Is this an effective training regimen?
Is this an effective training regimen?
>ACE won every single match since that training.
It's really effective, but I don't know why.
Sorry I've not been keeping up, are you saying Kuma didn't wipe the floor with her?
Kumami lost. ACE won.
It makes me happy.
For fucking real? That's shit
I'm glad I fucking dropped this that a Lesbian Kagamin? What show?
Ange Vierge.
He's lying, don't worry Kumabros.
Pic related is still the most effective training regime.
>They don't realize that Kumami isn't wearing sport clothes.
As expected from Kumamifags.
Thank God
DisgrACE begone. I'm a wankofag who likes kuma a lot. Koyori is the only reason second plACE even scored a point
>is this lesbian [insert lesbian here]
I want this meme to die.
You mean Wanko. The same Wanko Koyori needs to be at ACE's level.
Wanko should be banned from ping pong.
Second plACE needed another full 30 pages to score a second point.
We can safely say she's losing this chapter or the next one which will lead to bonding scenes between the two of them afterwards like pic related (replace Koyori with Kumami)
>he says because his girl has inferior taste in hair accessories and clothing brands
Arrows and mushrooms. Wew lad.
A-are they mating?
The clothes are pretty good at least.
They're not bad but man, Spats>bloomer every time
No. This is how they mate in their universe (left is non consensual)
It's how you stretch properly before a game of ping pong. They're not used to stretching with each other because they're not doubles partners. You should see munemune go
>translated chapter soon
>new chapter chapter in 10 days
hold me
ACE doesn't need hacks like Wanko items or talking bear to be the ACE.
Your right she needs them to not get knocked out of the competition without scoring a point. Even wanko can't make her an ace.
The atmosphere is hostile today, huh?
There's not enough DESSposting to keep people in line.
When was the last chapter translated?
I like to read updates and bully ace posters - and I'm all out of updates
I'll occasionally tease scorps and hokus but they're generally pretty cool
It's been translated but not typeset yet.
Hoku and Wanko confirmed by munemune's mune for being the most stimulating
That needed confirmation? Hoku is the hottest.
The meme is believing Kagami is lesbian.
>has wet dreams of fucking Konata
>she's straight
Also read the manga, most people ignore that Lucky Star didn't end with the OVA
You don't have wet dreams of your friends? What kind of shitty friend are you?
This thread needs more WALL.
Yet another lesbian thread.
Ping pong is for pussies. Tennis is for real men.
>Yurifags will defend this abusive tranier
I want to see WALL win the nationals.
That isn't groping for the best spot.
>not doing both for maximum fun
Is there actual yuri in the anime or manga? Or is it just teasing?
>I'm better than Kumami, that's why ACE won't lose.
However we don't know if the Talking bear pin has better bonuses than the Wanko item.
Mostly lewd teasing but then there's also this psycho who literally masturbates to MC's tears and lives for them.
Who knows. Wanko smashes harder, but apparently she's not 2FAST like her.
They have sex through ping pong.
>now has the most screentime thanks to the bear ride
>now has two character arcs
"now" is the keyword here
As soon as she loses Koyori will get back her MC title
ACE will lose the match, her dignity and her MC title probably not her fanbase though
I don't dislike Ace. Just those that think she's the ACE. Though Kumami is really starting to turn me around on how much someone can enjoy ace suffering
>ACE will lose the match
We call her ACE for some reason. And that reason is that she doesn't lose.
You don't call her ACE for any reason. Ace fears the Wanko and Kuma is Wanko tier. She's already lost.
You're calling ACE ACE because you know that ACE is ACE.
When I refer to her I use lowercACE to imply second plACE
I want Kumami to leave the thread right now
Leave that to me!
Happy ACE drives the bear away.
>幸せ なら OK です
Is this the new hot japanese meme?
>the (second) strongest player gets the cutest super moves
Happy ACE
If lesbianism is power, then Agari is fucked.
Smiles are fine too.
Kumami is the perfect switch. If a-chan hadn't talked shit and given her a reason to get sadistic she would never have known. Now she has to suffer the consequences of a bear that loves to bully.
I want to train with sweaty JCs.
Saki crossover when?
>If lesbianism is power
It is
>then Agari is fucked.
AgariKoyori is stronger. Another reason why ACE is going to win.
A plot point that has yet to be revealed uproots an already exposed plot point.
>another reasons
But there are only two reasons. Because she now has a Wanko power up and because she has lesbian power. Let me ask you: who granted her these advantages? Koyori. Koyori is the only reason Agari has a shot.
>Koyori is the only reason Agari has a shot.
So you're saying that the Wanko has a ping pong boost.
>Let me ask you: who granted her these advantages? Koyori.
Koyori did gave her the Wanko, but that doesn't mean that Koyori saved ACE.
You know that Wanko gives power, not Koyori.
Hence Koyori is only at ACE's level because she uses the Wanko power. According to my calculations, removing the Wanko makes Koyori fall on Hoku's level.
Unlike Ace, Hokuto won her match.
Koyori, like Kuma, holds back so that everyone can have fun without getting blown the fuck out all the time. The secret Wanko society all have top-tier players. Koyori will not be an exception.
It's possible. That special chapter implies Koyori and Kumami are comparable
Girls cant love girls
Was anime 2nd season confirmed?
Dogs and aces can though.
>Koyori and Kumami
So who would fuck the Ace harder, Bear or Dog?
Koyori goes as hard as she can and only cares about her own doki doki. Kuma lives for the reaction be it getting a dere out of ace or making her feel bad during.
Is methodically sadistic kuma worse than animalistic wanko? Hard to say
Dog is gentle at first, surprisingly rough during the act.
Bear is the opposite. She'd make Ace bleed before healing and cuddling time.
Wait, you were talking about ping pong?
I need it
After the Anne Happy crossover.
Sweet sweet sweat.
Oh my goodness
I need this
Why is ACE your favorite ping pong girl?
Because she is the coolest, sexiest and cutest.
Tsubame's ACE is my favorite because she could beat up the entire cast.
She makes my kokoro do doki doki
ACE is only second because I feel like she's cucking me of the best ping pong girl.
What if the author dies before finishing this match?
Suicide pact, lads
What if we all die before the match ends?
Ascend to heaven and ask him what happens
Post more lewd ping pong girls.
>sweating man
Kek. Saved.
Trading them for lewd scorpion.