So as an American with Scottish Ancestry, I actually really hope that Scotland breaks free from the UK. As much as I am in support of brexit, Scottish Independence is embedded deep in my DNA, and since my grandparents came over from there, I would be granted dual citizenship in the event that Scotland does succeed..come on lads, break free from these UK cucks already....
Scottish Independence
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digits of truth
>Scottish Independence is embedded deep in my DNA
what a joke.
the only scots who want out of the UK just want to stay in the EU.
Just force them to go to Ireland, George
t. 56er
Very different situation to the EU, Scotland would not fare as well breaking away from us. They have the oil industry which has dwindled pretty significantly.
They'll end up being another state that relies heavily on the EU.
>I'm an American with Scottish Ancestry
This. They don't actually have a right wing who are interested in protecting their people from multiculturalism.
Hooray we are free now, free to live under socialism...
>as an American with Scottish Ancestry
>I actually really hope that Scotland breaks free from the UK
>Scottish Independence is embedded deep in my DNA
I finally get the mutt meme
>I would be granted dual citizenship
nah ya bloody wouldn't lad
>UK cucks
implying scotland isn't and hasn't been part of the UK since before the American revolution and even fought against you during
im right here faggot... also there actually is a generation identaire Scottish branch
im not a 56er, thats the irony, Americans with ancestral ties to Europe actually care more about Europe then most Europeans seem to care....Sad!
fuck off paki
another reminder Britain is still white and to not bite the bait of the blackpill artists who want you to believe we are 'completely cucked'
England would be better off without Scotland. The Scots can just join the EU and take all of the migrants that England rejects.
The only Americans that talk like this are 14/88 stormfags because they aren't proud of their own American heritage (because of Jooz, liberalism, etc).
>dad's side comes from scotland
>mom's side comes from scotland
>born in england
>hate those knuckle-dragging burdock kilt wearing retards
>still drink irn bru though
mfw the complete lack of a scottish right wing/ "generation identaire" as this mutt putts it actually causes this exact scenario
As an American with ulster-scott heritage, I really hope Ireland becomes completely prot and rejoins the union. The border gore is too much to handle right now
Same as so called nationalists in Northern Ireland who want independence from Westminster, only to hand it directly over to Brussels.
Yeah I know, its just plastic paddies and Scots make me laugh
>as an American with Scottish Ancestry
You're not Scottish. You weren't born here. You weren't raised here. You don't have the slightest idea of what Scottish people actually want. You actually think you'll become Scottish just because of "muh heritage"?
You're not Scottish and never will be. Go be proud of your own shithole.
I think London needs to be tactically nuked. It's for the sake of Britain.
I've got a better one. Save this.
basically i would vote for independence if we had a healthy political spectrum and not just multiculti 1 and multiculti 2
plus we're not going to be scottish anymore in about 10 years. most places getting filled with niggers and slav vermin
+ the western isles will be muslim refugee majority in 5 years too see:
still better than england though, for the moment.
thanks euro bro
Most of the people I talked to during my time living in southwest England hated Scotland. They seem like troublemakers, and they're completely obnoxious in parliament. They also voted remain by a large margin.
I've met a lot of hot scotts, I've never seen an attractive anglo.
You're an absolute spazmoid. The UK wouldn't be anywhere near as cucked if it wasn't for all the nigger loving socialist freaks in Scotland.
Pls... don't call me eurobro... but thank you.
haha nope, DNA is everything we are reshaping identity in the 21st century and ancestry is important for unity of white people all across the globe, you on the other hand will always be a paki ahmed....
No. Want out of UK and EU. I voted Yes and Leave. Would choose Scotland in UK out of EU over independent Scotland in EU.
>that pic
lol.Yeah, english people are really ugly for some reason. Must be caused they're a mixed ethnicity
>Muh white unity
>calls other white people pakis because he pointed out that you forwent your Scottish heritage after moving to genetic soupland.
Fuck off, you may be white but you're not Scottish
Yeah idk could be. Anglos are alright I guess, they're pretty jewish in the way they act but they used to be smart. I prefer scottish people over anglos though
Iberianbro... Moorbro's my maiden name...
good man, but do you not think after all this time, youv'e done a fair good job of retaining your culture whilst being part of the UK, that it would ultimately just be a bad move that benefits nobody in the end?
and this is the extent of scottish nationalism. Irn bru, being down to earth nice, being slackers tht dont take anything seriously. Nothing connected with anything about scottish history, langauge or culture.
but its still a great place at the moment, just not for long
>no, other people can't join my exclusive little club on a prison island!!! I'm special, we're special, walking around in skirts sitting in fog all day while being taxed outrageously, our personal freedoms of speech and self defense are completely eradicated, and there's no way out.
The best of the Scots, Ulster-Scots, and the English left for the U.S. a long time ago. All of this "muh TRUE European" trash, yet your bloodline was too cowardly to settle new frontiers. You think euros will make it to space? Private companies in the U.S. are doing more than the entire Eurozone can muster. The best universities, most innovative and inventive businesses... all from the U.S. Stay mad, faggot
well I am, fuck what you say, The leave movement for Scotland has stated that all people across the globe with direct ancestry will be welcome with open arms, I will move there, marry one of your finest celtic girls and within one generation my kids will be 100% scottish
if DNA is all your after (i assume you won't be coming for the weather) i'm sure you can find a 'scottish' gal over in the states
My reasoning for wanting out of EU and UK is simply I think governance that is local and more accountable is generally better.
