What is the difference of personality? Which one is the best?
The Saber: Artoria Pendragon and Arthur Pendragon
The real king arthur not queen altria
Arthur is legitimately the greatest Fate character and - incidentally - is also by far the most popular. His character is a tragic yet optimistic inversion of Saber that is far more relatable and fleshed-out: Artoria was a machine king who alienated those around her and collapsed under her own guilt over her failures, legitimate or otherwise. Her arc is coming to terms with her defeat and accepting it.
Arthur was a kind man who was a natural king that was betrayed because others were flawed. His issue is not the guilt of failure, but the regret of what was lost. Not once does he seek to undo his past because he knows he acted righteously and it was other's fault, he instead struggles with mourning his people and the realisation that as a king he has no purpose without a kingdom. Compared to Shirou teaching Artoria to feel with his dick, Ayaka inspiring Arthur to realise life has value even after such tragedy and that as a hero who shaped history the results of it are HIS responsibility is inspiring and far less corny. Their love too is better.
His fights are more interesting, his doubts more compelling, his series superior through his presence. His bromance with Arash should replace Cu/Emiya as THE bl pairing by next comiket also, God willing. Even the lore of his EXcalibur is better.
You can see his popularity exceeds her also based off how successful his gacha was compared to any of hers, and how Nasu feels no need to make endless rehashes of him to keep interest high. If you look at Pixiv you can see his art is exploding in number and is only off the radar because nips can't agree on how to spell his name - though an EOP would never think to check variations of it, so much like their dumb dislike of Fragments based off poor summaries their lack of appreciation for his popularity is understandable.
Arthur is what all of Fate has built up to AND is how it should have started. Cool how he brought it full circle, no?
The true savior of fate. Now we need the real versions of every other character.
I don't participate in Fate at all because it looks dumb, but I'm glad they got the lore on King Arthur right
Has he been told that England still waits for his return?
Nice copypasta from /vg/
>Which one is the best?
Arthur because i'm a contrarian faggot.
>You can see his popularity exceeds her also based off how successful his gacha was compared to any of hers, and how Nasu feels no need to make endless rehashes of him to keep interest high.
Isn't it the other way around, there is like 10 different arthuria around which separates the fanbase and doesn't make people whale on her as much because she is much easier to get, while there is only 1 character with Arthur's charming good looks.
>Replying to bait