German-Dutch-Austrian Confederation when...

German-Dutch-Austrian Confederation when? Europe is a failure but a confederation of this three very similar countries would work. What Austrians and Dutch anons think about that?

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So, in other words GrossDeutschland?

no Anschluss this time, its a confederation of three independent countries who work together.

You do realize that an Austrian led Germany to occupy The Netherlands? Why would the Dutch ever want such an alliance?

Germany and Austria for sure but dutch however... the Netherlands should annex Flanders already, the French can have the remains so this abomination they call "Belgium" ceases to exist finally.

Großniederlande (Netherlands + Flanders) and Großdeutschland (Germany + Austria) seems more reasonable to me.

And please no weird confederation. Anschluss all the way.

As you wish, if you want us to drag you into another world war which you will lose and be blamed for then sure, let's go

this time agianst the muzzies

a peaceful confederation, with a schengen like agreement and military aid. We will work close together politically but all countries stay independent.

It's great, Dutch with FvD and PVV ruling, German with AfD ruling and Austria with FPO and another party ruling.


Better to have this coalition + V4 nations

Like the EU you mean?


You are german just like us. This has little to do with the war. If you believe in nation states then Germany and Austria must be one.

Otherwise you give abominations like Belgium a right to exist.

fuck off, dont use mosley to shitpost in the name of churchill

no eu politicans are Brussels controlled kikes

no without V4, slavs are to diffrent it will just cause trouble. Only Germanic countries, denmark could join the confederation too but thats it. We should stay as a small confederation because if we get big we will have the same problem as the EU.

Not a bad idea. What are the ideas concerning border control and trade?

>the Netherlands should annex Flanders already,
Whether or not this confederation is good the annexation of Flanders is simply a given


Wenn Österreich als Nation einen großen Hirntumor hat der uns früher oder später umbringen wird, dann sind sowohl Deutschland als auch die Niederlande im Vergleich bereits am verrotten.

Der einzige Ausweg aus dem ganzen Scheiß liegt nicht einmal mehr in unseren Händen, sondern hängt davon ob die USA schnell genug kollabieren.

Unsere Zeit war vorbei bevor sie überhaupt richting angefangen hat.

Keep switzerland out of it though

193X war doch ganz nett

Back off. The Austrians are ours.

Ich stimme zu, ohne einen Zerfall der USA wird sich in Europa vermutlich allgemein nicht viel tun. Aber ich dachte wir reden hier von romantischen Vorstellungen.

>Germony almost all of their bundesländer cocksucking fags
>netherholland queer the european nation
>Austria based defender of Europe, head of V4, leader of Balkan, true Roman successors, only real German speaking country, roach killer etc.
Yeah, Austria totally should stick with these gayfags

free trade and open borders on our inner border. On our outer borders we will have border control so we can prevent another refugee crisis.

fuck off bernd, go suck nigger cock

Just break the central bank and everyone can get what they fucking want.
Why is this so difficult ?

Don't repeat your old mistakes. Annex eternal Swiss first!

Seems like a good idea at first glance.
The confederation is gonna run into some the same problems as the EU however. Trade economy vs internal production economy and loss of sovereignty for the smaller partners for example.

Also is there any reason not to include the Scandinavian countries?

the key is to stay small so problems like we dont get problems like we have in the EU.

*the key is to stay small so we dont get problems like in the EU

>open borders on our inner border
Better to have some border control. I want to maintain my own culture and we're heavily outnumbered compared to Germans.

>tfw the Germans will never invade your country
>tfw you will never beat them back in the alpes
>tfw the world will never sing tales of the greate Helvetic mountain warriors who beat back the Germans against all odds
We're waiting since two world wars. But oh well, now we store cheese in our mountain bunkers and the women have gained the right to vote. It might just be the time to strike....

Also what about our monarchy?

Add Denmark and remove Austria

what do you mean?

Austria belongs culturally and ethnically to Germany, it might have a huge history with east/southeastern europe but I think they are better of with us since we speak the same language.

