Hiro said we can have a meta thread to freely discuss ways to improve the board.
Hiro said we can have a meta thread to freely discuss ways to improve the board
Ban lolis and any high school fan service threads.
Delete Sup Forums
>Hiro said
And if Hiro were a mod, somebody would care.
Fuck off.
it's over, everything is shit now. mods were a mistake.
>Hiro said
Sorry, but Hiro's word is worth shit.
He has zero control of the establishment.
Are you guys somehow unaware that that image was a context-specific statement from almost a year ago? OP's just shitposting, as always.
Go back to 100 post/thread autosage
Remove progressive mods.
Guys what if
Seriously I need you guys to listen
What if
What if (((everyone))) had to sign up with a user name that tracked all of their posts, how long they have been using Sup Forums, and how many animeS they have been watching.
I bet that would be sugoii*
*sugoii = great
Fuck off
It'll take a while until this one's on autosage mode as well.
[insert angry post with a (You) in it]
I demand /ag/!
I second this.
Why not force facebook integration... xd
You bastard.
What does it even matter, they've already made thinly veiled generals that the mods aren't deleting. Why even pretend it changed anything?
Blatant generals
Thinly veiled generals
Nothing changed.
>Would fix shitposting and ban evaders
>Would expose newfags
That's actually a pretty good idea.
Allow the DJT back on Sup Forums. One of the main reasons a lot of people are learning Japanese are to understand manga and anime. It's just one thread and it's actually useful and educational.
I dream for a modless Sup Forums
yall faggots act like generals were ever supposed to be allowed. You know how many bans I got during the great general war to get generals banned. Then months later mods forget. Been pissed off ever since.
>not caring what hiro says
>but yet caring what mods say
i fail to see the reason behind caring less about person who has all the power that people, that you care about more, have AND more
But we're doing just fine on jaypee
Delete this user.
ofcourse nothing changed
if something was in practice for a decade, few newfag mods wont be able to change it by slapping imaginary rules onto front page
fuck me, i bet most people didn't even actually read the sticky, me included
Put all threads on autosage from the second post. This has the virtue of pissing off the generalists who want log running threads and the no-lifers who see staying on the first page as some test of thread fitness.
What is the problem with generals, what they did to you and your family?
Nice general you have there.
Generals are literally the cancer that are killing Sup Forums. This site is built so you can make a thread on a certain topic, have it done and over with and move on. When you introduce generals you're actively encouraging circlejerking, low quality posts (I want to smell/lick/kiss X's Y for the 100th time!!) and subjects to discuss fade because everyone has disucussed them to hell and back.
>not 55
this is what happend wen all the hakers got lifes and jobs now mods can be fucking nazis and theres nothing we can do about it
Blame catalogs
the problems are poster-related and less thread related. A general thread is fine if there aren't like fuckin 40 of them in the catalog at once.
The spamming of multiple threads and shitposting is the result of gasp, shitposters, who need to be viciously destroyed until they take the hint.
Why is this thread still up?
>This site is built so you can make a thread on a certain topic
Because ping pong.
See what I mean, retard? You parrot same things and you can't explain the difference between a general and a non-general in a way I understand.
Generals degrade because content runs out. Eventual there's nothing new to talk about.
On Sup Forums we banned /sug/ and /tlhg/ to /trash/ because the threads ended up becoming nothing but Waifu fagging, role playing, and general spamming. Eventually we banned generals all together. Though, some are trying to bring them back, we shouldn't allow that. They are terrible.
>On Sup Forums
Steven Universe should be banned from the existence, fuck that cancerous SJW children cartoon.
Sup Forums should be a board for comics and related cartoons only.
children cartoons could have their own board like /babu/ or whatever
> this is what happend wen all the hakers got lifes and jobs
Kill yourself, underageb&.
>children cartoons could have their own board like /babu/ or whatever
They do
Sup Forums
>general are already back
What was the point of the sticky again?
in your own autism try describing what a general is
>some generals deleted
>5 shitfish in archive, 1 live
Great board culture!
I would rather find you and beat you with a spade.
>Kill yourself
It's pretty disappointing. I haven't even seen a single threadban.
>What was the point of the sticky again?
To stir up unrest, in order to justify whatever is coming down the pike to help Hiro monetize people who post here..
some generals are being single targeted while others are ignored its hard to grasp what the main goal is
fucking retards
Well, the Boruto thread I was posting got suddenly deleted for no reason. It had actual discussion and didn't have shitposting or waifuwars or anything. No Boruto thread can survive right now even if it isn't shit.
Did you reply to the wrong person?
You're generous to assume that they have a goal. If one exists I suspect it's simply doing less work, since that interferes with jacking off to banned images.
Any templated thread without a real topic usually including backlinks and some wiki links. In recent years you fags got bold and started adding edition shit from Sup Forums.
There are stealth generals which Sup Forums has always turned a blind eye to, like toaru went under the radar during the general war, but madoka strike witches got BTFO for formatting the OP.
>edition shit from Sup Forums
If there is one thing Sup Forums have over Sup Forums is the fact that their shit board doesn't have general.
and that is why they are the best board im i rigth
If you're unable to comprehend what he (and everyone else) has said, I don't think you should be calling anyone a retard.
Sup Forums more fun than Sup Forums.