Princess Principal

Sometimes I wonder whether Ange is really pretending or it's indeed her real personality. At least that scene where she gets angry for the princess seemed genuine. Or maybe she's actually got multiple personalities disorder

I've waited a whole week for this episode.

I was sort of hoping they hire real steam engineers to fix the washing machines.
I was dissappointed when they did it themselves.

Left or Right?

Let's just say that she didn't have to pretend that hard in this scene.

>more Beato bullying

>badass action spy with a great design all around
>endearing autism with her roleplaying
>a kind dork underneath
Ange is literally perfect. How can other girls this season even compete?

>Ange says she's from Black Lizard Planet

>Black Lizard is the symbol of the crazies lesbo in anime history

>Sup Forumsnons confused what she means by it

I want every post-2011 newfags to leave now


I'm gonna need someone smart to explain to me what was the purpose of this episode.

>maid outfits
This episode is wonderful.

She says while drinking tea with her high class friends.

>no bullying this week

Forgot pic

>Ange says she's from Black Lizard Planet

>Black Lizard is the symbol of the crazies lesbo in anime history

>Sup Forumsnons confused what she means by it

I want every post-2011 newfags to leave now

Truly the Madoka of our generation.

Her Royal Flatness.

>easy work doing laundry
>have break every hour
>quiet place where everyone minds their own business

>some bitch buys the place
>completely wrecks your perfect work order
>no more breaks
>even more work than before
>some other bitch makes everyone sing loudly

Why is princess so shit?

>muh work harder
I love how this show makes fun of Japanese culture.

The lizard is 2013 though.

Ange/Princess backstory next week.
Episode 8: Case 20 Ripper Dipper
Lord O'Reilly, wishing to defect to the Commonwealth, has arranged to make secret contact with Ange and the others.
Keeping watch in a park, Ange encounters a misfortunate young pickpocket girl, Juri. Becoming emotionally attached to her, Ange tells her the Black Lizard Planet story of "The Princess and the Pickpocket".

She will never unsee it.

I'm disappointed and relieved at the same time that Marilla wasn't Jack.

Best outfit.

The other girls liked it because their wages went up.

Ange= Homura
Charlotte= Madoka
Dorothy= Mami
Beato= Sayaka
Chise= Kyoko

That's not bullying. That's just Beato being cute.


>Ripper Dipper

That's should be our new obligatory pic

That doesn't make sense.

If the laundry didn't make money before, then improving efficiency and getting more work should only really offset the looses and pay for the debt.

Bullied Beato is cute!

So the Princess has a passive income on the side now? Neat.

Post yfw Ange lost it

I know, I was expecting that same bullshit "twist" too, but it never came. She just got a little short and sweet arc.

Why is Ange such an aggresive dyke?

I feel like this image will come in handy very soon.

>Let use wash your clothes, look at all these cute girls



Let's talk about the wall. This is how wide is it.

So the soilders were from the common wealth and Jack was a kindom infiltrator right? Then it would makes sense why they would do this mission aswell as to why no one recognize the Princess.
Otherwise why would they help the Kindom cacth a sociopath who screamed "for the kindom" and everyone so far from the kindom have recognised the Princess.

Ange employs a mix of method acting and larping.
She gets into a character's mindset and uses whatever elements of it she really does have to chanel it.
As they say the best lie has a bit of truth in it.

Well no shit, it's a big wall, did you see the maps?

>Some girls can't read
Is this a a legit representation of 19th century Bongland?

So, the pickpocket was the Princess, right?


This show also occasionally represents modern bongland as well, sasuga character designer.

No. "Most girls can't read" would be the accurate representation.


So far, only good thing about this show is how realistically it portrays the historical Victorian London. Except the magic and steampunk, of course.

The Princess already paid off the debt.
With improved efficiency, they are no longer making a loss.
If raising the wages of the workers motivates them to take fewer breaks and work with more gusto, then it shall be done.

She expensed the purchase of the mill to Control, so the income should probably go to Control as well.

I hope she embezzles it though.

Not gonna lie I had to pause and laugh for a bit

Dumb jap.

Angre was the only good thing that came out of this episode.


