LMAO WHAT AN IDEA - nazis btfo! How will they ever recover?

LMAO WHAT AN IDEA - nazis btfo! How will they ever recover?

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>Implying being trapped in a living void wouldn't be scary as fuck

why would they be there in the first place?

twist ending: moonman from the adjacent fast food museum comes alive to save the day

be a short movie

Night at the museum jumanji edition

And they’re going to do what? Throw rocks at them?

>ancient mummy comes alive
>its white not black
>audience triggered as fuck

>black statues come alive
>immediately start napping
>black panther statues charge them
>scatter when one gets shot
>nigger pharaohs don't get animated because the curse only works on historical fact

I don’t see the problem. Niggers aren’t violent thugs after all.

To wreck up the place.
Once all the exibits come to life and start causing trouble. The heroes realize that their racism is justified and proceed to... well... wreck up the place.

Would sell wonderfully! And both political sides have something to love/hate!

Plot twist, Malcolm X comes to life and helps them out.

What is Washington DC?

>clock hits 12
>19th century wax mannequins come alive
>"Aye Massa, lemme get dat coat for you"
>Spend the rest of the night eating mammie's cooking
Sounds delightful

Clever, as most horror stories show, it's most scary if there isn't actually anything to be afraid of

>black history museum.
and what does this museum have inside of it besides mud houses, sticks, and niggers in underwear and kneeling before a white god?

He's literally admitting that niggers are fucking terrible

They'd be perfectly safe because it would be filled with Mozart Beethoven, Queen Elizabeth, Abraham Lincoln. George Washington all of Ancient Britian, Rome, Greece....did I miss any histrical appropriations?

It's like a holohaux museum.
Basically a museum design to make whites feel guilty.
Think niggers in chains. Cotton fields. etc.

>its an empty building

wow so spooky

>being trapped in an empty hall with peanut butter on the walls
How is this a horror movie plot?

So it's Night At The Museum but the museum is the Museum of African American History?

>statues come alive
>murder one with a machete
>another goes out to the parking lot to get a tire
>brings it back and sets the other 3 whites on fire
>statues of pharaohs remain inanimate
>niggers burn down the museum

>black history museum gets colonized after they try to attack whitey

Like pottery!

They can’t even be original for once?
That’s the plot of one of the black mirror’s episode called “black museum” s04e06.

Nothing would happen because the niggers would be all chained or behind bars

i always wanted to met shakespeare

so the set is smaller than a toilet?
its claustrophobic horror, right?

No risk then. What can become alive....if it is empty ?

wow what a great example of black creativity, not just some nigger who watched Night at the Museum and projected his political obsessions on to it.


peanut butter.

Why would they be afraid all the niggers are going to be chained up already/

>helps the white man kill the blacks

>statue comes alive

night at the mueseum with no exhibits ?
Fund it.

nothing wrong with ancient dickwashers tho

They would colonize the museum before the end of the night

The museum would close when the wypipo leave.

Trapped on one room with nothing in it

But there is already plenty of zombie movies.

>Museum comes alive
>Whites pull out guns and shoot the niggers
The end

>inside a black history museum

here's the location

Claustrophobia is pretty scary.

Sure, we'll call it "A Night in Detroit"

>Racist whites are trapped in a building where nothing tries to kill them

>Black history museum

a collection of various mud huts and sticks, with fire and dancing at the weekends, aside from rape/murder and later slavery that is all the history they have.

All sub Saharan civilisations were seeded by muslims

How will white people ever fight off peanut butter?

>museum with nothing but watermelons, grape juice, rap music and AIDS


Black history is as fake as Disney versions of fairy tales. It couldn't come alive.

Underrated fpbp

>Trapped inside a black history museum
>Meet thomas jefferson and his nigger slave mistress
>Have army of jefferson's slaves at your disposal

Sounds fun.

who built that

Sadly I imagine a black history museum would have few exhibits, as they have remain basically unchanged as a species since one of them figured out how to eat termites with a stick

Almost forgot
>Touching moment where protagonists learn the best whipping technique to keep the slaves in line
>Feels connected with ancestors

Good idea ,they get free slaves

I got a horror movie idea
>Niggers in America




They’re so obsessed with us lmao they talk about us 24/7, way more than we talk about them.

Didn't they do that in Tales From the Hood?

Museum turn into hellfire when several white men round up and "colonize" a bunch of monkeys, still have 10 hours before the museum reopen the next morning

Thats everyday real life....

horror movie idea
snap benefits are abolished
have fun working, niggers

No it's not.

horror move idea: a black guy goes to jail and realizes just how much of an animal he and all other blacks actually are

Not sure about that. I do say nigger a lot on here. Almost as much as faggot and nerd. They do we wuz kangz a lot

This implies the blacks in the movie would be violent
So you would confirm their racist thoughts when one statue comes alive to rape the wife of a racist that hates black men because they rape
And another comes alive to steal their wallets

What about the last white man on earth?

>Horror movie idea
> Lazy blacks get trapped in an employment agency and the only way out is to apply for a job

Basically an eternal Gran Torino

>How will they ever recover?
By slaughtering the farm animals.

Fucking kek

theyre be nothing in the museum

>implying there would be anything in it

It wouldn't be hard to pretend to not be racist and tell them that the future is very accepting. The chances that they will murder you will be greatly reduced.

comfy as fuck


You clearly don't hang around niggers.

LETS MADE THIS MOVIE HAPPEN...start the gofundme NOW

we can smell your racism...400 years of slavery taught us who to trust and who will hang us

And remember to donate 25% of the profits to black communities. Also known as reparations.

>Get politely offered peanut butter until morning
>get told about the intricacies of the traffic light

Challenge accepted. What fucking history?

Doesn't even have to be a museum, every place with a lot of blacks in it is hell.

>who will hang us
literally every other race

So, who would win? 5 white racists or the nigger who invented peanut butter?

This would make a good comedy actually, good opportunity to redpill many different sides too

>black history
So...peanut butter? I love that stuff.

Horror Movie Idea: White people get to see niggers, muslims and Jews utterly destroy their homelands.

Oh wait...

What if you lick the walls and get peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth? That's pretty scary.

How would that be a horror movie? They would have a bunch of slaves , peanut butter sandwiches , while hanging Dr. Kang. Seems like a fun night

white walls pretty racist homeboy

genuine untouched movie idea: "blacks are blak!"

it's a film about how all the blacks finally give up on trying to help the impetuous west so return to africa to build a super civilisation.

not sure if that should be under fiction or comedy. probably both.

Horror movie idea:
Be a pretty white girl in a majority black school in America in the current year.

Horror movie idea:
Be a white farmer in South Africa for the last 30 years.

This the niggletts

Horror movie idea:
Be a pizza delivery driver and get an order from the ghetto.


Horror movie idea:
Be a white woman who was brainwashed by the kike media into believing race is a social construct, then try to break off your relationship with the nigger you've been dating.

Mud huts doesn't seem so dangerous, even if they come alive.

Black history museums always depict slave owners and whites abusing and torturing blacks.

So it would just be a bunch of blacks coming to life to be abused and tortured by whites.