In this video he addresses the 'Jewish Question' and says that Jews are in positions of authority because they're just smarter, and he says leftists are typically smarter. WTF

Not going to click. Did he really say leftists are smarter? How did he come to this conclusion? Almost all niggers, spics, sandniggers etc. are on the left politically are they smart too?

No your just to dumb to grasp his point.

> Jews are in positions of authority because they're just smarter
literally true. No need to deny that higher IQ people are more successful (jews=asians>whites>spics>blacks), unless of course you're a brainlet.

>"Don't gather together or you will be expressing nazi-like white supremacy"
>"I support jewish tribalism even though they are racially white but call themselves jews and don't want to question the duality"

What does being smart have to do with being a banker parasite

You can be smart and successful without being a parasite.

But parasite's gonna parasite.

He says people with High IQs tend towards trait-openess, which is jargon for the idea that they lean towards leftist policies. That does not mean that all leftists are smart, but that smart people tend to be left-leaning.
He brought it up to answer the question as to why so many jews seem to be left leaning and that's his theory apart from the possibility that they would be anti right-wing simply because of how much they have been persecuted by right-wing governments in the recent past.

False, there are races with the same IQ as Jews, not to mention there are more whites with an IQ above 110 than there are Jews, yet none hold as much power as Jews.

>In this video he addresses the 'Jewish Question' and says that Jews are in positions of authority because they're just smarter, and he says leftists are typically smarter. WTF
ahahahhaha! of course he would say that! he is jewish after all. just look at him.

>Jews are in positions of authority because they're just smarter
Intelligence coupled with severe nepotism. There is a reason why their tribe has been kicked around the earth. They get to the top and try to take over, then get outted, cry about it and repeat in their host country. They have a fucking country but choose to meddle in affairs across the globe.

The most dangerous adversary is the one that is smarter than you are.

It's the Nepotism, they're not smarter.

You have to be pretty smart to get to powerful influential positions. Whether evil or not.
>inb4 brain dead celebrities getting rich
Not the same as influence

I would think higher than average IQs among Jews is down to necessity rather than any other reason. If you've been chased all over the globe, eventually you'll develop various survival strategies. Being smarter than the predator is one.

I don't buy into 14.5 million Jews worldwide having the power to manipulate the minds of the other 7.3 billion, anymore than a few Russian Putin Bots could influence the outcome of the US elections.

If it is the Jews, then it's backfiring horribly. They seem to be suffering more than anyone by the islamic invasion of the west (((they))) are engineering. It doesn't wash or hold water.

I always love this line from them. Oh we are just smarter! Oh you mean the political white liberal elite, not your base. Got it "oh no that's not what I meant!" Yeah it is.

they are smart to be so nepotistic

Leftists DO tend to have higher IQ's IN GENERAL compared to right wingers. However they're also way beneath the right in terms of wisdom (i.e. they have basically none).

That is half the argument. Sure they could be over represented because they are smarter. But the substantive criticism is how they use that power and what they are advocating for.

Cancer thread.

Higher IQs is debatable. They are certainly more credulous than right wingers and more inclined to want peer approval.

Think about it. All the dumb Jews were slaughtered in WWII. The smart ones left when the red flags appeared. And the smart ones were the only ones multiplying.

I think it has more to do with self-awareness, smarter people tend to be more neurotic and self-aware of their actions and how other people perceive them. So they lean left because most of the soft stuff is there, they know the hard realities and might even support them on policy level, but where they feel themselves or rather feel the need to lean is left, just out of kindness towards others, even though they don't.

Kind of a mass hypnosis if you will, there are other social tells that point to it too. Like how smarter people think there are a lot of people who agree with them, even when they are in the minority.

Asians vote liberal in higher rates than Latinos

There are only about 30 million Jews worldwide

It's not even half that number.

>right wing is more intelligent, independant, critical than the left.
>gets massively trolled, duped and used by Russian shills, to point of ruining right wing politics and America’s international leadership.


No what ruined right wing politics and caused our government to become polarized and ineffective was the importation of non-whites into our lands you retard. Maybe be a little more politically aware?