Scottish government have made better and worse calls than Westminster on various issues. But just like MPs get to blame EU for their hands being tied, MSPs get to blame Westminster.
Take that away and the electorate can more accurately judge them.
The only Scots I can stomach are Ulster Scots.
>t.burger with a piss understanding of world politics
Fuck off, American cunt. We are British.
Yeah bro I'm sure you're Scottish as fuck!
>We are British.
No you fucking aren't Jock. Not any more.
its not all im after, my family hasnt preserved our heritage after many generations, playing the bag pipes, celebrating Robert Burns day, wearing our families tartan, preserving the Presbyterian church, maintaining relationships with old family friends in scotland, and even members being educated in some of the finest Universities in Edinburgh just to end up sitting back and letting a punch of non-europeans invade and permanently destroy everything that we love.... thats the funny thing is we should be on the same side, but some of you are so cucked you would rather let an endless stream of muslims into your country as opposed to welcoming someone with direct roots and connection to the land that has worked to preserve that culture all across the world....
Lowlanders have DNA similar to that of the Northern English. Again, you are mongo, spastic chin-licker.
>self hating scot
you're more scottish than you know
>Jose Tyrone Hernandez de O'Neill
You can fuck off, as well. Whether you like it or not, we swung for the Conservatives last year and, had we not, the Tories would have had to have went into a coalition with the Lib Dems (which would have ruined Brexit).
What did you do? Yeah, swung for Corbyn’s commie cock. Either that or you are a Welsh cunt.
We don't want and we don't need your opinion. Fuck off yank.
Holy shit this is hilarious
lol you really dont get it, people who immigrated to America obviously had a better sense of how great their Ancestors heritage really was and worked their hardest to preserve is far and wide wherever the found them selves on this planet... Robert Burns birthday is the most celebrated birthday in the world besides jesus christ
and heres me... thinking all this time how lucky you americans are having so much room on a continent that spans several climate regions with states for every political leaning. apart from your nigger problem you guys have a lot more potential and enough heritage that people like you should be proud to stand up and defend it. If you really do wish you were scottish and plan to move over, i'd suggest you do a lot of research on what it's actually like to live in, and i'm not talking about the pretty sites you see on postcards of the highlands. i'm talking about the crime and poverty of the cities that you will no doubt end up living in because most of the nice land is owned by the gentry/the queen herself.
dont get me started on Argentina you fag
WE DON'T CARE! You don't live here, you don't pay tax here, you don't help us, you do nothing, you larp and you preach about all that shit that means nothing and when things are shit instead of helping you insult.
You get no fucking rights, I don't care if you're 100% fucking Scottish and an ex-pat, you're traitors, you're filth, you're the scum that ran the fuck away when we needed you, we don't need you now and we don't need your fucking worthless opinion you yank cunt.
Fuck off with ye and fuck the shit Irish cunts too.
Prefer the Welsh to you lot. I hope Englishmen get a vote in the next referendum you won't be British for long.
>tfw Scottish ancestry
I know, I know, it's literally nothing. But I still kind of like to think about where I came from.
thats the whole point, if Scotland succeeds they will take all the queens land with it, she doesnt deserve a smidgen of dirt in a someone with education in farming and environmental studies and land management I would be able to play an important role in taking care of those lands and seeing them go to to good use in terms of preservation and also maximizing their output to best serve the scottish people....
also dont get me wrong, i am proud of my American roots as well, my ancestors played important rolls in settling this wild American landscape and creating something new and beautiful, but the whole time they did that they still remembered where they came from....
Way to ignore my point. You’re more whiny than the SNP, you crabbit cunt.
Voting Tory doesn't make you British or Anglo-Saxon.
>if Scotland succeeds they will take all the queens land with it
The Jocks are overwhelmingly in favour of monarchy. They just hate the English for not giving them enough free money.
I’ll trust my surname over some poof. Look up “Waddell”.
>if Scotland succeeds they will take all the queens land with it
"government has always maintained that the Queen would still be "Queen of Scots" if the country votes "Yes" on 18 September.
Earlier this week, he said the Queen "would be proud" to be the monarch of an independent Scotland."
>I would be able to play an important role in taking care of those lands and seeing them go to to good use
please tell me your larping, thats too funny... you realise we have agencies and trusts dedicated to this sort of thing, oh wait no sorry i forgot all we were missing was one uppity yank to save the day.
lol well once i have my scottish passport i will have rights, nothing you can say or do about it, we American Scots have done wonders for the the Scottish people, as far as naming different places in the US in honor of places in scotland, holding scottish highland games all over the nation, even as far as expanding and strengthening the scottish gene pool meanwhile many of you just sat around idle twittling your thumbs and denerating the genepool and letting the English squander all of scotlands sorry that happened to you lad, but we are coming back to make things right, once i have my passport i will have rights, and now you fear the brave explorers returning home with their ambitious and strong spirit but you will learn to embrace it, after i fuck your sister and you will end up being my childs uncle and at that point you will embrace me
Being a native of the island of Great Britain automatically makes you a Brit. Are you having a laugh?
ok we've been had this guys just a larper
You're right. The Scots have been nothing but trouble for us.
