I had a realisation

Sup Forums is basically the iluminati.
>it's members are unknown to anyone who isn't a pol user
>it's actions affect polotics and world events
>anyone who opposes them is found and eliminated
>it has agents all over the world.
>Sup Forums has the power to predict events before they happen.

So Sup Forums how does it feel to vindicate every conspiracy theroisit out there?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


Everyone is part of the Illuminati. Most are just too asleep to see the role they play in it.

There are others.

Until the eye bend the knee.

It's just the illusion of competing forces. Like when a group divides into two in order to play sports.

Yah but 95% of the people here are complete idiots and completely worthless

Get enough people together with a common cause and a lack of intilect won't matter as the most inteligent will naturally take the lead

>>anyone who opposes them is found and eliminated
Sup Forums is a board of peace.

>Sup Forums is basically the iluminati.
Sup Forums is more like a crowd that has gathered around a dumpster fire.

>it's members are unknown to anyone who isn't a pol user
Sure, but Sup Forumstards are unknown to each other, not like Illuminati

>it's actions affect polotics and world events
Only a few lone Sup Forumstards ever make the news.

>anyone who opposes them is found and eliminated
Nope, not even close on that one.

>it has agents all over the world.
The opposite is true. It's no one's personal army

>Sup Forums has the power to predict events before they happen.
What? You neckbeards can't find your ass with both hands. You make gorillions of predictions all of which do not come true, then like a blind squirrel, find a nut one day.

>So Sup Forums how does it feel to vindicate every conspiracy theroisit out there?
Sup Forums has become nothing but a conspiracy theory circle jerk driven by Kremlin propaganda.

David Icke here on vacation in Canada.

I can confirm that Sup Forums is a citizen's Illuminati. The "New-minati". You are the best weapon mankind has to fight the Illuminati of old, and the Reptilians that control them.

Keep up the good work.


yeah but with the most recent happening and the fact that we were in the show homeland I think they have started to weaponize us. They understand more about us now. Also they are actively collecting more data (the what happens here - single state threads) and learning how to use us. I dont know what the outcome is. This is the first time in a while I have had my almonds activated. I'm thinking of taking a break from here since there appears to be some psop currently running. thoughts?

>Kremlin propaganda
>He thinks nation states are how the world is run,

your cute sweetie never change

>Sup Forumstards are unknown to each other
I can easily pick out the Sup Forumstard at any social event just from talking to them for a minute or two. We're everywhere.

and the LARPing has gotten way out of hand. I'm dumbfounded that so many people are on the QLARP. youtube is flooded now with an army of gullible retards. they have 24hr chatrooms about that bullshit. its terrifying.

When i say that anyone who opposes pol is found and eliminated i'm refering to shia and his HWNDU series.

When i say that pol can predict the future I'm talking about trump's election

People are fucking idiots what are you gonna do? Ignorance is the Illuminati's greatest weapon

He means we can't tell eachother apart except for namefags or posters like ObamaLeaf or LS Finngol

I known what he meant...we just stick out more than we think we do

agreed. I think this is a possible solution for the near term. I see a trend developing in this space as well. youtu.be/78PnID7pfrQ

I had an idea recently. If we did a mass flagging campeign of leftists on various social network sites do you think we could redpill the various cencorship bots that facebook, twitter, youtube have etc?

Wow user you sound quite sleepy,what about taking a nap ?

>I can easily pick out the Sup Forumstard at any social event just from talking to them for a minute or two.
I usually ask what is OP and the guy who says "a faggot" gives it away.

Pol will take over Europe and North America.

Sounds more like something someone from Sup Forums would say.

If Trump wasn't elected it wouldn't be nearly as provocative for their whole #metoo movements, women's marches, LGBT activism (even though Trump has never said he's anti-LGBT), etc. It would be difficult for them to make it anymore obvious that he's a Demiurge/patriarchy prop for liberals and Hollywood to feel empowered when they stand up against him.

For fuck's sake, he was elected 2016, which is The Tower card in Tarot, a phallic symbol, and he represents The Tower by literally having giant Trump Towers everywhere.

How is 2016 in any way related to the tower card?

The goyim know about the Sup Forumsuminati
>shut it down
>shut it down
>shut it down

Thanks OP now jews know.
We have to shut this down now guys.

I was referring to the 16 part of it.


Massive paid Russian psyops =/= Da lermnaty

I promise normal people know you browse here

No we don't. It's not like anyone will believe them. After all, the normies didn't believe us wehen we tried to warn about (((them)))

We Illuminati now


The illuminati are illuminated. One true illuminati is worth more than 1,000,000 non illuminated.

