>KIM JONG JEZ Jeremy Corbyn ‘wants to turn London into a Communist city like Pyongyang’ by shrinking the finance sector


>Roman boxing gloves unearthed by Vindolanda dig

>What did Jo Marney say to disgrace Ukip leader Henry Bolton?

>Amber Rudd hints Isis 'Beatles' could be returned to UK

>Oxfam relief workers ‘had Caligula-style orgies with under-age prostitutes in devastated Haiti’

>The UK will block online porn from April. Here's what we know

>Dead homeless man finds peers in Commons as 'a paedophile'

>Brendan Cox quits charities over sexual misconduct

>Serial paedophile Barry Bennell jailed for 30 years

Other urls found in this thread:



you didn't even write brit/pol/ properly you cuck

post proof Eddie is gone forever.
please let it be so


BRIT/POL/ looks better, deal with it.

Tomorrow's Question Time panel.

tripfags out
and midlands is just the poundland version of london, all the pakis but none of shekels

You're all over the place, lad.

Is everybody going to comment on that now

>le punchy prime minister

>implying this is even how you wrote it

I just realized that I've been up all night so fuck off

Indefinite transition period

fuck vlad
your mkultra shit is weird af

Child won't stop screaming on this peasant wagon

slap it?
at least give it a stare like you want to slap it

it's been a while

what's novara media? is that the paki channel?

Finally gone

we need to go back to gripe water


somalian what are you doing

Try it, it's strangely addictive to keep generating them, and you occasionally get something insightful or ironic.

funny yank lad makes us nice op
good links and everything
why behave like an ira staffer?


oh fuck did COPE just get b& again?

>strangely addictive
did try it
several times
ran tests
wanted to know it's game
weird af mate
reset your cookies and try it again


Seems like they have more people from business than politicians on these days


uncanny at this point

But come on m8, Prescott isn't a literal who

presscot is hardly a litreally who

and wtf are the mods on today?

>several times
>ran tests
going to do some more brb

give me a quick rundown on this prescott guy
since this is the first time I've been wrong about everyone being a literal who

Alright, lads?

Anyone up for invading Ireland again?

>was deputy prime minister
>punched a guy on live tv

He was deputy PM during the Blair years. He punched someone who threw an egg at him.

>>punched a guy on live tv
good lad

>Novara media

Wonder when someone from Breitbart will be given the chance to go on, or is this, like everything else, a one way ideological street?

Stop worrying about it and submit to its will.

they actually did have a breitbart journo on once, they off course picked the biggest sperf they could find

Fucking mulletlets.

When will they learn?

Cheers - any idea who it was?

That'll do for now, my point has been proven and I'm not a maniac.

>Banned for posting 4 consecutive images once
>Pakiposter gets to rack up 100pbtid with no trouble, and WN 60pbtid
>The board crumbles to shit as CIVIC R*dditors enter by force, calling everyone that hates /ptg/ a newfag, blissfully ignorant of the fact that 2015 was only 3 years ago
>Pakiposter racks up 100pbtid, with at least treble the (You)'s amidst all the chaos
>WN manically laughs as he looks at the dead board, for there is not a catholic in sight.

no just remeber ages ago some really spergy kikebart journlist on, proabbally on purpose

Can just tell by looking at her she is going to be some anti-indigenous uppity paki
>Quick YouTube search later

>the absolute state of the paki birds site

Remember they had that bint from the Canary on who later went on to make up pure scandalous allegations about Laura Kussensburg.


the audience are the best, the amount of spastics with such wide varying views on the most random shit barely being able to string together a sentence. This country is the best argument against democracy.

>BAME on the panel

>I ACTUALLY work in are N/A chess!
>I ACTUALLY work for a charity!
>I ACTUALLY served in Iraq and Afghanistan!
>I ACTUALLY went to Syria to fight for ISIS!


Government response

Current UK legislation values free speech and enables people who wish to engage in debate to do so - regardless of whether others agree with the views which are being expressed. Everyone has a right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). This is a qualified right however, which means that it can be restricted for certain purposes to the extent necessary in a democratic society. This means that free speech is not absolute.

Importantly, the law ensures that people are protected against criminal activity including threatening, menacing or obscene behaviour both on and offline. The Government is clear that hate crime and hate speech are not acceptable in our society, and anyone seeking to use freedom of speech as an excuse to break the law should still face the full force of the law.