The Irish were considered British once.
The Celtic “““Britons””” were literally driven to Scotland and Wales. Can you even call yourself British?
And no, the Irish weren’t.
>you're traitors, you're filth, you're the scum
What the fuck
>Scottish Independence is embedded deep in my DNA
Scotland isn't even trying to be independent, they're trying to lose their sovereignty to the EU. However, the UK isn't our ally and I hope the scots get out and the UK is thrust into civil war.
>”The Scots have been nothing but trouble for us.” - he says as he types from his council estate.
as a limey, you ought to hope scotland, ireland, and wales all vote for independence. You're only hope for any semblance of freedom is for instability to lead to an armed insurrection.
Pets in the USA have more rights than white englishmen have in the UK.
I thought you were Anglo-Scottish. Are neither of us British now?
We're doomed if Ireland votes for independence.
I have mainly Anglo-Britonnic DNA.
did you not forget who wuz real britons goy?
obviously you have institutions in place but it takes talented individuals to manage those agencies and trusts, and to bring fresh and modern ideas to the table that are backed by research and trial and error. As for the queen, nope she wont be welcome to be the monarch, you are delusional, she can larp all she wants that the scottish people will fully embrace an english monarch even though they are declaring independence from England....but its just not in the cards, bigger and better minds than yours are at work here, and you embracing the english queen is a prime example of how Scotland needs
needs us to return home more then ever...
at this point i'm saving these as copypastas bro, fucking hilarious
>Scottish government have made better and worse calls than Westminster on various issues.
Education gone down the drain thanks to the SNP. Scottish education system was prided as one of the best in the world, now not any more.
Emergency services have become a disaster because of merging regions into one police force that is nothing but a disaster, they want to merge the Scottish part of British Transport Police (the railway cops) for the only reason to get rid of the name "British". Nobody in the police wants the merger, but it's happening because the SNP (and the Scottish Greens aka Yellows) say so.
SNP still adamant on having another independence referendum even though they want to be in the EU, makes zero sense. Since that stance they have kept on losing seats everywhere. SNP lost 21 seats in UK Parliament and could have lost more, Sturgeon doesn't give a fuck and is still trying to force another vote, as much as Theresa May is weak she has repeatedly told her to fuck off.
You have to realise that for as much as people whine about Westminster, the Scottish parliament isn't exactly that much better. SNP are a disaster and don't have many years left, people in Scotland are finally waking up and realising that the SNP have fucked them bad. As much as the other parties aren't that great, they would at least be better over the party that only cares about getting independence and nothing else.
The cuckoldry is deeper in Scotland than in any part of the UK. The Scottish independence proponents will suck and dick and willingly bend over a barrel for anyone as long as they get away from the UK its pathetic. Scotland can't exist prosperously without the UK.
Back when your faggot ancestors were sucking highland coo cock they didn't even want independence so fuck knows what you are on about dipshit.
>They also voted remain by a large margin.
Over a million Scots voted Leave but they are being ignored because the SNP are disgusted that one third of their party supporters voted Brexit.
Also the turnout in Scotland for the EU referendum was a lot smaller than anywhere else because the media kept on banging on about Remain, the political parties sided with them and the SNP tried to rig the vote by saying Vote Remain and you'll get a 2nd independence referendum, only that it backfired on them in subsequent elections. Leave side barely campaigned in Scotland either, if they did better they would have got more votes.
Scotland can be woken up from the mess that they allowed under the SNP but it takes time. SNP are trying to get immigration powers to flood the place with the EU's favourite migrants to stay in power. People need to stand against that.
The UK unironically has the best human rights in the EU
There will be no civil war in England, Wales and most probably not Scotland. NI is the only likely one.
Only if you are a paki or negro.
War in Ulster is inevitable. It'll probably happen when Catholics are found to be the majority.
guys im a paki ask me anything
;) glad my upbringing of watching Braveheart once a week hasn't gone to waste
What will it take for you to fuck off home?
>Scottish Ancestry
so a mulato eeh?
>So as an American with Scottish Ancestry
>Scottish Independence is embedded deep in my DNA
All 1/98ths of it?
fuck off mestizo fag
wtf i love multiculturalism now
okay "white" man.
we can look back and laugh over a pint at how right i was this day, in 5 years after i have made my glorious return. well host a bbq in the back yard for me and your sisters sons birthday, ill teach you a few american BBQ tricks and techs
i actually feel really bad for guys like OP who are so desperate to reach out to some form of heritage they go to the sheer lengths of larping this hard. I mean just highlight his posts and read through them all. it's so funny, but also a sad reflection on the derastinated state of white folk in america (assuming he's for real and not just shitposting for reactions)