They are ascended masters who can manipulate the fabric of space and time and warp reality at will.

>im an illuminatti.

No youre a larper. Just like those hollywood retards.


It's Discordia, without the members even knowing it. Order in the Chaos, Hivemind, distributed neural network.

Literally one of the purest forms of communication on the planet

Not really. I don't go out and IRL shitpost.

Who cares about the normies?
The problem is that the CIA niggers are all over our channels since we got Trump elected.
You fucked us OP you fucked the world.

They where crawling this board well before the elction.

where is my money??

It's in the oven.

what you think the illuminati is and what the illuminati actually was a two very different things, apparently.


You're talking about the bravarian iluminati aren't you. I was more talking about how they're depicted in popculture.

Sup Forums is the idea machine.

Real power comes here.

We lizard people now?

Sup Forums at most is an crowd-sourced IC agency.

"Illuminati" is a meme title now. That original group is long gone.

[ARCHIVE OF Knowledge Bomb THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

World domination feels pretty gud desu.

I wasn't there for that thread. I was listening to this youtu.be/mAaz5Nw5qyA and pol was what came to mind.

>it's members are unknown to anyone who isn't a pol user
except the alphabet agencies
>anyone who opposes them is found and eliminated
except obama and hillary and the jews and soros and literally everyone else
>Sup Forums has the power to predict events before they happen.
nope. even a magic 8 ball is better

Bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world. But the world left them behind long ago. We are the future.

You tell me.

user is a timemachine

>yfw everybody is illuminati

We had to become the jew to defeat the jew


but what happens when someone doesn't want to play by the rules?

The illuminati is here on Sup Forums.
It is sort of like a monarchy, the current illuminati is fucking up as seen from their sloppy false flag in parkland. We wont make the same mistakes when we first come to power.

We're the Illumnati's shadow. Through their shadowy cabal They've created a world devoid of meaning and Truth. So in order to recreate a world of dignity, we have become a reflection of the Illuminati and will do everything in our power to destroy their influence and everyone who has ever supported their aims.

did you miss the boat ?
Cause I am here.


ask yourself what is power?


Icke confirms. We New-minati now.

What do you mean user?

Long-pig? yumyum

God Bless you David.


The lizard people reference relates to the snake which is esoterically our spinal cord. The energy supposedly goes from the bottom to the top and causes us to be enlightened. Snakes can also represent the genitals as well but when people worship the snake it's usually about consciousness/wisdom.

The only "breaking of the rules" which could potentially matter is if society completely rejected technology. Which would just mean they'd have to wait for their next opportunity and program them better that time.

pol needs to do research and understand that jews don't control the world. The Illuminati does.

you forgot about how Sup Forums's opinions are molded by intelligence agencies. Other than that cool analysis
>inb4 charlotestiville was a grassroots pol thing


The illuminati is just some of the people theJews control who are promised safe haven after SHTF.

too bad about their DUMBS tho amirite

oh no your deep underground bunkers got attacked and destroyed that sucks.

There will only be enough room for the tribe.


you need to catch up on upto date news, I was sarcastically lamenting the destruction of all their safe places, It was not a statement of Jealousy or concern.


>Missing Pre-Frontal Cortex.
Gee I wonder what Tribe you are talking about.

>this thread

Try this one.

Not bad.


Im sure they have plenty of places to hide, the problem will be they dont have anyone to mooch off of.

Alot of them are already cannibals they will just rely on that.

It is not about sitting idly watching as they do stuff user.

Any insight on the past, present, and future of Pepe?

>0:00 seconds.

Wojak comes after.

So what was the most recent >happening on Sup Forums anyway. I don't come here much.

By getting people to hate Jews they're instilling the concept of ethnic or group hatred which can be transferred to women, blacks, etc. Hatred is the end of illumination on both ends. Those who hate won't learn anymore because they're hate tells them they know all they need to know. It also closes off others when they see the hate (liberals who see words like cunt and nigger everywhere turn their brain off immediately). Hate and technology are the greatest tools of control.

That's prety insightful.

are you retarded

based,stay safe friend ,blue blood days are numbered .

It's sad though because the more radicalized people are the harder it is to get them to hear anything that doesn't suit them. Conservatives are slightly better in this regard because many were once liberals. Still, most just want a simple concept of the world, an "us and them" to follow, which results in them being "soldiers" for one army or another.






I have not read into it though yet.