ITT: Characters who were objectively correct





It's not about being objectively correct, you comformist scum.

Manami is a fucking rat and a manipulator.

Would you tell the little sister of someone you like that she is creepy? That's not how nice women act.

Yeah, it's less about whether she's right or wrong and more about the fact that she's a gigantic cunt about it.

If you think she was correct, you're a normalfag and retarded.

You can't shield her from the truth forever. Some things need to be said, even if it hurts.

She was a psychotic bitch and a sore loser

But fun is subjective.

t. never truly loved as a child


Manami did nothing wrong. Kirino was fucked in the head, Manami did the right thing trying to set her straight all those years ago.

Depends, I don't really think that giving Saber back Avalon would, in most scenarios, be of much value as she already has pretty high regeneration capabilities, while Shirou has none, thus it would be of a strategic advantage to have one person with really high durability and resistance and the other person pretty much immortal than to have one person pretty much immortal and the other person close to defenceless, especially when their plan is to do a double-confrontation, very likely exposing both to rather high degrees of danger. The route options obviously did not favour Shirou keeping the Avalon, however, I would say that realistically it would've been a preferable option, unless Shirou being capable of projecting Avalon on his own was the plan all along, in which case it would seem too risky of a plan to suceed.

Muh ningen

She was not fucked in jer head. She was just experiencing her first troubled feeling.

But if they are fun for you, than it's still fun. The argument still holds.

At th end of the day, she had great intuition, it wasn't innocent kid's lack of understanding of things like love and marriage which makes some little girls say things like "I'll marry my daddy/brother". No, she noticed it was the beginning of something serious and unhealthy. She failed to stop it though, no matter what she did.

No you dumbass, she caused it
If she didn't try to pull that shit it would have all happened differently

It's not her fucking business in first place

Proven incorrect



Fuck off Kirinofags, incest is degenerate as fuck

Ignoratio elenchi, what you say could be true or not, but has nothing to do with the OP post.