Persian name, you mongrel, you decided to ignore Bharath like your fucking double think mentality you pedophilic incestuous barbarian

>Indians are the ultimate cucks and have never in history invaded the Indus.
LOL Is that what your pederast Imam taught you in the Madrassa?

>yes, you were slaves to the Jews who used your australoid monkey asses to work the fields, while selling the Jew sold the plantation crops to British
Unlike Pakistan whose sole claim of sovereignty lies on how much they can suck off other nations for handouts while simultaneously getting sodomized by China.


Hybrid vigor and breeding depression are both correct, but not as a generalized rule for all populations.

Which would make sense, considering that individuals, races and enviornments are tightly related.

Breeding between two individuals of different but close genetic distributions is a good example of hybrid vigor. The gene pool of a certain group is enriched with different genes that prevent inbreeding, however, not so different genes that would make individuals less likely to thrive in the enviornment of their parents.

For example, a Swede and an Italian would see each other as a valuable sex partner because it would introduce new genes and prevent inbreeding, but would also produce offspring that would still be suited to face the enviornment of their parents.

However, if the individuals are farther away genetically, it would lead to breeding depression, because the offspring would not be suited to live in either of the parents' enviornments.

A swede breeding with a nigger would produce offspring that would not be apt to survive well neither in Sweden or Subsaharian africa and would be at a disadvantage.

But this is what humanity has known ever since they started breeding animals.

>Sumerian Civilization 4000 BC
>Elamite/Pakistan's Indus Valley Civilization 3500 BC
>Egyptian Civilization 3000 BC
>Assyrian Civilization 2500 BC
>Babylonia Civilization 2000 BC
>Hittites Civilization 1500 BC
>Medes/Persian Civilization 1500 BC
>Greece Civilization 1500 BC
>Roman Civilization 500 BC
>Seleucid Empire 300BC
>Greco-Bactrian in india Kingdom 300BC
>Scythian in india Kingdom 200BC

>Maurya Empire 100 BC
pathetic poo pride

I never understood the mental gymnastics poos do to try and appropriate the Indus Valley Civilization, steppe people, and the Aryans.

>IVC was started and maintained by Middle-Eastern Caucasoid farmers from Afghanistan and Iran. Mehrgarh, the first clear IVC site, is similar in structure and right next to Jiroft, Elam, and BMAC. Also, somehow in their minds, Indians knew about plumbing 6000 years ago, but DESIGNATED today.
>There is zero overlap between IVC and Dravidian territory
>Indo-European steppe people quite clearly came from Central Asia into India, but they believe in "Out of India" where they invaded Europe and Central Asia
>Aryan is a word exclusively found in Indo-Iranian languages, but only Iranian languages have it as a endonym or ethnic self-designation.

I think it's pretty pathetic that "India" is named after the Indus and no one calls India by it's real name, Bharat.

My white mother had kids with a beaner, fuck race mixing and fuck anyone that does it, you fucking retards. You have no fucking idea what you are doing.

how about you gather fellow victims of race mixing and start a NGO to educate society on the harms of racemixing. you can include examples of failed racemixing (india/brazil/puerto rico/mexico) in your lectures

Not going to defend pederasty or incest, Rasheed?
That's right you can't.
Your kind is the scum of the Earth, you low inhibition mentally deranged inbred retard.

>I think it's pretty pathetic that "India" is named after the Indus and no one calls India by it's real name, Bharat.
Bharat isn't as easily pronouncable as India that's why its kept like that.I don't want foreigners butchering the pronounciation like Peyh-kiss-tan from the derogative "Paki" is derived.
Fucking kill yourself you are the most hated people on the Earth.

>pathetic poo pride
One of the largest empires In India,while you still trying to cope with the rape of your ancestors.

>I never understood the mental gymnastics poos do to try and appropriate the Indus Valley Civilization, steppe people, and the Aryans.
Because the only thing left keeping the tradition alive is us Brahmins not you.
Your people abandoned their faith and identity when they chose to mix with Arabs and keep Arab customs.
You aren't the IVC Paki.

I am a "HAPA" due to the sin of race mixing, I cause torment in the lives of the innocent to harvest their negative emotional energies, which I collect in a crystal in my skull.

We are all born with this crystal.

We collect this negative energy to be unleashed as a sonic frequency to destroy earth at the coming of Christ. You whites can do nothing to stop us.

all sorts of stuff in this pastebin like:
>the human future, if any, is mixed.

>"Human races are evolving away from each other," Harpending says. "Genes are evolving fast in Europe, Asia and Africa, but almost all of these are unique to their continent of origin. We are getting less alike, not merging into a single, mixed humanity." He says that is happening because humans dispersed from Africa to other regions 40,000 years ago, "and there has not been much flow of genes between the regions since then."


Hybrid vigor (heterosis) does not seem to apply to humans as we are already very heterozygous, at 0.776 [mbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/14/7/707.full.pdf] Compared to dogs for example at 0.401. [eebweb.arizona.edu/Courses/Ecol406R_506R/Garcia-Moreno1996-Wolf.pdf]

A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”

Hapas are fucking crazy man. They're outbreed freaks with behavioral problems

lmao these dumb Poos trying desperately to sway opinions on Sup Forums

I've been to India on business. They really are 95%+ sub-humans. The Africa-tier average IQ is not a meme.

The Bharat "master race" already exists, it's called gypsies.

Sorry poo but no. youre a meme country on par with haiti, cept with 100s of ethnicities, 1000s of languages, 3 big religions that hate each other, a history of genocide and war against on another, public defecation and general human degeneracy and misery. The entire subcontinent is a magnet for everything awful about humanity and never will cease to be the greatest single shitpost in human history.
These Holocene immigrants to Australia (Carpentarians) were Veddoid, and spoke a language related to the parent Indian Vedda language, not Dravidian. They were been driven from India toward Australia by the Dravidian-speaking Elamites of the Indus Valley Civilization pushing further south into the Indian peninsula. The Veddoid natives of India experienced Dravidification by adopting the language of the Elamites.
mitochondrial DNA (which is maternally inherited) studies indicated that Indian mtDNA lineages cluster with the southeast Asians (Papuans), indicative of the Australoid-Veddoid substratum.

Modern studies indicate that the mtDNA lineages in India belong to the Australoid M haplogroup, whose Indian variety (T at np16223) probably originated around 48000 +/- 1500 years before present (i.e. about 46000 BC), and more than 98% of the M individuals carry this variety. This haplogroup is reaches 96.7% amongst the Kotas of the South.

Do you have those studies about black heart problems?

>in brazil, they are warning people about mixing africans with indians or with whites
What? Source?