Dagashi Kashi was a masterclass in character design, why did they change it?
Dagashi Kashi was a masterclass in character design, why did they change it?
>masterclass in character design
But it just had one girl with swirly eyes and another with really small pupils
is that that guy from homestuck in the background.
I like the new character design
shut the fuck up
No seriously, that was it.
They could have at least removed the fucking retarded neck shading in the new designs and I wouldn't complain
Hotaru in the original made my dick hard.
Here she is making me scared.
Holy shit.
I'm scared
They're all so hideous
But they didn't change it.
Why isn't the entire Japanese candy industry backing this?
Different studio.
I like it. Would still plow her from behind
God her head is so fucking big while her hands are tiny
What a shitty art style
From the length of her fingers, they actually look kind of big to me. It's just that we're looking at them edge on.
Like you.
I want to mating press her more than I did during S1.
I really wanted to see more sex with children and sexually exploitive shots of little girls. It kinda disappointed me.
You're better off not knowing.
Flat coffee a shit
I'm talking about the manga and season 2 art style.
Cheaper to animate.
Don't bother with these threads though, OP. People on Sup Forums are contrarian enough that they WILL defend this, even though while it looks good, it's still a straight downgrade.
I don't care. I'll watch it anyways.
Hotaru and Hajime
Hotaru was and still is the only reason I watch this thing.
I haven't watched this show but the TurtleFishPaint doujin of it was godly and the new design posted ITT looks shit
t. Saw the thread on Sup Forums front page
But I like the dagashi too.
She is a dagashi in human form that I would like to eat with gusto.
Is there a reason they did nudity in the first episode didn't do anything later? A man can't live off asses alone.
I'd like to see more comedy than the first season had especially more of those weird candy skits like the gundam parody.
I want her to sit on my face
It's weird that even with how much Dagashi Kashi solely subsists of Hotaru appearances, I can't find it in my heart to be mad about it because Hotaru is god tier.
i want what saya is having
implying that coconuts isn't the coolest dude ever
Oh great, she's yandere now. How is she going to kill everyone?
WAS god tier, user. Was.
I'll miss her
>Dagashi Kashi was a masterclass in character design
No, it really wasn't.