Benefits of being off weed

Clear thinking; breathe better; smoother mood transitions; sharper mental dexterity; more articulate; better memory; working through stress more effectively; increased energy levels; reduced depression (after the first few weeks off); deeper interactions with others; no "bottomless pit" munching out; boosted confidence; no social anxiety; better focus on task at hand; enjoying simple pleasures more deeply; clear lungs; no concern about hiding something from my son; less stress; increased faith in my ability to control myself; no risk of arrest or legal troubles; increased joy; renewed self-respect; more free time; need to sleep less; more free cash; confidence to try new things; increased humility: asking others for help; better partnership with my girlfriend; better ability to learn and remember new songs (I'm a musician); can travel without paranoia of border checks; safer driving; ho hassles of finding good weed; no need to associate with shady dealers; not supporting organized crime; true bonds with friends rather than co-dependent drug abuse ties; better fitness level; reduced consumption of resources (ex. hydro power to grow the weed, chemical sprays and fertilizers, lighters/matches, rolling papers); new doors opening to spirit world (somewhere I only used to get to via cannabis); increased self-confidence to be "alternative" in ways other than drug use; confidence to take on any task I set my mind to; ability to strike up conversation with anyone I choose without fear or insecurity; no paranoia; increased motivation for self-improvement; feeling of wholeness that is not reliant on an external source.

Really nice post OP how did you do it? Lately I find that I am smoking even though I don't really want to. It is purely out of habit and because I dont know what to do with free time.

Smoking weed is something kids in high school do. If you do it past the age of 18-19 you have to get it together.

But it makes me look cool

I'm not the writer of the text. I found this text on an addict forum 3 years ago. It helped me quit after a seemingly undending 16 year habit of smoking. It helped me tremendously.

>Lately I find that I am smoking even though I don't really want to

oh my. This means you must quit ASAP. I quit after I had an epiphany that weed doesn't cure my depression, it's actually causing it. I haven't been smoking all day and I was in a really bad mood. I smoked a joint and depression immediately hit in. that's when I realized that weed must go.

>bad mood
I meant good mood

There are plenty of functioning stoners, many of whom are very intelligent and hard-working. If you are lazy and unmotivated without weed, you will be lazy and unmotivated with weed. If you're ambitious and achieving with weed, that's because you were ambitious and achieving without weed.

Well done OP you made me rage at some of the bullshit so here is your you.

Weed only makes you lazy if you already were. I have successfully completed a Chemistry degree and got physically fit and it was all because I assessed my own life choices while baked out of my skull watching cartoons.

So I'm married, kids, good job, house and great life but I smoke every night. I'm sorry your a will-less beta loser and can't handle life.

I'm 20 and recently had open heart surgery. Was a daily pot smoker up until a couple months before the surgery, then I cut it cold.
I cannot fathom a single benefit that has come from stopping, I am a husk of what I once used to be- sociable, successful, happy, care-free. Now I am depressed, unsatisfied, fatter, and always in immense pain. I cannot go back because of my heart. Considering suicide, not just because of weed but everything.
I know I wouldn't feel the same if I could go back to getting high

Can't handle some smoke boy?
But admit it it's just you...
Anxiety already in you, depressive tendencies already in you.
Once you figure yourself out all weed does is give your reward center sometho f consistent to reward itself with that isn't FOOD or porn or a worse drug.

If weed still gives you anxiety you should probably smoke a lot more until you don't feel that anxiety anymore instead of just running away from the feeling.
Weed will help you find your anxious tendencies and get rid of them.

Being "sober" you are still effected by countless chemicals you don't understa d these drugs are already in your body. Being sober isn't really being any less drugged.
Staying sober all the time makes you weak, puts you in denial about your problems that drugs can show you how to fix.

Sad story, I'm 20 as well. Why did you need surgery?

Weed is for retards. The niggerest of all drugs.

needed a pulmonic valve replaced about 6 months ago, the only good thing that came out of it was I stopped smoking cigarettes for good. Tried to smoke pot again but it makes my heart freak out so I figure I'd rather stay alive

yeah but meth is okay, isn't it Cleetus

What am I gonna do with success?
>Congratulations, you've worked hard to have a job and other unpleasant obligations

Cons - constant pain, nothing to put me back to sleep when I wake up at 3AM, drawing isn't as fun.

Weed sucks I unironically recommend coke instead will make you forget all about it.

>takes several pharmaceutical drugs a day to treat his obesity and depression

Functioning stoner is the worst meme invented by wakeandbake fags

coke turns people into selfish, obnoxious cunts

I smoke weed every day and I go to a top university in a tough program and I do just fine. Just like anything else it's moderation and restraint that's important. If anything, I'm more productive now because weed basically replaced alcohol for me. Weed is cheaper, less destructive, no hangover etc.

Oh yeah? Tell that to my wife who has a Masters who puts it to good use working with renewable resources and smokes pot on the fucking daily faggot
What do you do? Sit on your ass on Sup Forums hiding behind anonymity all day to spread your fucking leaf shit?

I disagree.