You do not pay off the debt in few days.
And the workers were hired for wages that were expected for 100% efficiency. If she raises her wages, she will get out-competed by other laundries that never had this problem.

When exactly doed PriPri take place? Japan have passed Bakumatsu era very recently which means it's late 19th century, buy they have just namedropped Geneva convention which is all the way after WW2.

Steampunk is underused in anime and I welcome it.

Most certainly, considering that Ange was the real princess back then.

>All that QUALITY at the start of the episode.
>Flat spies.
>Beato's reaction to the disturbing photo
>Beato doing her best Derpy impression.
>That lazily as fuck animated tea discussion.
>All those reused shots of the fat girl eating shit while the clumsy one falls over.

What happened to them this week?

Even worse.
Battle-used gasses were only really used at end of WWI. And widely used during WWII.

Steampunk makes no fucking sense but I love it anyways, I just gotta pretend that gasoline doesn't exist and its all good.

I don't care what anyone says, this episode was silly and I enjoyed it.


Chise knows.about Ange's lady boner.

Let's speculate their post-spy life

Ange: a poor lady running a candy-shop in a rural Canadian town, tells many exciting stories to children
Charlotte: married to a Russian king but later got murdered by Bolsheviks along with her whole family
Beato: died when Titanic sank in the Atlantic
Chise: died in Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923
Dorothy: single mom raising fatherless kids

I want Fatso to eat (out) Glasses.


>Ange is just another version of Homu
Someone post the chart, you know the one

Running out of budget and desperately trying to cut corners: 99% of anime

Beato is master mechanic.

And writing was not amazing either.
Way too idealistic for me.

>You do not pay off the debt in few days.
Yes she did. She's the princess, even if she doesn't have a lot of spending money, she's still fucking rich by society's standards. For all we know, her idea of 'poor' is "I don't have a million pounds at my instant disposal"
Now she just needs to own the laundry long enough to recover her investment.

Chise always gets shutdown and Princess steps up to help her. This is in the bag.

Ange is a black lizard, she literally doesn't think like a human being.


While you can say the girls got lucky on this mission, it was still just a matter of time before Poison Jack made a mistake (and that's exactly what happened) so the girls were right on keeping the laundry working so they could catch said mistake.

>Someone post the chart, you know the one
Don't summon it, Ange didn't rape anyone yet.

Her head is way too big for her body

Going from a pickpocket to a princess and then wanting to take the throne. What a greedy girl.


inb4 it's all a lie

She won't get outclassed if she leapfrogs the other laundries and becomes more efficient than them.

There were multiple Geneva conventions (there was one floating around during the Russo-Japanese War in 1905), although the one prohibiting gas was in 1919.

Chemical weapons were outlawed in 1899, but it was during Hague Convention, not Geneva Convention. I think the nips did their research wrong.

Don't forget wanting Ange.


>Episode ranking.

Must protect.

Imagine them doing Senshado

Charlotte: commander
Ange: gunner
Dorothy: driver
Beato: loader and mechanic
Charlotte: radio operation

Is Beato the secret MVP of the team?

1st episode she deceives the Kingdom guys with the voice changer.
3rd episode she saves Ange's life.
5th episode she saves Princess' life by taking a sword to the throat.
6th episode she finds the corpse.
7th episode she fixes the whole factory overnight.

What happened to Beato being shit?

Writing can vary from day to day depending on how the writer is feeling. They chose to do a rather basic plot but it shouldn't have much of an impact.

Getting into troubles on the production side of things mid-way through? Now that is another matter entirely.

Oh wait. I fucked that up.

Beato is the real MC.

What chart? Post it I think I haven't seen it yet

>and becomes more efficient than them
And you do not achieve that by fixing bullshit that one laundry had.
All it takes to achieve the efficiency she reached this episode is normal periodic maintenance and reshufling of the work space every time new machine is bough.
Only retard would not do that.

Either she invents some new washing machine or she looses.

This better not be foreshadowing, im gonna fucking implode and explode at the same time if it is

Do you think we're going to get any actual plot advancement? If next week is Ange and Princess' backstory, we'll have gone through all the characters.

Just buy all laundries of the country.

She was always the best.

Well, last week went pretty dark so they wanted to compensate.

What settings do you use for the layer mask?