First clean up your act.
Greater-Netherlands should be the sovereign ethnic nation state.
After that, all collaboration with other ethnostates is welcome, especially the Nordic and Germanic ones.

>switzerland would fight for their muslims

call me surprised

Who gives a fuck about our monarchy, they have allowed themselves to be made completely impotent and useless. There's no point in them anymore.

Monarchy should be purely ceremonial.
They will be stripped of all official roles and they'll be taxed.

Yeah alright that makes sense. But it's got to be very different from EU obviously. No single currency, independent foreign policy except for war and no institutions (judges, commissions etc) above the national level. Otherwise it's just EU light for us small guys.

As in do we keep it?

Currently it is, but it good be better. At least king could serve as a conservative role model for the society.

>Also is there any reason not to include the Scandinavian countries?

scandinavians hate germans so fuck off

its a confederation so you are independent, its your own choice.


why dont you simply accept that you are mountain german (or italian or french or whatever the 4th one is) and request to join the mother state?

>No single currency
yeah agree with that, i want deutschmark back.

Won't happen
You think your media is bad in Deutschland, Nederlands is brainwashed beyond belief
And I guarantee we will get revenge for such things

Agree, Swiss are Jew scum

Well we were already talking about abolishing inner borders, so by then you can't really speak of sovereignty anymore.
On a side note, what's your opinion on bringing back the German Emperor (at least in some sort of symbolic function)?

no need for hate friendo, but i agree a Scandinavian confederation of sweden, norway, denmark and maybe finland would make more sense.


Because the swiss, like the poles, have an isolation/everybody but us mindset

Netherlands is arguaby better than Germany, see pic related
Also they took in 1 million migrants and here coalition talks with Green-Left failed when they suggested we take in 25,000 (all other parties wanted 5,000)

Don't forget Iceland

It sounds good culture wise since since we lack of it. We could be again proud and patriotic and I think it would be accepted more in the public since it has nothing to do with the third reich.

oh yeah i forgot that

not saying they are scum, they just like to act smug and would not be worth the inconvenience

>fighting for your country is fighting for muslims now
Your long nose is showing Kraut. I think you're not in a position to call out the muslim population of other countries. At least most of our muslims are Europe, you will be a Turkish exclave in 20 years.
I don't deny that we're alpine Germanic but Switzerland is our home and the heritage of our ancestors.
Why don't you join up with Bosnien Herzegowina and Serbia? You're more similair to one another than we are similair to Dutch people.

But on the other hand, i personally wouldn't mind a temporary collaboration between all Germanic nations to put a certain flag back to its place.

I'm not agianst monarchy as an institution, I'd probably prefer an Absolute Monarchy over our current democratic system. Problem now is that there's no point in our monarchy and there's no member of the royal family that could make it relevant agian in even as a "conservative role model". All Willem's children are all women too so no potential there except if maybe Amalia marries some right-wing military guy but I doubt that will happen.

Not really, most people here are pretty casually racist and homophobic, for example the hosts of the most popular show among men here(Voetbal International) constantly make remarks that piss off a bunch of lefties. Thing is the population is very apathetic politically so political advocacy of any kind is somewhat looked down upon.

>not a 500 billion reichsmark note

now would you look at that, looks like we are in the same boat

i dont want a rubel 2.0

Don’t taint Austria with those dogshit countries.

>t. american who never was in europe

please daddy can we be your stableboys again?

Absolute Monarchy is a bit of a danger. Think about what would happen if the king/queen becomes some kind of SJW.
Also a queen can be good (queen Victoria was pretty based if I remember correctly) but you're right that it would be probably best for Amalia to marry some military guy.

give him a break, all he probably knows is that austria elected a right wing party and now he thinks austria is based and germany+netherlands are not

Many people just double their assets back in 2014.

I am not even right and I would be all for it. Our economies are similar enough, and the lingually different dutch probably will adapt in the longterm.

Maybe we could Anschluss the danes and swiss as well?

>Thing is the population is very apathetic politically so political advocacy of any kind is somewhat looked down upon.
That's our problem, too centrist. We are not going full open borders like Sweden or Germany but that means that problems are not that great and you don't get much backlash

absolute monarchy sounds unrealistic in this time desu.