A hate crime is any criminal offence, for example assault or malicious communications, which is perceived to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s actual or perceived race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity. The Government takes hate crime very seriously, which is why we published the hate crime action plan (Action Against Hate: The UK Government’s plan for tackling hate crime) in July 2016.
It is also worth noting that section 29J of the Public Order Act 1986, for example, states that the offence of inciting religious hatred, does not restrict or prohibit discussions, criticism or expressions of antipathy, dislike, ridicule, insult or abuse of particular religions.

In this way, the Government believes the law strikes the right balance between protecting citizens and protecting their right to free expression.

Home Office

No doubt on purpose - and their Leave/Remain balance is still getting worse. I believe Guido Fawkes is running a counter. How this isn't even discussed, even by most 'leave' Conservatives, remains an enigma.

The words do not come out of her mouth individually; it's a slew of one, continuously formed mouth movement. When is the next edition of your podcast coming out by the way? It could do with more discussions of demographics.

Was that the woman who then revealed not even to have voted in the referendum?

i dont give a shit about the governments response, theyre just tryin to stop people signin it

>Stop criticising Islam you dumb goys!

>This is a qualified right however, which means that it can be restricted for certain purposes to the extent necessary in a democratic society.

This is the political equivalent of saying 2+2=5 and yet there it is right there in the open, unchallenged. Taunting.

>and submit to its will

you realise people signing it forces nothin, millions people signed the one about iraq and it got nowhere,

All it does is give gchq a list of wrongthinker

Only one country on earth w America in the name. US of A, bro. That is why we are Americans.

Lads, I don't know who's jewing who anymore.

>The news thinks I care about 2 dead Somalians

There's loads of big words in bulk so people will leave it alone

Does anyone know of any UK kikebook right wing group with ~30k+ members to share this to?


EDL and all the subsidiary groups on its page?

Britain First?

>"Now listen. I'm not saying you don't have free speech, but you don't have free speech."

This was the second one I got after first trying jt

No, you misunderstand
Call me Dave introduced legalisation that means MP's have to debate it at 100k
This was extremely successful at keeping the WCML franchise in the hands of Virgin Rail Group.

Foreskin i be cuttin
Jewesses i be nuttin
Rolling down stamford hill
then go back poppin pills
i am the crew
of the jew
who will see your face
and go pew pew

>independent and impartial journalism.

I don't know I just remember her being good for the question time bingo and having the classic feminist short hair

(((((((Dejan Clavoski))))))

>mfw only one man can save this country from itself

I must admit. I still like old JP. Punching that guy that threw an egg at him. Fucking epic that was.

How do we realistically get rid of the tv license? I don't think it's asking for much.

even with a gun he looks like a soyboy


every time i play this
it has it's little freakout around the 50th image
serves up 3 before it un-freaks
haven' had the courage to try with personalised ad cookies to see if they are tailored to me

>When is the next edition of your podcast coming out by the way?
You know I'm not actually him right?

Who the fuck are you?

Turn all the highly motivated corbynistas against it


I used to scambait Nigerians and get them to phone me. I picked up a fair bit of pidgin and would insult them. Good fun.

>How do we realistically get rid of the tv license?
Here's what happens if that gets any steam
If the BBC is fully privatised, we get pic related.

There is no way out and we currently have the best we can ever conceivably get.

Could you really get those dafty old boomers to sign this?

Corbyn is clearly a crypto anti-Semite and anti-Globalism...the Tories are just as bad when it comes to immigration...

Pragmatism makes a decent (but not good) case for Corbyn.

Of course you aren't...

Detoxifying the 'Jews are only hook nosed greasy people' view, whilst also doing absolutely no damage to the wider Jewish 'brand' or heritage.

>implying the blairites would let him do any of his anti globalism views

I swear you must be shills

You could try?



Jewish identity is pretty "civic"
you have the lighter skinned akenhenzis, the darker arab jews and the black ethopian jews

Lefty bullshit struggles in this country in the free market. See the Guardian begging for money in every article, and the Independent was bailed out by fucking Saudi oil barons.

Fuck off. At least CNN is a consumer choice. They try to bully you in to paying the licence fee, then they stick niggers in revisionist history material and push it to the masses along with all their other degenerate shit.
At least private news would somewhat be forced to play to what the audience wanted.
What is likely to happen is that they get rid of the licence fee and just give the BBC a grant that is raised through direct taxation that you can't opt out of.
Then you have no choice but to pay for interatrial gay storylines and a Muslim Christmas on EastEnders.

>Jewish identity is pretty "civic"
>Jewish comes up on the DNA tests if you're Jewish
Douglas Cuckswell is gone now, you can stop trying to purge.

What do you think of Sky News? I don't like Kay Burley but I think it's mostly tolerable otherwise.



Not so lelzy.

the midlands isnt a real place

>trusting DNA tests