I quit a few months ago but i was actually more efficient and focused. Running cranes and forklifts all the time. Now that i quit smoking I don't give a fuck and have no drive

then how come I was more successful and less stressed when I was on weed 24/7 vs than being off weed for more than 6 months?! Fucking moron! KYS faggot OP!


Sounds like you are making up your symtomps. you can only be as active, socially and physically as you want to be. If you want to be more active then be more active. Crying on the internet isnt going to fix your problems.

Why are you lying on the internet?

ur degenerate wife goes to her job while high? That's extremely degenerate. I hope at the very least you drive her.

Lmao all these weed smoking degens are hostile as fuck

You just want me off weed so I can be hired by big boys

I can see how this is the perception, but I promise it is not the rule. Most of my stoner friends squarely fit in the realm of "worthless faggot", but they always were that way. I only began using the stuff at age 30 after developing over a decade worth of work ethic and routine. The problem is when kids use the shit and never learn what it feels like to do a good job, so they never will.

I literally could not do what I do today without some form of dissociation. Working a 6 man development team and diving into the bottom of each of their complexity pools every day makes it virtually impossible to just "turn it off" and relax at the end of the day. The people who do this kind of work and don't use "illegal" drugs are very likely on some of (((their))) meds instead.

Oh and weed cured me of alcoholism within a year and I lost 25 lbs due to not slamming shitty soy beer every night.

When I was a stoner, I played the same old guitar melodies and made me feel like my soul was bleeding and a bottomless pit of emptiness inside. God gave you a brain to problem-solve, use it without drugs

Weed doesn't help but I am pretty retarded and moderately successful. I think self discipline and stability have more to do with life than anything.

I life weights and try to scheme of a way to make money daily, like a jew.

yup, you and me both, was functioning smoker for 20 years, got off it because of MAH WEED IS BAD FOR YOU meme and now constantly depressed and suicidal, lack energy and have a generally shitty outlook on life.

Nice opinion that no one asked for.

Yet youve read it and bothered to leave a comment

tldr, square

Smoked daily for 20 years. I have been weed free for 140 days due to randoms at work. After 7 days I don't even care anymore about it. Don't feel much different but the wife says I get frustrated less. I spend more time with my kids. And I save a lot of money. Weed is okay but it's for kids

>tfw vape weed daily
>tfw best shape of my life
>tfw almost making 6 figures as a tig welder at age 24
>tfw play guitar and record music daily, weed improves my creativity
>tfw smoking with a qt on your first date, getting into deep conversations and forming a spiritual bond.

if you think weed makes you lazy you’re just a low test piece of garbage. if anything, fapping/frequent casual sex makes you lazy. weed is just a mild psychedelic that increases bloodflow and makes you hungry. if you’re so weak that weed is preventing you from succeeding at life just off yourself

The problem with weed is that the negative effects of weed is so subtle that it difficult to even justify to not smoke it.

You made a long list, and some of them are true, like it being bad for your lungs or you having more money. But the personality changes are so subtle, and there is so little research on the topic that it is difficult to believe it.

I smoke weed about everyday, and have done so for almost 3-4 years. I do have a 1 month break during Christmas holidays, and 2 month break during summer, but when I am university and smoke every evening. I wonder if my grades or romantic life would have been better if I had never smoked weed during my 3-4 years at university. But then again, there is no scientific evidence for weed changing your personality or intelligence. And I feel like I am the same person I have always been.

I quit weed when it started to give me anxiety and paranoia every time I smoked instead of taking it away. No idea why that happened... around the same time I stopped getting munchies and could go most of the day without eating, only smoking. It doesn't turn on everybody, but one day it turned on me and made it easy to quit cold turkey.

Enjoy your lung cancer chap

Nice anecdote you fucking idiot.
This is not your blog.

but it lets me sleep user after all the nonsense at wagecucking mind cannot stop overthinking in stresful environment, had it since primary school.basically I'm facing 3 options :
a.)don't sleep enough and my life is hell
b.)alcohol or barbiturates addiction
c.)couple of joints each night
my choice is clear, since I can't be unemployed(you know kids/wife, mortgage etc...)

Not your blog. Fag.
In moderation weed is fine.

You failed, the anxiety you ran away from is now deeper in you.

>really bad mood
>I smoked a joint and depression immediately hit in
>I realized that weed must go.
>bad mood
>I meant good mood

you need to formulate your ideas better before you spew them out.

same for fap

Doing drugs and fighting drug use are both wastes of time and money. Set higher goals. Join the ascended.

>smoking with a qt on your first date, getting into deep conversations and forming a spiritual bond

So gay.

weed cures cancer you leaf

>spending time with attractive women is gay
>having a dick is gay

>what is internal motivation
Of course a bugman like yourself couldn't fathom a state of being deeper than the skin.

As a šamaan I decide to go from solstice to solstice using mind altering natural psychedelics, mushrooms or cannabis. Mostly for seeing through different aspects of different probabilistic and chosen realities. Also, in a matter of fact - full sobriety is as a psychedelic too and many solstice periods I choose to go through that way, too.

>smoother mood transitions
If you have smoother mood transitions OFF weed, you might be schizo.