>and the lingually different dutch probably will adapt in the longterm.
No, let's have us keep our own language. We can promote the teaching of German more though. Think Finland where Swedish is taught as a second language


no anschluss, swiss stay neutral like the always do and I think denmark would more likely belong to a Scandinavian/nordic union but i would not have anything against them joining us. But there should not be more then 4 countries in our confederation.

Many from or muslims come from the balkan states while quite a few of your muslims come from Turkey. So at least ours are mostly European....which is of course in the end just an attempt to make a horrible situation sound a bit better.
I guess it's not the time for fighting, i hope we both manage to salvage this situation somehow, the birthrates tell a horrible tale of the future. Though, i'm actually more pessimistic for the furute of my country than for the future of Germany.

It probably is, I think you can at most get like a right-wing dictator declaring himself emperor if he manages to be really accomplished in opposition to foreign left-wing governments but the days of the old monarchies are long over.

>But there should not be more then 4 countries in our confederation.

Agreed. Large Units fail.

That is an option as well, as long as we can agree to have a lingua franca everyone CAN speak. In my opinion the lack of one is the main reason why a united EU would never fully work.

yeah we should keep our own cultures but teach our languages in schools instead of other languages like spanish or french. Our and the austrian children would learn dutch and your children would learn german as a second language.

>Though, i'm actually more pessimistic for the furute of my country than for the future of Germany.
how comes ? quick rundown pls

>That is an option as well, as long as we can agree to have a lingua franca everyone CAN speak. In my opinion the lack of one is the main reason why a united EU would never fully work.
I actually consider German to be quite good as a lingua franca. It's more difficult than English but also more precise. Can be good for discussing trade, science etc.

>Our and the austrian children would learn dutch and your children would learn german as a second language.
German is already taught here. You can teach Dutch but I don't think it's really necessary if we teach German.

I guess you are right

Although we, pepiks and Austrians nearly enterted a V4 like union in 2014, nearly though.

This. More living space for Germans.


It's just a few things which accumulate over time
>Every 4th in the country is a foreigner, not counting in the people which are Swiss just by paper or are mixed
>Don't teach our history anymore in quite a few schools, get teaches about colonialism instead.
>mass migration initiative in 2014 goes through barely
>politicans backstab us and make a law to benefit Swiss workers over EU workers which has nothing to do with border control
>Initiative to deport criminal foreigners fails
>Initative to make it easier to get the Swiss pass goes through
>SVP (our patriots) grows but they seem unable to actual preserve Switzerland. They rather just help our farmers instead of keeping Switzerland Swiss.
>The FDP sell out Switzerland and Christians (CVP) are cucks
>Our left are straight up traitors(want EU membership and more immigration) but they can present themselve eloquent
>Expect SVP to grow in 2019 but nothing will change,Switzerland slowly but surely vanishes.
This year we'll have the "Begrenzungsinitiative" from the SVP to basically end the free movement of people. But i have not much hope, it's like the last scream of our dying country.
I didn't even mention how the Eurocrats want to turn us into a vassle state with the so called "Rahmenabkommen" and our politican are actually for it.
Germany is big, you can take a few hits. We can't.

>Don't teach our history anymore in quite a few schools, get teaches about colonialism instead.
Why FFS? You're a landlocked country that is renowned for being neutral

My mitochondria!! How will I ever recover??

mountains dont protect from backstabs I guess

Ayyyyyy my euro boiiis
Can we join?

>How will I ever recover??
Lol. Never.

what do you think ?

The biggest mistake of our right was to leave the education sector to the left. The left would probably answer your question with something like
>Yes, Switzerland never took part in colonialism and slavery but we also profited from it which makes us guilty

>German-Dutch-Austrian Confederation when? Europe is a failure but a confederation of this three very similar countries would work. What Austrians and Dutch anons think about that?

Only three States in Germany are substainable. Throw the rest to the wolves.


This almost happened under the house of habsburg in 1789

didnt knew that, thanks for the information.

the thread with probably die soon, i will remake it tomorrow.