We need to ban these weapons of murder

We need to ban these weapons of murder

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We don't need to ban them, just deport them

>tripfag on Sup Forums

no runs over 100+ people if there are no motorized vehicles

They have a plan dont worry.

Why don't we just ban shootings?

>LA Times.
Dear god, they reason like children.


lmao nobody is going to ban anything.
now go back to jacking off over karl marx and your other fantasies like harry potter

What kind of adult man writes like that?

Honestly this entire ordeal has killed any faith I had remaining in democracy. Most people are little better than cattle and must be brought to heel by great men.

The alt-right is, more than anything else, about suppressing the peasant revolt that is the modern world.

So who brought you to heel?

Just make it illegal to kill other people. Problem solved.

You have the thought process of a child

Guns make everyone EQUAL.

Do you want your mother subjugated to a 6'9" negroe refugee ?

Make her EQUAL by giving her a gun

The American EQUALIZER.

surely we can get this thread to bumplimid

Charles Whitman killed 17 people with a bolt action rifle but that's none of my business

I'm waiting for a guy to go on a killing spree with a musket just to prove these people wrong.

Isn't it a felony to shorten a rifle barrel?

>These guns are too good at killing we need to get rid of them
>You anons actually think that you could fight a corrupt government with guns. Just let them go, they won't help you anyway.

We live in nice neighborhoods. Not really an issue

Oh look its Julianna the name-fag


Is one person a spree?

I mean the second part is true

Yeah, some boomer fuck filmed himself committing a felony so he could virtue signal. Hope the ATF shoots his dog

yo how are people still gettin killed an shit aint murder like illegal?? lmao takin guns aint gona do shit dum bitches

>less guns = same amount of gun deaths
Flawless logic

Noone becomes a mass truck-smasher of little girls without an assault truck
Ban assault trucks

Don't all guns technically shoot mass? Fuck, even bows do that


>mass-shooting gun

Oh please, breivik got the highest count with a wood-stock .223 and a pistol.

f- fuck guy i think i saw a kid throw a snowball the other day
did i witness a mass shooting ? glowies please don't hurt me

Yes we need to get rid of the gun that causes 75% of gun homicides. Goodbye handguns!

he used a ruger mini-14

Which is a wood-stock 223. Why are you repeating what I said OP?

all fields

It's just a fucking sign with a gay hashtag on it. No need to get crazy little buckaroo.