Hiro said we can have a meta thread to freely discuss ways to improve the board

Hiro said we can have a meta thread to freely discuss ways to improve the board.

Start by range banning you.

we already had one today retard

Fuck off with this drama.
I come to Sup Forums to talk about anime, not this.

Kinomod is already saving us

Start by fucking off with your shitty metas

Checked, saged.

The threads are going non-stop. The mods are auto-saging instead of deleting them, and I think they're too lenient on this cancer.

Then tell the mods to stop stirring shit up and remove that retarded sticky. They've already given up anyways.

Come back to /qa/. I miss you.

Kill yourself you pile of shit.

Are shitposters/generalfags so BTFO that they have to spam meta threads now?

By doing what?

Who the hell thought this was a good idea? With this new format we got hundreds of threads with few posters, the old format was perfect, are mods trying to kill this board?

Just filter OP's image, removes 99% of these shitposts

He also said one per week, fuck off.

Why didnt you?

Reminder to sage and report garbage threads.

I honestly believe that thread subject fields are to blame for this. Before the catalogue the subject field didn't get much attention, but now it's very prominant in the catalogue and everyone uses it.

Sup Forums will never be saved.

That's the way it's supposed to be. Threads are supposed to be short and the board moves through them quickly. Hitting the bump limit used to be a rare thing.

Why people get so butthurt over this thread.

Because it's garbage, just like the rest of your threads

Liking yaoi, futanari, and anal makes you gay.

>"New episode came out earlier today, I wonder if anyone's talking about it."
>Open general, have to read through 350 posts to see if anyone has already said what you wanted to talk about.
>There were a couple of relevent posts 2 hours ago.
>Try to bring up the subject again, but get bitched at because the thread as moved on
>Faggots continue spaming pictures of their waifu or shitposting about how they want to cum on x-character's tummy

This is why generals are bad.

Correct, off-topic, but correct

It's garbage.

The mods need to keep the generals in check. The DBS thread is back to the usual shitposting.(Chadhan, Caulifags, Toeipedros, Toyocucks, etc).
They talk about the posters and not the anime/manga.

Im not op. Look how mad you are.

Generals are a breeding ground for attention whores. It's inevitable when they close themselves off into their echo chambers.

Just ban dragonball threads like we did with naruto. It is the ONLY way to fix this.

Never said you were, did I?

You implied that.

Previous thread
Put link in the OP next time.


This thread needs a good pastebin

here i saved Sup Forums for you

Kinomod made me watch Kino no Tabi and I'm grateful

All communities will devolve into activism if not monitored by staff anyways.
Might as well become a spammer and try to find ways to have fun with Sup Forums's design.

True kino.

>Meta threads about banning generals
>Meta threads after selectively banning certain threads that are deemed "general"
Sasuga Sup Forums

No, I implied that you're a generalfag who's mad that your shitty threads keep getting nuked

What a pathetic thread.

i agree that the responsibility ultimately falls on the administrators for letting the inmates run the asylum and for not having their own plan and their own vision for the ultimate direction of the website.

>make a thread with the word loli in it
>thread Insta deleted
Excellent job faggot mods

>killing lolishit
Based mods

It took you 20 minutes to reply and you are wrong. I hate generals. Stop being a mad child.


Use the archive it's not hard

Currently 3 threads up with loli in the OP. One of them even has the word twice.
What are you talking about?

Kill yourselves.


I'm behind a scriptblocker right now, tell me.

>m-muh twenty minutes!
>n-no you're mad!
And that's the best argument you could come up with, newfag?
